What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

Salvador Wapenburg fizzelston

Salvador took a deep breath. He stood in Château Vieillemont. You know, in the hallway with the many stuffed animals and the mounted animal heads. You'd expect Salvador to be at least a bit used too the sight of those dead animals, but he was not. Far from. Still, his desire for art (uho) won from his common sense. "My pah told me that you drew his camel, and it looked really really good, he hanged the portrait in his home," Salvador said in óne breath. His voice accelerated by his nerves. Turns out Roswell's influence, somehow, actually, worked. Who would have guessed!?
"I've seen it," Salvador said. "The drawing I mean," he added quick. "And..." he paused, the word hanging in between them like a thick blanket of awkwardness for the longest time, "it's really good so," Salvador swallowed. Then pressed the noses of his shoes in the mansion's stone-floor. "I... Grabbed my savings and," Salvador held up his small wallet, with an even smaller smile on his face. "And.. Well I wondered, if you wanted to draw my pet as well.." He said. "I..I can pay you! I got 25 duiten, and a handfull of kronen. I'm not sure how much that's worth here but," Salvador said. Still as hastily as before. By the nearest table Salvador turned the moneybag upside down. Emptying his year worth of savings right then and there. 25 duiten, as he'd promised and 10 kronen. Too put it in perspective, 5 duiten was enough for a trainticket back too Drakenburg. You could buy nice polished ice-skates for 10. A mustache comb, clean and hygiene set (including lard) for another 10.
Imagine all the fun Salvador was missing out on buying this commission with his last savings!

Salvador took a step back. Allowing Lacie to obsereve his meager pile of coins. "I, uh.. Its a goat. My pet, I.. Took her with me, she's.. In the courtyard actually," Salvador said. Smiling blundly. "Oh I tied her to a pole, so she can't eat your garden.. I promise," Salvador said. A frown crept on the smaller thief's face. He hád tied her down..Right?
"Your beautiful garden.Geit, as she's called, would have a field day if I hadn't tied her down. Eating all those rare plants," Salvador said. Before forcing himself to shut up. "But she's definitely tied down. And not eating any plants. As we speak... Want to go outside and meet her?" Salvador asked. As he put his hands deep into his pockets.
"She's very sweet, and probably the best model you had.. Beside Gustav of course. He's a born modeling-talent." 


Fuck yeah Salvador finally got SOAP

Salvador kicked a small stone in the courtyard. His hands deep in his pockets as his mind raced. Unimportant things, about how to steal and which train he wanted to spot next. It wasn't raining (for once!) but still the thread of drizzle hang int he air. It played on the youth's longs. Giving his breathing, that formed small clouds, a soft squeaking noise.
Salvador was so deep in thought that he didn't even hear the dark figure sliding down. When someone called out too him, he almost dropped dead. Right there. Right then. With one hand pressed on his chest, Salvador turned on his heels. Wide eyed he stared Nessy. This other blond stranger.
" That's me.." he said. They call me Salvador though. Mister Wapenburg was my dad." Salvador added in a mutter."Oh," he said. Then a smile appeared on his face."Oh!" he added. Then nodded. "That's great."

Carefully Salvador took over the bag. His fingers rubbing the soft fabric. "Wow, this is great," Salvador muttered. Every soap that was packed like this was worth at least some gold right? Impatiently Salvador opened the bag. Taking one of the soaps in his hand. The soaps known too Salvador, were the once made of fat. A dull color of yellow, with no scent. These, well these were different! The type of soap rich people would use. The idea of leaving a thief leaving a flower-smelling trail hadn't dawned on Salvador yet. But it will... When he got chased down the entire city after a soap bath or two.

"I will," he said. With that beaming smile of his. "Thank you mister-" now the relational that Salvador never asked the other's name, and now.. It was too late. Or at least in Salvador's mind. "Mister."

Nessy smlfall

Old Chapel, huh, doesn't sound like a economic zone nor wealthy living place. Nor friendly, that's a gut feeling. 

