What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

Shamus Taoi SpiritdragonRyuu

"M....Mr X...Xander...s....sir....I...m...made you some...something." The trembling shifter reached into one of his pockets and held out a brooch. The metal was golden in colour and had been bent into the shape of of a birds head, more specifically that of a dodo. Gold metal wire had been wrapped around where the beak was to give it a more natural look, further up a blue cloth had layered and tired together to the piece, the blue near the beak had a almost greyish colour to it then blended into a more vibrant blue. Finally a amber looking, what appeared to be a button had been wired and wrapped into the design.

Once Xander had taken the brooch from Shamus, the shifter continued. "It...t....took...a...a...while...t....to m...make it....because...w....well." Shamus looked to his ever present shaking hands. "I...I also...brought...B...Blou...a...a...s...small b...blanket...s...so she doesn't...f...feel...l..left....out." He said motioning to the blanket in his hands, which despite it being 1m or so long in length and width when flattened out, it seemed like it was making the purple eyed shifter nearly topple over from its weight. 

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Rusty ArtisticTiger

    “Eyy your a feline right?” Rusty smiled wide. “I got the perfect gift for you!” He dropped a net full of fresh fish at Mina’s feet. “Hope you like it!”

Jacques Howlard fizzelston

Jack hated meat. His hands were slippery, soaked in blood and grease. The werewolf pressed his lips together, then gently wrapped the steak in old paper. A newspaper he hadn’t even read yet. Ruined by meat.
“You have to wait your turn,” he told Rusty. Jack picked up his cleaver. “I paid a lot for this sheep,” he added in a monotone voice and a flick with his knife. “You’re lucky that you can get the scraps.”
Jack continued his butchering in absolute silence. His focus made his lower lip shake and turned his knuckles white. He occasionally looked up at the Spinosaurus (unfazed by the other’s appearance). Just to be sure that the other kept his word. He wrapped another slap of meat, and another. Jack then slammed the cleaver in the wood of his butcher’s table and took a step back.
“Ok,” he simply said. Cleaning his hands on his jacket. “It’s yours now.” 


Och my heart :') this is so cute thank you

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Shrike Vapor

Shrike was back, and she was here to be annoying. How sad for Diluvi in particular, for it was she who the "superhero" [or whatever Shrike called herself] had been fixated on now, swooping down to meet the green-haired woman. Her solid eyes glowed in the coming twilight, her chest heaved with every quick, deep breath she took. How far had she travelled just to be here? How fast?

It didn't matter. Shrike stared at Diluvi for a handful of seconds, before shivering and puffing out one last breath. Jesus, it was cold here. "I saw you. And you are so beautiful! Your hair! Your mask. Your eyes! I have not seen eyes like yours before. How neat! How wonderful! It is true, we should be so close. I think so. I even have a gift for you! Oh, wait..." Before she could ramble any further, Shrike snapped her attention to one of the pouches on her belt. It was stuffed fat with... whatever was inside, until Shrike unlatched it from her belt and opened it, pulling out the contents.

"Lookie here!" Shrike exclaimed, overwhelmingly chummy. Again, how sad for Diluvi. What Shrike held, however, was... a sweater. It was bee-themed, with black-and-yellow stripes and wings sticking out the back. It was also far too small for Diluvi, or for any human, really.

"I heard that you have kitties! I like cats. I like birds more, but cats are okay! I have a lot of Hello Kitty stuff!" she said, "But this! This will keep them warm! And so cute! Cats are so adorable! This will make them more adorable!"  She shoved the costume towards Diluvi. "You must take it! Put it on one of your many cats! Please! And show me! I must see!"

Jackson Rivers PicklePantry

     "I know that look." Jackson jumped down from a nearby ledge and gave Shrike a sympathetic smile. "All alone on Valentine's Day too, huh? Yeah, same here." He dropped his head and sighed dramatically, "I had the most beautiful... Nngh, she ended up breaking things up with me yesterday. Her ex wanted to get back together." He wrangled his hands, imagining the ex's neck, and narrowed his eyes before sighing again.
     After a moment, he blearily looked up and halfheartedly held up the DVD Dear Zachary. "Here. She wanted to see this so I was going to surprise her, but now there's no point. I hear you like these kinds of movies, too."

     Jackson blearily looked at the heart he was given, his eyes closed to the point of bold lines. He opened his mouth to speak, only to freeze up at something in the distance. "Oh sh--" He took off at high speeds before he could even finish talking.

     "Valentine, oh Valentine. :)" sang a familiar voice. Smiley was running towards SiLk at high speeds, a bouquet of cheap flowers and a heart-shaped box of chocolates in hand. "Are you all alone this Valentine's Day? :) How sad, how sad. Let me cheer you up. :) I'm on my way over right now. :)"

Tauni Lamp CometTheMountainLion

A wakazashi engraved with a rose. 

