What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

lillian carter lordsatin

Lillian pulled her tongue between her teeth as she fidgeted, standing nearby the other. She glanced over her shoulder at Ro, who she’d been speaking with just moments ago. The goth girl gave her a double thumbs up and a huge grin which seemed to be enough to give Lillian the confidence to fully approach Nithun.  

“Uh...” She mumbled before taking a quick breath and speaking again, actually speaking rather than whispering. “Hi… I hope I’m not intruding… But I made a few flower crowns…” She held an intricately made flower crown in her grip, gently, had one on her head and so did Ro. “I- uh… I made an extra?"

"So... Umm… Would you like to take this one with you?” She held out the crown in her hands. "You don't have to! But... Uh... You can."

Sylvana vexilliom

"What a darling you are!" Sylvana smirks, leaning to look into the eyes of the girl. "Y'knoow, I saw you prancing around and I just couldn't help buying something I thought you'd just love!" She would take her hand from behind her back and reveals... an Easter basket?

Sylvana gives her tongue a quick flick before she continued; "Yes, yes, I knew you wouldn't hate it! Here, here! Take it!" She's shove the basket onto the girl then waved without waiting for a thank you, or something else she didn't want to stay to wait for and hear. What if she didn't like it? Sylvana suddenly felt guilty.

Zack Bradshaw PicklePantry

     Zack's eyes widened ever so slightly when he caught sight of Sylvana. Snakes alone were beautiful and tragically misunderstood animals to him, but her? She was truly a work of art, reminding him of the adorable snakes at his store. And as such, he had to give her a gift.
     "Here," he grunted as he held out a scarf. It was a red feather boa, the color what he felt to be a compliment, and the pun a reason for the gift. "Don't worry about paying me back. I think it'll look nice on you," he muttered.

     Zack wasn't a religious man, but he enjoyed Easter. It was the perfect opportunity to post pictures of bunnies and other animals with bunny ears on. He leaned over his counter, where a couple bunnies in a straw basket, surrounded by plastic eggs filled with all kinds of treats for them. Excellent, it was all perfect. He leaned back to take a picture when he heard the door's bell. With a quiet yet irritated click of his tongue, he turned to see the werewolf from before.
     The vampire didn't seem embarrassed to be caught like this. If anything, he was angry that he'd been interrupted. He scooped one curious rabbit into his arm as the food had been set down, blinking slowly at it then looking at Regulus.
     "... Why did you buy food in general if you didn't have any pets?" he grunted. He recalled Regulus mentioning wanting a pet at some point in the future, but even then, all these bags were overkill. Still, food was food, and he could get all the help he could get. "I'll take them," he nodded. "Thank you." There was a pause. "... Do you want to help me take pictures of the animals?"

Regulus Pofistal kordesii

Regulus had been debating on whether or not to actual give Zack the 12 bags of various foods for animals from cats and dogs to the tiny mice that resided in the Vampire's store. He had heard about a possible shortage in a specific ingredient in most animal foods, and had maybe, perhaps, panic bought them when he thought of little puppies going hungry. Okay, so he had panic bought them and was going to give them to someone anyways, he definitely didn't get talked into it by anyone.

And so he had nothing to do with all this food and brought it to the first place he could think of, which was Zack's pet shop. The little bell on the door rang and Regulus dragged in half of the food, glancing over at the puppies to see their tails going wild, a soft smile coming onto his face before he noticed the presence of the (rather intimidating really) Vampire. He always looked annoyed whenever Regulus would walk in, and he wondered if that was how he was with everyone or just him. 

"I, uh, thought you could use this better than I could as I don't have any pets." He said, an awkward smile on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck, "only if you want it thought, if not I could bring it to a shelter or somethin'." He shrugged, trying not to sound like he had bought it specifically with this pet shop in mind. He might have.