Let's guess, it's old, and is a chapel, very least of people going around, chapel is a private place for worship, right? With crisis management experiences having through those insane days, Kowalski starting to know what kind of private that they're having there,

and, Kowalski was told that the man he about to meet is a thief. God, that loving man sure wild, he go waltzing around and make friend with a criminal? like playing with a two-slices knife. To think of it, doesn't that man always found interesting in the somewhat chasing game, give the wolf a taste and then leave them hungry, whether the wolf is him or not. Oh, is it he, small with blonde and mustache, just get out the chapel and are moving in the lawn. The black figure finished his wait, sliced down from the chapel roof, smoothly. "Are you" He stopped and take a glance at the note paper, "Sir Wapenburg?"

He is. Kowalski make a nibby squint, as he standing face-tó-face with the sun, Michael once told the men to came here to handed him the soaps he asked. Unfortunately, or not, Kowalski isn't in the soaps delivery squad on that day. "My men's chief, the one with soaps if you remember," He continued, "They told me to send you some herbs, soap with herbs make a herbal bath." That's sounds just exactly what Michael would say, Kowalski is a speaker, repeat the words. 

Kowalski pull out small canvas bag with a red tie at the top, more like buying from some shops than a handmade one. Some classic herbs bath: a little of Himalaya red salt soak for main and some for aromatherapy include peppermint, dried orange and grapefruit peels, oat tops and ylang ylang. Already smells good, guess that this thief man will smells like a walking perfumé in at least two day after he takes one bath with this. 

"Here, it can be mixed in both hot and cool water, but don't use in too cold water," The man in black placed the herbs bag into Salvador's hand, very least touch was made, "They sometimes give us one as antiseptic, so I know how to use it, probably."

Oh, a thief with noticeable scent. Is it that the men's chief purposes or are they just playing around? Probably both.

"Mm, you must have your job," Look at the watch, "My task here is done, so I guess it no necessary to waste your time more. Hope you will enjoy your day and bath, mister." Kowalski slightly dipped his head as he bowed, lightsome hopped back to the way he came by, disappear behind the rôof.

Rochester (Human) kafkaesque

Spot gurgled and chirped on her shoulder while Rochester - finally - got to put down the wrench and makeshift toolbox she had been holding up for at least several hours, all in some lame attempt to look at least somewhat competent to the handyman. It wasn't that she gave that much shits about his craft, but she was just... A bit competitive. Seeing someone who happened to best her in something riled the usually relaxed elder in one way or another, but even that simmering resentment was quick to fizzle out once the tools were placed back on the ground.

"That asides," she concluded with a huff, "I have to thank you for what you did to the sink. Fixing it, I mean. I heard that this is only one of your jobs, but..." She trailed off to gently stroke her slug's antennae. "Damn, you young folks have it a bit rough these days. I heard that you have to work so much to even scrape enough money to get by, and such jobs always tend to be rather low in earnings..." Rochester clicked her tongue and shook her head. If she wasn't the type to abhor proverbs or other cliché phrases, she'd be the old woman who liked to quip, "Back in my day..."

Which wasn't necessarily out-of-character for her (that tidbit asides), but she kept her lips pursed while she plucked an apple from her pocket and started to peel it with her nail. Gross!

As she nonchalantly flicked bits of apple skin and flesh into a nearby trash can (thank god), the older woman continued, "Now, I do not have anything particularly hearty to reward you for your efforts, besides the money. Don't worry about me paying you. I have a decent amount, given that I have social security while my wife still works as a journalist." She shrugged, as if this was no big deal to her. Hell, even as she shuffled her feet, the artificial toes of her prosthetic subtly revealed themselves, but Rochester didn't care...

If they weren't brought up as the most conspicuous thing in the world, she'd be fine. Of course Rochester would.

"But give me a moment," grunted the elder with a raised hand, as she finally took a bite out of the mostly peeled apple, then held it to Spot for him to take a bite too. Aww? Hygiene issues aside? She chuckled wryly before walking with the utmost confidence to... What the? Was that... Was that the nearest fruit platter? Oh no. After reaching over the counter ever so slightly, Rochester filed through the good before plucking out a kiwi, unpeeled and still hairy was fuck. Thanks.

