Game: Make an outfit for the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Hanadoodles

Inspired by the hugely successful draw a character from the person above you thread, here's another forum game with similar rules! 

  • Post to claim a spot. 
  • Look through the characters of the person above you.
  • Make an outfit for them! It's recommended to post a little bit about the character's personal aesthetic, the type of things they'd wear, etc. just so the person after you has some idea) 
  • It's recommended to post IC but that's not entirely mandatory, although please do specify which OC you are designing for if there is none selected above.)
  • Outfits can be simple or complex, digital or traditional.
  • Post BEFORE doing any designs; we don't want two people making an outfit for the same character 
  • You may use sites such as Polyvore/Tumblr/Pinterest or dollmakers/Dreamselfy if fashion design isn't your thing, but please credit any non-original content used. 
  • Don't forget to thank the person below you in an edit to your comment or via PM! 
  • Please wait until at least 3-4 other people have commented before commenting again. 
  • Make sure you have at least one public character, and that images aren't set to thumbnails. 

Since I don't have anyone above me, I'll put together an outfit for the first person to comment >o> (will be traditional as my tablet's currently broken but I will update with the colored version once I get a replacement) 
(Edit: for you-are-butt

And as for my character, some cozy hipster-y fall outfit in reds/oranges/browns for her maybe? 



Nonentin Hag

claim ^o^
sending the image to the user via PM!

give this sci-fi/futuristic alien something cool to wear please! he clearly likes things that are shape-fitting, but if you've got a good idea in mind that doesn't follow that, feel free to go wild!

Octavia Prismakry

My turn to claim you, buddy ;D I'll try and come up with something good for him <3 besides drawing him will be good practice and maybe help give me ideas for my plasmid myo lol.

all done!


Octavia's style is Pastel goth/grunge so please keep that in mind when designing her an outfit! 

 Freyja chiliechii_inactive

hhhHHHMMMMMMMMMMM CLAIM //weeps because I always go on a claiming binge after I shorten my to do list _(:''''v」∠)_



A description on Freyja's fashion style is on her profile so please read that to get an idea on what outfit to design! Alternatively, a workout outfit that fits her aesthetic would be nice for her!





Chris Jensen truelexblue


look at his profile for more info :^)

abdd443b0eac289e5c98a60397ea45c5d45e61bfchiliechii here's her work out outfit! i put her hair up in a messy bun since i thought it would be easier for her to move around :^)

i'll pm it to you :D

Neko Master nekomaster1000

Claim! :3c

Neko's a bounty hunter dude who can shoot Megaman X style energy blasts with a taste for adventure who just generally wants to be a nice guy! A colour combination I enjoy using around him is blue and pink :3 Not a mandatory requirment for costume colours, but just there if it helps for inspiration.

Edit: Here you go cyantrashcan! Hope you like it! :D

 Cupid irri-kirrillee


Aiko mainly dresses in mainly monotones with either dark red or purple to break up the black/whites

punkish type clothing

angry XD 

you can either draw a male or female outfit, they are in either form equally. 

also if you don't want to/feel comfortable drawing the outfit on them, just a plain base/manniquen is fine with me too

Here you go! <3 I will PM too to make sure they get it ^^

 Belladonna Rose-writer


Bella is into frilly things, but as she lives in the forest she doesn't get much opportunity to wear them. So she'd like a frilly ball gown either knee length or full length! Her favorite  color is blue, and she likes green too. 

Done and PM'D

 Sam bunnyyteeth

i'll claim!!


sam needs another cute outfit! preferably a crop top with a versity jacket maybe? camo is really cute too !!

Eve Hukiolukio


Eve likes comfortably loose clothing but other than that she's willing to try out any outfit type

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Alici Sobbloo

I'll claim @yannyy 

PMed as well - base not by me, sent yannyy a link to base used

This tall girl (6ft 7) needs a good outfit for a Steampunk/Firefly-esque space crew first mate/co-pilot! (by Firefly I mean the show... just in case XD) Boots, shorts, pants, straps, cloak, whatever comes to mind. Neutral and earth tones best but so long as it's not neon or anything should be ok. 

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