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Yeli M. S. PicklePantry

     Yeli was amused by his robber-turned-guest. It wasn't everyday, after all, that you offer a person trying to break in breakfast. Still, he didn't seem mad. In fact, he seemed happy. "I enjoy cooking breakfast, so this is a treat for me," he explained over the sizzling of eggs and bacon. Soon enough, a mean of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and, most importantly, waffles.
     He smiled from across the table, fingers laced under his chin as he observed her. Very scrawny, yet such large hands. And that scalpel, she never once loosened her grip on it. Where was it from? Why did she have it? Would she use it to cut the waffle?
     He'd been staring so intently that he hadn't realized she hadn't eaten at all. Was it because he hadn't? His smile widening slightly, he got a plate and filled it with a little of everything. "I'll have to take a lengthy walk around the neighborhood after this," Yeli chuckled. "Ah! I never did introduce myself, did I? So sorry. My name is Yeli. What would yours be?"
     An answer was given, and small talk was made. However, neither one seemed to disclose any personal, identifying information; both being cautious about what they said. Nevertheless, he found her amusing, and even enjoyed her company. It was a nice breath of fresh air outside the monotonous neighborhood.
     "Please don't worry about taking all of this back. It'd only spoil in my fridge," Yeli insisted at the doorway, practically filling Yvette's hands with container after container of leftover breakfast. "You don't have to return my containers, but I'd certainly appreciate it! Maybe we could have lunch when you do?"
     His smile never left the entirety of that breakfast.

     Oh. Oh goodness. There was far too much energy in the area; Yeli had no idea how to adjust.
     He watched with bemusement as Rylex nearly became a spot on road several times! Fortunately for him, he made it and eagerly began talking to him. Yeli could only smile. Anytime he tried to reply, another string of ideas came out and the cycle repeated. It was fine, though, as Rylex was a very spirited person! He'd met all kinds of people before and normally could adapt conversation to them, but for this one he was completely stumped!
     Suddenly, Yeli noticed the gun presented to him. He blinked several times then gave Rylex a worried smile, holding his hands up. "Ah, maybe it's best you hold on to that?" A no wasn't enough, though, and he found himself reluctantly holding it. Ah, how alien it felt. He stared at it before looking back at the soldier, who spoke about hunting. "I... I suppose we could do that," he reluctantly agreed. Maybe... Maybe it wouldn't be too bad? It would be good to-to learn how to hunt. You never know, right...?

Rylex Marclyn

"Aye! Is you!!" As Rylex obnouxously shouts from across the street, waving at Yeli, trying to get his neighbor's attention. The young soldier rushes over avoiding traffic. A car almost hits him but he just dodges it and yells at the driver. Then looks back at Yeli, chuckles and smiles brightly, showing off them pearly whites. "You is dat one neighbor I seent around hea. Quiet but always be polite and smil'n. Yeee... Something 'bout you Rylex dun't trust. No offense neighbor. But you is giving Rylex them creep vibes sometime you know. But aye! Maybe Rylex just dunt know you is all. Das all good man. But if we was gone be neighbors. We best get to know each other yeee? Nways. Why Rylex always seent you doing wives chores, bro? You cook'n, clean'n, being polite ass hell. You come over to Rylex and we gone do some man things!! Bet you is dying for some manly bro time aye!?" As he reaches over and slaps Yeli's chest hard, feeling out his pecs. "Damn look at chu? Be all handsome and some! Ha!" Rylex then pulls out a military issued handgun. "Have dis playa. Come now. Take it. Is all yours neighbor. Dis gone be yo first gun! Rylex show you how to shoot some shit!! Den we gone go huntn. Show you how to skin a deer n all too. Den you can cook that mofo! Ha! Den maybe you invite Rylex over to have some of dat sweet home cook meal aye? Haha!!" Roughly patting the others back while cackling. The soldier was in high spirits!

Nerine Diadrakos (5997-6003) Vapor

Nerine was jealous. She was so impossibly jealous. She was the one who deserved to be sung lullabies to, not this cretin her wife dragged to the guest bedroom.

So, she was going to give him a knuckle sandwich.

Or a sword, but, y'know. She needed to let off some steam, and what better person to try and beat up that the hunk of meat she was slowly but surely coming to despise, all for calling Odette... what was it? Nerine couldn't even remember. It was something along the lines of "sweetheart". She didn't know, and she would say she didn't care, but the truth was...

"Leave your... thunder-stick on the bench." Nerine commanded, as she tossed the sheathed, iron sword over to him. She did so roughly. The furious fling of a woman scorned. "Gods know a boy like you needs to learn how to use a real weapon, not whatever namby-pamby shit you've been hauling around." She paused and scowled at Rylex, before muttering, "You know, I should have beaten you for getting a bit too handsy with her. The lady of the estate, I mean. Maybe you should be happy that it was me, and not her uncle."

Now there was a pissed off old man. Nerine shuddered to think if he found out about... half of his niece's private life, actually.

"Alright, come on now." She huffed, taking a step back. She rested an armored hand over her own sword. "Take it as a bit of friendly sparring, why don't you? Since I don't think she'd like it if her guest or her retainer got themselves skewered on each other." Then, she scowled. "Be even more glad the lady can't see how hideous you are."