SiLk (Valentine's day SiLk) Marclyn

PicklePantry (oh snapples, already wrote a whole thing 'n all. LOL)

"You don't have to be alone Mr Handsome Guy! Be my Valentine?" As SiLk held out a giant cardboard cut out heart. With flower cut and smaller heart cut out plastered around it. It thing looked more like a 5th grader's work. The writing and choice of glitter clue and sprinkle used was rather tasteless. "See.... It reads..." As he runs his finger across the heart cutout cardboard. "Be mine Valentine... Aye? Whatta ya say guy?" SiLk stood there a while thinking. "Uh.. I. I didn't get you any Valentine's gif- Oh! I got you this heart! See.. hand made. So special!" As he handed that dreadful giant thing over to Jackson. "What's say you? Spend this evening with me! We can go rob some unsuspecting lovebirds! Hehehhe."


"They say you wanted to see the world? Why not come with me tonight? I can take us there tonight! It doesn't have to be romantic, I promise! Unless you want it to! It is Valentine's Day. I for sure can make it!" As he takes her hand, gentleman style! And kisses her hand. Then opens his pouch and takes out a small card to unfold it into a flower card. "Gift for you 'm lady! Not as cool as a real flower, but you can put it in the rare view mirror to remember me by after tonight." SiLk also takes out his keys and starts his vehicle. "Let's go get Vendela and get this party on the road started! I'll do the driving! I know you've been driving most your life. Sit down 'n relax." He winks to her.

(confusedthing - all goood and dandy w/ me. LOL)

It wasn't just any chocolate. It was the only one of its kind that are sold here at his shop, around this time of year. Of course it was a value to SiLk. The pink tights man stared at her. His eyes blinks a few times. "Well. I did found someone. But she's giving me a hard time right now..." Hinting that he was talking about Lola. "Can you tell her to just let me take her out? It doesn't have to be romantic... She's probably not into that stuff. Nice to chill after a long days of work aye? It's Valentine's Day! And I'd love to spend V day with peeps. But I mean... If she'd prefer, we can definitely go steal some Valentine's Candy instead if she isn't into star gazing."

 Lola confusedthing

(Marclyn helo I will continue their last interaction, hope that's okay. o:)

"Come on man, what did you just put in your pockets?" Lola asked, slowly growing more and more agitated. She really needed to know... Looking behind him would have worked but, well, he was blocking the view. With some things Allister would have been angry, others he did not really care about. "If it's nothing important you can have it. I will give it to you. As... a gift?" suuurely he would agree. Maybe, she thought, SiLk didn't even know what he had just taken and just mindlessly swiped something off the counter.
So - in hopes he wouldn't do anything rash and stupid - she slowly walked around to check. It was... some chocolates? Well, fit the holiday, she guessed. "Okay, you know what. As much as I appreciate the offer... uh... why don't you just take that and find someone else to hang out with?" 

Lola knew Maribelle as Noel's niece and from the things he had told about her. She seemed like a good kid. ...even though Lola was a terrible judge of character. But that was not the point.

When she saw Maribelle approach her she was surprised, honestly. But the girl looked like she had something to say? So Lola just waited... anything else would have been rude anyway, right? Of course she loved books, so seeing one she did not know yet was exciting, even though her dead expression made it hard to show that. She carefully took the thin book and brushed over the cover while listening to Maribelle. "I care a lot for poetry," she finally replied. "I don't think it sounds stupid, I'm looking forward to reading them." Wasn't it harsh to talk down on your own interests like that? Not that she was an authority on that... "...thank you, this sounds like a nice book." She would make sure to bring one for her as well, next time she visited or saw Noel.

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Maribelle was... somewhat familiar with Lola. She wasn't sure if it was a friendship the undead woman had with her late uncle -- her late father? -- or if they were simply acquaintances, but Maribelle was apparently comfortable enough to then approach her. And with a gift, no doubt.

Through Noel, Maribelle only knew small things about Lola. She wasn't about to share too many of her own sweets, because by the twenty was it difficult to find anything sweet in the first place and so she wanted to keep them for herself, mostly, but she did have books. Lola liked books, right? The teenager was reluctant, doubtful, but nevertheless came to Lola with an expression that told otherwise. Flat and to the point.

"I got--" She stopped for a moment to keep herself from stammering too much. Lola didn't particularly scare her, but why was it so cold around here? She held the book out -- a thin piece that appeared to be only a little over one hundred pages. The front read [Poppy by Maxim Smirnov. "..This is one of my favorite poem collections, but I don't know if you would care for it. They're all mostly the same, or at least they follow the same themes... mostly. Mostly death and cultural values and reincarnation and -- really stupid things like that. But, this edition has illustrations of flowers in it, though, if you think that's better."