Holding it out to him, she commented with a conniving smile, "Now that it conveniently popped up, I'd like to say that I still remember you for that one time you watched a movie with me and gave me some fruits. This kiwi isn't as intricately shaped as whatever you brought me, but I liked the idea nonetheless. Maybe you can make something out of this, you know?" She laughed somewhat brightly before bringing that hairy fruit forward once more. "Trust me! I like the creative spirits. Do take it, even if it is not the most extravagant gift out there. I do have the money, though, if you want that too. Or just that. I don't give a shit. I like kiwis, but I think you might like it more." Emphasis on "might." She was going to eat it if he refused.

"the holiday season says not-mom rights. fuck it. platonic boomers go brr." - me, 2020

that asides. follow-up time. these two.... make me go 🥺🥺🥺........

“Yes, the door’s unlocked as per usual. You can come inside if you want,” called Rochester from the kitchen while she sliced up some mangoes to prepare - you guessed it - another fucking platter of fruit. Delicious.

Hell, to be fair, though… The older woman didn’t really need to announce her presence like that, as she could hear the door opening and closing from behind her. She nonetheless continued to hum while slicing the mango, first into strips and then into smaller strips. It wasn’t until she heard a familiar voice that she started to perk up in attitude, now laughing to herself while lifting a hand to coyly wave it.

“Give me a second now - okay, dear?” she now trilled while using the blade to scoop up some of the strips and set them onto the platter, a bit hastier than her usual approach. Don’t try this at home, kids. Slicing your hand is never a good idea. Not that Rochester seemed to care (about herself or food safety, apparently - ugh), as she nudged both platter and knife off to the side once she had finished preparing the mango.

Rubbing her hands together, Rochester now regarded the youth with a rather dorky smile before asking, “Now, you said you had something? The hell is it?”, in between laughs. Imagine doing this shit without washing your hands first! At least her hands were covered in mango juice and pulp, not blood, as she sat down in a nearby armchair and placed her hands on her skirt-

Never mind; that was still sort of gross. Eugh.

She nodded at his words before taking the first bag offered to her and- Ah. After giving it a quick shake, the elderly woman could immediately tell that it was filled with fruit (fuck yea), but as for exactly what fruit it was… Rochester had to peer inside so she could properly cock her head and nod. Inside said bag was full of orange fruits, and she likely thought they were just regular oranges at first. Oh, how she’d be wrong when she sliced one open.

Not that it mattered as the older woman chuffed, “Well, that’s something,” with a snort. She took a fruit out and started to rotate it in her hand, humming, “I’m glad that you at least got that part of me down,” she teased while giving the bag another shake with her free hand, casually ignoring the fact that Spot was trying to reach over to the second bag while gurgling and squeaking excitedly- Wait one fucking minute.

Rochester then peered over in Spot’s direction and put the first bag aside so that she could pick up the second one.

“I see,” the elder chuffed with a nod, then took out a clementine so that she could peel away some of the skin, then allow Spot to gorge himself from there. “This shit can last us for weeks, if not months!” Rochester proclaimed with a laugh while placing the bag of clementines right underneath Spot, because apparently allowing your beloved slug to fall into a seemingly infinite pit of darkness was a good idea. (Just kidding - he’ll be fine. Don’t worry.) Her gaze shifted over to the youth for a second while he pulled out a blanket from the last bag and wrapped it around himself- And her! Rochester would’ve tensed up in most other situations, but this was… Fine.

She, in fact, let out a sigh before returning the hug and sniffing, “Everything’s fine, dear. I don’t exactly care about what I get, really. You could literally give me a pile of shit as long as I know the sentiment is there-” Rochester then reached a hand out to gently pat the youth’s head and added, “Well, Beatrice is busy with the usual interview, but…”, before looking out the window. “She should be home in an hour or so - I think. Will you stay by then? I think Beatrice would appreciate the gifts as well.”

“Which means, yes, I like the gifts,” Rochester teased before reaching a hand out to pet Spot, who gurgled while gobbling up the peeled clementine, “Don’t worry about it. Just get some rest, and then I’ll wake you when Beatrice gets home.”

Black PolarisStorm

A possible spoiler for length! I was planning to do this for Christmas, but I ended up like... Sleeping through most of it, so the day after works, I suppose!

