voted most likely....

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 7 years, 29 days ago) by Vin

Pretty simple game!

Post in character and comment what that character would be "voted most likely" to be/do.


voted most likely to kill for love. 

Sofia EeveeDream

Voted most likely to kill for fun.


Voted most likely to start putting lipstick on you out of the blue.

Dove nesstchi

Voted most likely to eat an entire buffet and not think twice about it.

Radio BittyBot

Voted most likely to sing your favorite songs purposefully wrong 

 Hiromi shikyoriipaa

Voted most likely to sting you on purpose

Rudy Campbell primskorv

Voted most likely to set your house on fire tbh


Voted most likely to watch you sleep. ;))

Bandet <3 EeveeDream

Voted most likely to steal something because you said not to.

RAW reinapepiada

Voted most likely to cry when being told compliments (or in any situation, really)

Brynne Maddox nesstchi

he just constantly cries 24/7 man

voted most likely to just start doing an embarrassing dad dance in public for absolutely no reason.


voted most likely to spend all of your money on shopping sprees tbh.

 Fortinbras (Saber) Caine

Voted most likely to actually fight the person who tells them to "fight me"

Agatha Thales Isoprene

Voted most likely to inhale deeply when opening up a new book before realizing that she's in public and now everyone knows she's a shameless book-sniffer!!!!