She's one to talk.

@ NP: You're free to user Nerine's older version / "default profile" instead! :V

super late follow-up BUT. nerine. eyebrow raise. suspicious. 

"I know her." That was all Nerine felt necessary to say at first, busy stirring sugar into a cup of tea. But then, Val continued on, and she stiffened for a second. Did Odette tell him? Oh, God, what did she say? Who was this fucking dude? ..In a calm, flat voice, she then uttered, "Madame Alkaev is lucky to have me. Her other retainers are men. They don't want to be that close."

There was a sort of pride to those words.

Nerine turned away from the tea, finally looking at Val a bit coldly, stiffly. She certainly wasn't very trusting, despite Val's own gentleness in the situation. "Nerine Diadrakos, of the West Province." she introduced herself, and then said, "Madame Alkaev is kind to have hired me. In Yenereth, very few would accept me. You are right, though. She's... Well, she just can't see. Wait..."

Nerine rose an eyebrow at the cloth handed to her. She cautiously took the gift from him, unwrapping it to find a knife. Gods, seeing the blade glint in the light almost startled her, though she did well to keep her nervousness under wraps, save for another strange, questioning look at Val as he spoke further. She couldn't blame him for liking knives. She loved knives. She loved any weapon, really. Still, eyeing him apprehensively, she spoke again, "It's not stupid. Look at it." She angled the knife towards him. Her thumb ran over the markings in the dagger's handle. "I suppose you can't have enough knives and all, anyway." Hell, even if she didn't ever use it in self-defense, she had to cut fruit practically every day. She always needed an extra blade. Her others often got lost in the kitchen basins.

"I'll take it." she sighed, "I'm sure Madame Alkaev would have loved it, if only. It's for the best she doesn't cut herself with it, though..."

 Val confusedthing

(^ I loved that! <3)

(Vapor revive! I suck at writing atm and I don't know which Nerine you prefer, just one where Odette is still alive. <3)

"You know Miss Odette, right?" Val asked, bright eyes looking at Nerine. "That is amazing! You look so strong! I'm glad she has someone as cool as you to be with her!" He seemed genuinely excited about Nerine's entire being, but how could he not? She just looked badass! And he did not even know just how right his statement was. Though once again he realized he probably was overbearing to a stranger.
Val awkwardly cleared his throat, fidgeting with the lengthy bundle of cloth that was wrapped around his gift.
"I'm sorry. I should start with introducing myself, right?" Not that Nerine cared, probably, but it was the polite thing to do so he would do it anyway. "I'm Val and I got to meet Miss Odette a few times and she was very kind." Obviously the woman knew that but he just had to mention it. "Like, I mean, I don't meet a lot of nice people. So I appreciate her. And I had a gift but then I realized it would probably be a bad gift for Miss Odette because I think she can't really... see...?" He lowered his voice when muttering the last few words. 

"A-anyway so I think it's no good for her and I will have to think of something else but now I have this and I figured maybe you could use it? You look like you know how to fight, which is great!" Val carefully handed over his gift to Nerine. It... was a silver knife with a black handle, blue ribbon embedded into it. "I- figured that might be more her colors than pink..." even though that was his favorite. "I- ...just like knives." He did not even think how his gift would come across, it was just something he liked so he wanted to share it with someone, oops. "You obviously don't have to use it, I just thought it looked nice and- yeah. That's it. I thought it looked nice and it is good for self defense and stuff but I'm sure you have enough- I'm sorry if that was stupid." Honestly, he only now realized that he found Nerine rather intimidating and he had just handed that woman a knife. Oh well.

Lady Belle ArtisticTiger

      Lady Belle clicked her tongue. She handed Val a small base of pink lilies. “These pretty flowers grow outside my lair in the spring. I have plenty to Share” She smiles. “You only have to water them once a week. But be sure to keep them warm in the colder months.”

 Dandelion (D&D) fizzelston

“I made it myself, actually,” Dandelion said. He smiled as his eyes darted between the big dragon and the small pot he presented to it. The Haregon’s fur felt itchy, on edge. Belle only had to make one unexpected move, and he would bolt off.
Dandelion’s nose twitched. He then, with shaking hands, removed the lit of the pan. He presented the stew inside to the dragon.
“It’s a simple stew with, aubergine. Salted aubergine. I don’t know if you ever tried salted aubergine before, but it’s my favourite,” he nervously rambled. Dandelion put down the Dutch-oven in front of her, then took two steps back.
“There are 5 gloves of garlic in there. Red pepper flakes,” he summed up. “Oh and, spinach. All cooked in a mellow red wine.”
Dandelion took another step backward. He nervously wobbled around on his feet. “Oh. I’ve brought along some spoons. I’m not sure if you want a spoon…” His eyes darted over Belle once more. “Or even need one.” 