Black walked in his not-moms’ cottage, a slight smile on his face despite looking a bit worse for wear. The main reason was because the caffeine that was in his system was beginning to wear off, and he did sort of rely on that not to be extremely fatigued. Hooray for having severely low energy all of the time because of your own self-neglect! He simply just decided to try and just act like he wasn’t exhausted as he sat himself down on the couch and set his gifts below him, before saying to Rochester, “Hey, mom, when you’re able to, can you come over here? I got some shit for you!”

When Rochester did eventually come over, he grabbed two bags that he had and put them on her lap. “Here you go, here’s yours. Well, technically, only one of the paper bags in one of those bags are yours. The other paper bag is for Spot, and the big bag is for both you and Beatrice.” The first paper bag Rochester got was full of blood oranges, and Black silently hoped that she would like them. He didn’t know much about fruits, and even if he did, he didn’t have the strongest sense of taste in the world, so it wouldn’t matter anyway. When it came to foods, he focused more on textures, and he liked the texture of oranges, and the color of blood oranges. He wasn’t the best at picking out gifts for others, so he just ended up picking up one thing that he knew the other liked- in this case, fruits- and just picked out whatever he would like in that category. It was the thought that counted, he supposed. The second paper bag, the one for Spot, had a few Cuties clementines in them. He thought it fit, because in his eyes, Spot was a cutie himself. And finally, the big bag had the biggest, softest, and fluffiest blanket he could find. He liked soft and fluffy, and he thought the blanket was snuggly enough for them. At least, he hoped so. Even if it wasn’t, he grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around himself and Rochester, before wrapping her up in a hug that he’d probably refuse to let her get out of for a while. “I hope everything’s okay, I’m honestly not really the greatest at gifts,” he said, “But, I thought I would get something for you all. Beatrice has some stuff too, but I’m not sure if she’s busy or not, so…” He paused for a moment, mainly because he was getting too comfortable and was now trying to fight sleep. Eventually, though, he said with the drowsiness a lot more evident in his voice but still trying to talk, “... Yeah. I hope you like it and stuff, mom. Yeah, that.”

Zinnia salternate

Zinnia fluttered her eyelashes, gripping Black's hand while she traversed around the snow. She walked along with the elder party, maintaining her smile while she hummed and glanced around. After she smacked her lips, Zinnia returned her gaze to Black. She could feel his fingers quavering. Assuming that he was cold, Zinnia began to glance around, searching around for any nearby buildings. When returned her gaze to Black again, Zinnia furrowed her eyebrows before inquiring,

"Ehm, hey—hey, Mr. Hall? Are you okay?"

While she examined Black's expression, Zinnia squeezed his hand before letting go. She continued to watch him, tilting her head as she did so. After she paused to glance at the floor and briefly wring around her fingers, Zinnia extended her arms and gave Black a hug, tightening her arms around him as hard as she could. Eventually, she let go, clapping her hands before clasping them back together.

"Ooh, ooh, wanna know what we should do? We should get something hot to drink. My house is a few blocks away—race you there?"

Marcus Marclyn

Marcus grunted and looks down at the vibrant youth. A gift? To who? Her? The kiddie blonde girl looking up at him? A teenager to be percise. But in Marcus's eyes, a fragile defenseless child, toddler even. He can't tell the difference and cares not to investigate further. What does children like these days anyways? He started to put logic to his reasoning. She's a girl. Pink? Kittens? But gave up. Who's he kidding. He doesn't like kids. The sooner she's away from him the better. 

"Here you go kid. Knock yourself out." As he takes out a loaded military issued handgun and sloppily slaps a pink girly kitten sticker it on it. "Learn how to use it so you could defend yourself." Then hands it over to her, while still drinking a can of beer with his other hand.

He scuffs. Then leans in close to her. A little too close. Marcus doesn't know personal space either... He begins to slowly rub his beard. The taste of heavy liquor present in his breath. "Arm wrestle a woman?" Marcus knew he'd lose. He knew he could not out brute a monster or whatever it is she is. A sea creature of some sorts. The man was clearly drunk, but not enough to accept such a challenge. He knows he'll make a fool out of himself. "I don't challenge girls to physical activities. It just wouldn't be fair now would it?" As he leans back again and winks at her. He takes the drink Levi had ordered for him and gulps it down; eyes still fixed on her.

