Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.



Damon Oyrso6rsrso66sro6r

¨Five facts about me eh you people really do get a kick out of my life. well, I suppose I can reveal some little fun things about me, to start, I've been to the hoosegow twice because I don't get along with the err- the law when I've lost a bet. Another fact is that- trust me on this pal, but I'm dead. yes sir! I died in the year 1909. I don´t know how or why I'm somehow still on earth but moving on to the third fact, shall we? I haven't changed my clothing, ever since 1909. yet I still smell like I just took a nice warm bath. and the fourth? I can't swim. Lastly...I have never been In a relationship longer than a week. I guess the lassies don't appreciate that I'm the type of man that doesn't see much of his own home.¨

Styx (Bnha version) VampyOkami

What a pain, you people want to know a bit about me? Well if you insist I will talk a little bit about myself, but I won't really like it... Let's just hurry this up, I need to get back to my hero duties-

1) My name is actually from greek mythology I think it was- Styx is known as the river that goes between hell and earth, I only talk about this with a few, mainly my best friend Meg knows that meaning behind my name.

2) I'm part Canadian and part Puertorican, so I have an interesting mix of being nice and aggressive Spanish in me.

3) I really love sweets, I can't really get enough of them, my favorites are usually things that involve caramel or maple lollipops are also great.

4) I don't really like violence or anything of the sort, but if there is no way around it, I will harm or kill a person, but that is only if I'm left with no other options.

5) I really like music, mainly singing, dancing and playing the guitar, my mom taught me when she was still alive, I continued practicing music on my own after she passed.

Are we done here? Yes? Good, there is a world full of villains that I have to attend to now...


Five facts about me, huh? Well uhh

I once ate 3 nickels when I was a kid, got sick (which may or may not have been related to me eating the nickels, I'm not sure.) And ended up puking the nickels back up. Woops

I once slipped and fell on the concrete on the way home from school, cracked my head open, and then had to walk BACK TO SCHOOL just to have someone call 911 for me. Not sure how I didn't pass out or anything...

I usually enjoy writing, but try my best to draw when I can. I'm not the best, but it's relaxing!

That scar I have on my lip is actually from me getting into a fight at the bar, and one dude pulled a broken bottle off the floor and slashed me with it.

Last fact: I may or may not have a crush on the guy working at the flower shop next door. His name is Uno. Don't tell anyone though, k?

Takeshi Furuta Blumenkranz

1. "My vision is awful and I'm pretty much blind without my glasses."

2. "I'm a pretty good singer! I don't really sing all that often though, mostly just do it when I go to karaoke with friends or something. It always surprises people since they don't expect it from me."

3. "I want to get earrings! Or maybe just one. I don't know, I think some kind of piercing might be cool."

4. "I was raised by just my mom. I knew my dad, but he walked out on us when I was a kid. Never knew why he did it, and my mom would never tell me. She'd always get freaked out whenever I asked."

5. "I've been abducted by aliens! Not once, but multiple times!"

Purge Wilby-Chan

1. He is a type of demon called an executioner demon

2. He is used in my story Kakushigo the prince of hell

3. He can play the guitar/ukelele 

4. He's a pretty old demon 5,000-10,000 years old 

5. He is a hell born demon

 Endor Moobloom_

- Fun fact:  The armor he wears is made from a metal called Kasper. In all aspects, it’s almost identical to Beskar.  The only difference is that a chemical was added to Kasper, giving it a bluish sheen, hence the name Kasper.

- Despite Endor’s attitude and strong looking appearance, he’s actually only 5’6” and 115 pounds.

- Even though he lives in a fantasy alien world, he was actually born in 2003 on Earth.  His involvement with the Delta Paladins and ultimately his resignation resulted in him finding his new home in Atheia.

- Endor is also a were-dragon of sorts.  He drinks a special tea to help him control it, but he has no choice but to transform during the monthly lunar eclipse on his home planet.

- Another fun fact:  He has cooperated with the SCP foundation here and there.