His familiar just stands there, with its large feet

Dandelion gently rubbed the head of his familiar. The coot sat on his shoulder. It’s eyes closed.
The druid couldn’t help but get startled by Hawkes words. He looked up and quickly nodded.
“That’s are a lot of books, should I help you with that?” Dandelion quickly asked. “Oh, you got it already,” he added. Impressed. (He didn’t have a high str stat himself.)
Dandelion leaned over the books and eyed Hawkes sorting. “That’s true,” he replied. Dandelion couldn’t hide the proud tone in his tone. “I know them like the back of my hands.” The Harengon let out his breath. “I can even sail those rivers in the middle of the night, if I had to..”
Dandelion’s ears piqued upwards. “That sounds fantastic,” he said. He gently rubbed the cover of it. “It will! It will help me find my way back home. It will me help find her,” he said. His standard-nervousness had been replaced with genuine enthusiasm. “Thank you!”

Dandelion couldn’t help but cock his head as the other offered another book.  His eyebrows raised high and he even placed the coot down on the table. Making both his hands free for the second book.
“I will take a look at it! I can make some killer stews, maybe we can share some recipes. I would love that.” 


Hawkes HardyLark

"I was sorting through my personal bookshelf back on Whalesong and I thought these might be of interest to you." The small harengon reaches into a rather unwieldy satchel and pulls out two books.  It's no wonder the little rabbit had been walking a little oddly, the books looked fairly heavy for such a little cleric. He sets them on the table between him and Dandelion with a grunt, and begins to lay them out carefully, brushing off the dust from their covers. He points to one of them and smiles, looking up at the other Harengon eagerly.

"I had heard you were a ferryman before, so I'm sure you have to do your fair share of navigating the rivers around here. This book doubles as a journal and a map that can be easily annotated and written in. I use these on my travels when I must mark and catalog things as one of Deneir's scribes, but I assume it might have a better use for you to mark hazards and points of interest you find on your travels." Hawkes reaches into his bag once again pulling out a quill and gently setting it on top of the book. 

"Oh! and this other one. " He holds up the other book, one that looks like it was handbound, looking a bit sheepish. "This is actually a cookbook based around the food we ended up making when we first arrived at Whalesong. My friend, River, asked me to help him make this. It's the first of many he wants to make, but I thought you might enjoy this early copy of it." He pats the book fondly, 

"After all, I'm sure we'd both appreciate any feedback you'd like to give us on this little... cookbook venture."

It was most certainly awkward, but Hawkes wasn’t helping to situation any either. He hadn’t been expecting visitors, more or less one he recognized. Still he was happy to see Maribelle doing well.

The harengon’s eyes widen when she offers the box and he he raises his paws in protest. “Truly miss your gesture is too kid. I-“ he stops as she opens the box and reveals the contents inside. 

Paired with her explanation for why, he’s touched. Especially that she’d, considered his past struggles with amnesia and had chosen a gift accordingly. He nods at her words, looking over the various teas in the box before she hands it off to him. It’s more cumbersome for him to hold, but still he accepts the gift and gives Maribelle a grateful smile.

“Oh! This is truly too kind of you, my dear. I must admit I’ve only been surviving off of the last little  it if lemongrass I had so this truly is a wonderfully thoughtful gift.” It’s hard to tell if the old rabbit is actually misty eyed, or if it’s his glasses. The expression doesn’t stay, as Maribelle moves to leave, apologizing and explaining all the way. 

“Please, there’s nothing to apologize for. The tea is wonderful enough.” He pats the lid of the box, “If you’re not in too much a hurry would you perhaps like a spot of tea? To help the nerves and to test some of the new ones out?” The rabbitfolk looks hopeful and slightly exited before he fixes his glasses and clears his throat.

“We can always avoid the caffeinated beverages too. It’s kinda late in the day for it anyways.”

Maribelle Burnett (Post-6020) Vapor

Maribelle had little understanding of magic. As far as she was concerned, all magic was the same as regular ol' witchcraft, and therefore a crime. On that front, she was useless, but no matter her uneasiness, she supposed it would have been important to select something relevant to the rabbitfolk, as she cautiously neared him, a box in her hands. She avoided his gaze for the most part, fumbling with the box's lid.