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Brown (The Wolf) kafkaesque

tbh I'm not sure how annoying my response is in terms of length, but I'm going to spoiler this nonetheless because there's a decent amount of Brown joking about death and gore/graphic violence (+ a mention of cannibalism)!! as implied in the previous sentence, nothing edgy actually happens, but just in case........ :")))

“Creatures like you… Should end up on a platter with your head and viscera served for all the guests to see.” Well, that was a pretty edgy conversation starter. Nice!

And of course, Brown didn’t seem to mind as she leaned back in her recliner and scoffed, “If I have to be honest with you, though… I think it would be a bit of a shame if someone like you did end up as food. Not because of the cannibalism bit, of course, but…” She paused for a moment, then started to laugh. “... You do have an ounce of curiosity about you that is intriguing to witness in someone who appears too young, even with your distressing stature and physique.” Shut the fuck up - your lover is a literal foot (and a few inches to boot) taller than you.

Conveniently shoving that little factoid off to the side, the older woman then droned with a flutter of her lashes, “Whatever. You did seem oddly transfixed by that cube from earlier, and that could be a pitiful waste of time.” Brown paused, then slyly gleamed at the humanoid. “... Or perhaps a stone that could be turned? Who knows. I’m not philosophical, and I doubt that you are as well. I’m not going to give you a fucking lecture because that shit’s boring as fuck. Besides…” Again, the virago paused and flashed a toothy grin.

“I heard from a certain friend of mine that you killed some potential assassins at a party a while back. Absolutely eviscerated them, in the literal sense. Alas, I had the misfortune to not be able to go to such a soirée - had to work on a fossil deal with one of my suppliers - but he did tell me nonetheless. If I have to offer much commentary, I would say that you probably should’ve eviscerated him as well, but that’s not ‘rational,’ in his words. I might as well get arrested and executed if it weren’t for my little dalliance with him, and you might as well be the same… The fact that he hired you, put aside.”

“So you see,” sniffed Brown while folding her hands together, “there is potential in you. Curiosity is a virtue if exercised with discretion, as written in my friend’s treatise once-” She then howled with laughter as she threw herself against the recliner. “Fuck!” the aristocrat barked, “I don’t even know why I’m quoting this man, but I mean…” Brown shrugged. “He has a point. You want to learn more about 'us,' so…”

Pausing for a moment, Brown then pulled out an elegantly assembled book that appeared to describe the history of human culture… Something like that. She wasn’t one to consider herself as “human” anyhow, if for both her lack of exposure to otherworldly beasts and her status as a living urban legend. Her thumb rubbed the leather cover of the bulky book for a split second before she held it out for the humanoid to take.

“... Take this,” the middle-aged woman huffed with a slight sneer, “You might find it useful if you can use your strength to carry it around much of the time. It could be useful when you’re eating-” Brown broke off to chuckle into her knuckles. “Not that you should get any food on the pages, but I do sometimes read when I eat…” Was that worse than the rumor that she poisoned her food? Who knows. She left that unsaid anyhow as she hummed, “... It takes discipline to be able to do such a thing. I recommend it if you want to learn both culturally and gastronomically, miss.” Don’t. That’s gross.

   - my brain is tiny and I forgot to make an OOC response rfvregvegvrfrwfrf- I do apologize for that!! anyways.

obviously I can't write a follow-up here because Brown is Dead at this point, but she'd appreciate the fossil and flower nonetheless. u_u

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Smithson (Human) kafkaesque

"I don't know if you want to hear such things, especially after what happened between you, me, and my wife, but..."

Smithson cut himself off as soon as he was far enough for the room to make his presence virtually impossible to miss. Uh oh, sisters. With his six-foot-tall stature and rather imposing demeanor, it was - then again - sort of difficult to deny that there was an air of melancholy that surrounded the aristocrat on a seemingly chronic level. Uh oh again. If Johnson found out, perhaps he'd be pissed about it; he absolutely couldn't stand melancholy, after all, and he did try to "fix" people who fell under the description. Speaking of which...