"Is there an age where you get to learn how to drive?" Maribelle asked. She hadn't a clue how the whole thing worked -- as far as she knew, the steering wheel probably controlled the entire vehicle.  It wasn't like she listened to those sorts of age rules or anything, though. The drinking law in Yenereth was useless to her because several old men in her life gave her wine anyways to help her sleep.

Nevertheless, Maribelle watched Nobutaka from a fortunately safe enough distance. She felt that smugness return when he failed to hit the remaining pins, the bowling ball sadly sliding into the gutter. But then, he paused, and she felt nervousness start to creep in. Nervousness, and then more specifically the worry she had done something stupid to provoke him, an instinct to shapeshift, so to speak, that she had many times before.

The girl was quiet for a moment, before reluctantly offering some of her trademark shitty comfort. "I was just messing around." she told him, "I didn't mean anything by it. It's just a dumb game--"

"Hey! Back off!" Maribelle snapped at the thugs when they grabbed her, ripping herself away from them. She glared at them, and then looked anxiously back at Nobutaka.

Hm. Yes. Never mind, they had the right idea. She shrank back behind the thugs and followed them quickly out of the bowling alley.

Nobutaka Deguichi PicklePantry

     "The hell ya talkin' 'bout, Hoodie? Teach ya t'what? Drive? Ain't you, like, five or some shit," Taka barked with laughter before watching her turn. Whether she got a strike with that left-handed try or a gutter ball didn't matter to him, because a few beers in and he was feeling pretty damn smug himself. He didn't try to hide it either, with a cackle in her direction. "Ya trynna lose, eh?! I ain't seen a worse try in my LIFE! Alright, take a seat, Hoodie. I'm 'boutta give ya a lesson in humility."

     Heaviest (custom) bowling ball in hand, he got his measurements down. Yes, this was the angle. At this speed? With this wind? All too easy.
     Calculations done, he got his took long strides towards the lane and rolled...!

     One pin down.
     Gutterball the next.

     It was no surprise by now that Taka wasn't good at bowling. He loved the sport, but it didn't love him back. And when his love wasn't accepted or returned, he got awfully bitter.
     He breathed heavily, just staring at the pins down the lane, mocking him. His shoulders hunched slightly, and by then the thugs working under him knew what was coming. They grabbed Maribelle's arm and urged her to get out of range while evacuating the rest of the building. Even the bowling alley owner retreated to his break room, knowing full well what was about to happen.

     And when that bowling ball came back up, Taka made sure to launch it in every possible direction in the bowling alley. Including the arcade.

Photo taken of Taka and 23 KEKEKEK


23 and Legacy (23) _kaylarts_

(I'm sorry in advance--) edit: hehe yes

23 smirked as he handed Taka the box. It was nicely packaged, red and black wrapping paper, shiny. An odd amount of effort, coming from someone like 23, who generally didn’t care about that sort of thing. He took a few steps back from the man, something of a precaution… Sure 23 wasn’t the best gift-giver, but this was probably the worst thing he could have thought of. 

“Enjoy.” He said, with a scratch to the head, and no hint to his voice. 

As Taka began opening the present, 23’s presence was becoming less and less. He was slowly disappearing into the shadows. Maybe he was an idiot, but even if he ended up roughed up, it had to be worth it. After hearing that one rumor… Well, it was sure to be entertaining... Right? 

The wrapping paper was already all torn to shreds, and the ribbon was gone as well. The box was all that remained. Just an ordinary cardboard box, nothing special about it, except for the excess of tape. 

It was completely taped over, with no exposed cardboard visible. So Taka had to force his way in, either with his hands, scissors, or a knife. Whatever technique he wanted to use would ultimately result in the same outcome.

The box was opened.

23 had all but disappeared from view. 

And inside?

A single tomato. 

No worries man thank you :> edit: I give small reply

23 held the gloves in his hands, unsure what to do. He wasn't sure if the gift was given genuinely, because who would ever give him something so... heartfelt? Almost, personal. It was a thought-out gift, the one you would give to a close friend. 

He put the gloves in his pockets and held them there securely with his hands. He nodded slightly, without making eye contact with Milo. 

"Thank you." He said at last. It was a big deal, since 23 usually isn't ever polite to anyone...

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Milo rubbed the back of his neck. A small box in his left hand. He hadn't had much time to come up with a gift, he had been working on his manuscript, costumes, and well- he suffered from a bit of sleep deprivation. But he had hoped a bit of elbow grease would make up for his lack of time. The small box was green in color and has a gold-colored ribbon. 

"W-well I heard ya get cold easy an my sister always said that a weakness of any sort was exploitable- so I guess that works for gifts" He handed the gift to 23 and just stared at the ground the feeling that the gift was poorly introduced weighing on him. But once the package was opened inside were two light blue mittens. Hand knitted and of pristine quality, least as pristne as mittens could be. they looked a little big for 23's hands but they were certainly warm looking 

(sorry it's short, still new to using milo)