"You might not be prone to... breaks in memory anymore, but I find this helps to stimulate thought, anyway." She muttered, opening the box. Tiny tea bags laid assorted in rows, labels written on them. There was lion's mane tea blended with tumeric, ginger with cinnamon and holy basil, and plain black tea amongst others. "A scholar needs them, I think." she then added, "It's... It's tea, just--" Yes, he can see that. "..Just tea."

Maribelle closed the container and handed it off to him. She blinked tiredly, rubbing the side of her face. "I drink a lot of teas these days, but I have to be pickier. Too much caffeine messes with me."

Good God, what she wouldn't give for a bit of coffee, though.

"..I'm sorry, I'll leave you." Was this encounter awkward, or was she just nervous? Apparently, if it wasn't before, she wasn't against steering it in that direction. "If you hate the tea, I can take it back, though -- I have other things, like -- like regular food, I don't know what a, ah, a rabbitman would eat, I don't know." she offered meekly, "I have a small garden, and there are some wild trees on the mountain. You're free to a few tomatoes. Or pears. I don't know."

ugly sad rat.

Maribelle hoped it wouldn't be rough anymore. As she listened to Xander, she lingered on that notion for longer than she should have.

She stopped thinking so much when he brought out his gift -- an embroidery hoop, barely recognizable. It was hers. Or, she made it, and now it was actually hers. For a fleeting moment, staring at the avian and floral patterns stitched into the linen, she felt sick to her stomach. She didn't remember a lot from back then, and maybe that was for the best, but she couldn't help but to feel... grateful? Was this gratefulness? After a long silence, she finally spoke to Xander, "I thought everything from when I was... with... him was gone."

She took the hoop into her hands. She still felt strange.

Maribelle paused to look down at Xander, and then across the icy streets running through the city. "I didn't think you would have kept it, I... I gave it to you, right?" Even that memory was blurry. She oft struggled to recall much of her childhood, most of it being like it had never existed at all, but on sparse occasion she was lucky. Or unlucky. Part of her had some difficulty even remembering the rebellion.

"Thank you..." she murmured, "I-- No, never mind. I appreciate you looking out for me, Klingelhof, and I'm sorry for being difficult."

Xander Klingelhof fizzelston

claim older maribelle

“I know the journey ahead of you is a rough one, madam,” Xander said. He buried himself deeper in his cape as his eyes scanned the iced streets before them. His breath formed clouds. The wind played with the gaslit streetlamps. Xander’s frown lowered a bit, before turned towards Maribelle. She had changed a lot. The distance gaze in her eyes, the hard features in her face. It wasn’t only time that left such marks on someone. Xander knew.

“Ah,” he said. Xander smiled. “We Kretts believe in lucky trinkets, did you know? Something that brings the wearer luck,” he explained. “I had mine for so long,” he shook his head as to soften his words. “I don’t need it any more. It serviced me well though…” Xander fidgeted with his fingers. “But it’s time to serve, someone else now.”
Xander reached inside his shoulder bag and grabbed something from it. It was a small embroidery hoop. The linen had coloured slightly yellow by time, but the blue bells and little bluebirds on them were still bright with colour as the day he’d received it himself.
Xander held it out to her. “I still haven’t found those birds,” he told Maribelle. “But I’m sure you will on your journey. If you do,” Xander gently tucked the hoop into her hands, as he didn’t take ‘no’ as an answer, “I hope they still remind you of me,” he said. Xander then nodded. “I don’t know if you return to this city someday, but if you do. Remember that you always have a home here, madam.” 


Xander’s fingers gently traced the details of the brooch. The colours, the shapes… It was made with a fine hand, something a professional would make.
“You made it?” Xander asked. His voice was softened by surprise. “It is beautiful, my dear friend,” he adjusted his glasses and took another look at it. “Splendid. It’s just marvellous. Oh, thank you,” Xander added in that same gentle tone. The singer pricked it up on his jacket. “How does it look?” he asked Shamus. “I think it looks more than fine on me,” he added.
Xander’s raised his eyebrows. “You bought Blou something? Oh! you shouldn’t have, she’s spoiled already,” he partly joked. Partly admitted blame.
Xander took it quickly (before the shifter could topple over) and laughed, flattered. “I think she’s going to like it, though. You know her, she likes her blankets.”