The older man cleared his throat before grunting, "... Before you leave, I do have to bring some good over to you. No, it's not a custom, or anything like that. You'd be spoiled if that were the case, and even then..." No use trying to bullshit why he essentially had a platter covered with a cloche in one hand, almost like a servant! By the skies, did he look like a fool. A servant. A melancholic servant. His stomach turned as he set down the platter on a nearby table, but he carefully obstructed her from lifting the cloche prematurely by moving a hand in between her and the object. Rude?

"... I don't think it's something that you're looking for, at least not anymore," he sniffed with a slight upturn of his nose. Well then. However, it didn't take Smithson to start explaining more clearly...

"You see - I've been reading through some of the records and archives. As a politician, I'm sort of obligated to do so, especially when building an argument. And I just happened to stumble on some documents involving my father one day. You know how he was - one of the most respected figures of his time... I wish I could, well, say differently, but that's how he's gone down in history. I don't expect him to be perceived differently through some revolutionary revisionism anytime soon; such approaches are considered backwards and seditious now, and history is a field that's growing more and more stagnant by the years. It almost reminds me of the fact that you involved yourself in a war that you didn't need to step into. You altered history when you didn't want to, and that's just unfortunate now - isn't it?"

He paused carefully before finally moving his obstructing arm off to the side, but only so he could open the cloche and reveal what was underneath it the entire time... A whole ass stack of letters. How anticlimactic. It was almost insulting, too, considering their current dynamic. Uh oh...

With a halfhearted shrug, the middle-aged man drawled with a furrowed brow, "But that asides... I remember reading that my father wanted to give you these papers, but I suppose that he never got to do so before he passed." And it wasn't wrong, because the parchment that the words were written on kind of smelled of decay. Eugh. "A lot of these seem fragmented and incomplete, but I think they suggest a letter of... Apology, of sorts? I can't read it though." Because hubris was a bitch. "I think it's best for you to pick it up and read it yourself. His pen strokes seem rather rushed, so his handwriting is a bit sloppier than usual. It's almost as if someone forced him to be writing what seems like a question of mercy or redemption, but... Well... Didn't you read a lot before? I think it could be of use to someone like yourself, at the very least."

NP maaaaaaaaaay get a follow-up if I have the time!!

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Goddamn. How long did it take to walk a jellyfish?

Maribelle gently pushed the jellyfish through the door leading into the man's office, ignoring its gurgling as she did. It was probably restless, because she did, in fact, sit in a bathroom with it and do nothing for an hour and a half. Hopefully Smithson was so absorbed in his documents that he didn't notice how much time had passed, but either way, the girl and his weird dog were back.

"I took some fruit from the kitchen." She said monotonously, giving the jellicent one last shove towards Smithson. She kept at a distance from the man himself, calmer but more resigned than before. "I'm sure you don't care, though, as long as this thing is returned to you. It's fine, by the way. I gave it fruit, too."

She watched the creature float around for a moment, falling silent again. Her hands fidgeted as if she wanted to reach out and pet it, but refrained from doing so.

"I'm going home, I think." Maribelle told him, "I feel like I'm going to be sick. I probably shouldn't have even eaten anything." Pleeeaaase for the love of God don't give him fruity puke as a gift. The pissed-off jellyfish is enough trouble... Not that he would have to deal with the former. He had servants to clean it for him. "I also shouldn't have been gone for this long. I have... a book back home that I need to read. It's for my studies. Also, I have to sleep, or I'm not going to be able to do anything."

She paused again, taking in a deep breath in another attempt to re-steady her nerves as she felt them prickle through her arms, a pit in her chest digging into her stomach.

"You should forget about what I said earlier." The girl took a step back, a frown briefly breaking her stony expression before she, once again, had to suck in an inhale. "Absolutely forgotten. Your wife shouldn't know about it. None of the servants should know about it. Not even your jellyfish should know about it." Too late? "Like I said, it was a stupid question."

"So..." She tugged on her cloak, taking a step back towards the opened door again, nervously glancing over her shoulder into the corridor. "I'll probably come back some other time, when I'm not sick. I don't -- I need to just go away. I'll bring lunch for you next time."

maribelle collects another dad.

Maribelle, her dark eyes wide, watched the blade rust red, the edges of the metal seeming to crumble at the mere brush of her hands. She fretted that she had tainted it somehow, in some way, and perhaps that shouldn't have been much of a surprise to her. But then, it disappeared, and with a jolt, she glanced back up at the king to find... the sword. The sword, safe and sound in his hand, the gold shimmering like sunlight.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and then told En, "Fuchs says I'm not as strong as the rest of my house was, that I'm better with technique than strength itself, which... I think it's a shame. I mean, not that I'm not strong. Bloodline seems to be more of a blessing for you, though." And speaking of her house, it's for the best that Maribelle didn't know that En used to flirt with her great-uncle! Even if that also ended terribly. Just like everything else to do with House Burnett.

How sad.

She perked up again as the guard approached them. She took a step back as they offered something else to En -- something that was quickly handed to her. She took the item, curiously looking over it for a moment, before lifting the cloth cautiously from the top. She paused a moment, anxiously glancing back at him to make sure if he was serious. Then, when she returned to examining the blade, her eyes landing on its decorated hilt, her heart skipped a beat. It had bugs.

Maribelle had to catch her tongue for a moment, and in that moment she also wondered if she would really be able to show such a thing off without her mentor scolding her for such a pretty weapon. Still quite nervous, she faced the king again, and spluttered out, "It-- Yes, thank you, Your Grace." She had to keep herself from sounding too happy, because she didn't want to make a fool out of herself. "Alongside my other sword, I promise to take care of it." Probably better care of it.

Resting her hand on aforementioned other sword's pommel as it rested in its scabbard, she curled her lip. "I can try it out, if it pleases you, Your Grace." She replied, even more stiffly this time, and even ending with a bow. She was trying not to explode. "Another spar? What about one-- one of the guards? ..Your Grace."

En Litari II ([King En]) PicklePantry

The golden blade the king had sparred with was given to Maribelle to hold, but the minute his fingers left it, it distorted into a new form. Brilliant gold rusted, and the sharp edges dulled and chipped. It was nothing more than a used, old training blade rather than a legend. En seemed to smile at the transformation. "I told you," he said. In a flash of light, the sword disappeared from her hand and reappeared in his, gleaming once again. "Lan-Ran only works for my bloodline. Not just power-wise, but the sword itself. It'll rust and get heavier in the wrong hands. Still, that's not to say a rusty weapon can't be deadly in the right hands, but that's not something I think suits you best."
As the king sheathed his sword, a guard wandered over to hand him something long, wrapped in cloth. Nodding his thanks, En turned back to Maribelle and held it out for her. Underneath was a silver sword. In the hilt were small bug designs. "Your sparring is good! Still needs some polishing, but it's very advanced for your age. A skilled fighter like you ought to upgrade to a weapon capable of keeping up! Want to try it out now or call it a day?"

You can reply to him, his younger self, or his evil (also younger) self!

 Calla hydrangeas

  For someone who was generally a bit wary of people older than her, she sure took quickly to En, least of all because...
  "Mister, mister? Did'ja see you kinda look like me? Oh! When I grow up, can I be as big and cool as you and Uncle? I wanna look that cool! I'm gonna be a lord like Uncle someday, you know?" 

  She began smiling ear to ear at the thought, and began rocking back and forth on her heels. And yet, as quick as she was to act in elation, she stopped, and puffed her cheeks up at him. There was something, something that just wasn't right. She ruffled through the small bag strapped to her, until she produced a small length of birch wood, laminated, and bordered in gold. It was... clearly something of value, especially from her home. 

  "Uncle says it's... it's... unbecoming to have that hair on your cheeks and chin. He cuts it off every day! And Uncle is the coolest lord I know, right? I brought this from his rooms!" And as she spoke, she fidgeted with it, until the concealed blade snapped out. She yelped, but miraculously managed not to drop it, or to cut herself on the gleaming sharp edge. And, she held the straight razor up to En, her eyes once again full of pride. She was, however, still just an impressionable little seven year old...


if you dont like kids, you can check out her adamance (older) tab!

 Palm muwi

He scratches his head awkwardly. What kind of shitty parent leaves their kid roaming the Tokio streets by themselves? This wasn't the countryside. It gets shady here at night. If I just leave her here, then I'll feel like crap if I see that she's gone missing on the telly... he thinks. But the thing is-- he was never too good with kids. They're either brats, too honest, or see right through him. And sometimes, all three. On the one day she can't walk to school with me! he groans inwardly.

No, he can't lose his cool with some little girl. He rummages through his bag for the snacks he meant to save for the others after school. "Hey--" he starts, and realises that he's speaking a bit too roughly, so he tries to soften it as much as he can. Like he's talking to a kitten, or something, or his girlfriend. Yeah, that'd work. "Hey, kid." He manages a small smile. "Watcha doing out here by yourself? Where's your mom? Are you lost?"

"Listen, I go to a school really close by. See that big building up that hill? ...Uh, you might be a bit uncomfortable with just a big brother but if you come with me there'll be a lot of big sisters who can take better care of you until we can find your mom."

Please don't see me as some kidnapper, please I swear to the gods--

He hands her several snacks. Strawberry jam-filled marshmallows. Soy grilled squid flavoured chips, cheese rings-- the classics. As long as it makes the girl stick around and not just run off on him, it's fine. Sure, his friends might complain that he didn't buy them snacks even though it was his turn, but at least he could brag about saving some little girl.

Brown (The Wolf) kafkaesque

"Personally, I'm the type of person to give a shit about paleontology more than anything else," Brown chuffed while holding up a potted plant for the teenager to see. If the tone of her voice indicated anything, the middle-aged aristocrat was honestly convinced that she was speaking to - say - a college student instead of a minor, which- Actually! That wasn't a good thing now, was it? Brown, of course, revealed nothing conniving at first glance, as she lifted her hand to her lips and let out a (sly) chuckle.

"But I will be the first person to admit that I do garden, at least sometimes," the aristocrat hummed while setting the pot down, then gently nudging it towards the other party with a smooth smile, "I never opt for the dumb shit like gardenias and daisies though. I always opt for the more interesting plants. Like..." She paused to rub her chin and flutter her lashes. "... Foxglove, or maybe even Venus flytraps? I know that one of my associates gives me the latter every so often; perhaps that might interest you - whether it be the plants or the potential gossip..."

She pursed her lips together into a thin smile while placing her hands down onto the soil and patting it down. At the moment, her attention seemed directed on the student, as she scrutinized his expression for any change in it. Is he going to give a shit about those plants? Or is he more of a zoologist? Brown's palms compressed the dirt even more, with flecks of topsoil starting to creep onto the backs of her hands in the process.

The cool feeling of the dirt, alas, did little to faze the aristocrat as she remarked with a slightly affectionate coo, "Besides, you little bumpkin, you look like you could use a plant. Plants can really lighten up one's life, mm?" With a wry chuckle, Brown took up the trowel and started to chip away at the dirt. Who cared if it was a bit too tightly packed, really? Her nose scrunched while she chipped away at it - occasionally shooting glances at the other, then at the flowerpot. "I don't know if you would opt for a flower, or something a bit more unconventional- Shit!"

Brown paused as she felt a stray chunk of dirt hit her face. Ouch! The middle-aged woman quickly shook her head before looking back over at her unfortunate witness, who also seemed like the intended recipient of whatever she had in mind. Resentment, curry... Plants? The aristocrat fluttered her lashes before coughing into her sleeve and leaning back by an inch or so.

"But I can give you one either way," she barked with a grin, "One that would really blow your mind. It might admittedly not be as dynamic as those mammals or birds that you care so much about, but... Plants are not static by any means, mm?" The older woman broke off with a giggle before reaching out to grab the flowerpot and the plant rooted in it. "Not this one, though," Brown specified while holding it with one hand and shaking a finger at it with the other, "I have plenty more where that one came from, and... Besides..." Her eyes trailed off to the impression she had made in the ground with both her hands and trowel.

"... I need to get this shit planted before the sun goes down, or something corny like that. Then maybe after you help me out, you can see my bird. She's rather feisty though; it's best to be careful with her..."

@ NP: Brown is meant to be human, so check out her Human tab if considering her appearance or needing more information!! I'm just posting as her urban legend tab in case it inspires your response!!

I'll also try my best to do a follow-up for NP or ELSE.