Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.



Sawyer Angeles pennsdragon

(this looks fun!)

Five facts about me? Alright, let's see...

  1. I was born in February, making me an Aquarius. Not that I put any stock in star signs, but it's... well, it feels too appropriate to be a coincidence. Surely it is a coincidence.
  2. My middle name is Lukas. I got that from my dad.
  3. I can sort of... speak Spanish? But I learned it all in high school, so chances are I couldn't hold a proper conversation if I wanted to. I can also speak a little Chinese, courtesy of my mother insisting I learn - young me wasn't too happy with that, I recall - and of course, I can speak English.
  4. I'm about 6'1 in height.
  5. I studied maritime archaeology in university.

- Ew vegetables
- He wil zippity zap u if u hurt his lil bro
- Arrrrrr
- He likes cats and he probs is a cat too

Altura System Ansuperope

((Ryker is fronting))

F-five things about m-me?… i-I’m not interesting so I-I don’t know… *messes with hands*

I-I guess one is I have a bad memory… I-i think. P-people tell me that I’m always forgetful or tell me I-I did thing I don’t remember…

S-sometime people call me a different name, I guess I-I look like a lot of people. O-or maybe people like giving me nicknames? I-i don’t mind them… I-I guess…

*fidgets trying to think of more to say*I guess another fact is I-I’m tall. Im about 5’8”ft.

P-people always tell me I’m a bit too s-skinny and I should eat more and ummm… *trying to think of more to say*

I-I like reading comics. T-they’re very nice to r-read and I like looking at the d-drawings.

O-oh I-I love pastries *gets a little excited*! Pastries are so g-good, they’re my favorite food. I love cooking them. I can’t pick my favorite kind. E-each one has their own unique flavor a-and the aroma is so good. *mouth waters* o-oh wait… s-sorry I r-rambled *messes with hands*

Queen Archaeopteryx MelancholyCollie

- When I was younger, I always wanted to be a pirate and get off the islands that my tribe was trapped on

- People think I don't hear their snarky comments about me "coming out as trans so I can take the throne". I do.

- I'm worried. The future is uncertain and I don't like variables I can't control.

- I'm not sure what will happen once I achieve what I want. I'm not sure I want the adrenaline to end.

- My father left us when I was an egg. Mom hates him. I guess I do too.

 John Timbers Timber-Wolf

(Love this idea!)

"Five facts about me hmm...Well im sure ive mentioned some of these in older interviews but I'll give it a shot

I started our band Wild Boys' back when I was 18 in high school with my friends Grant and Andy, we mostly played locals gigs until we stumbled upon this one night club called The Night Runner where we met our managers Allen and Jackson Givens.

Although i now play bass...I originally fancied myself as a guitar player *Smirk with a pause as he leans back in the seat* because guitar players get more girls everyone knows that. I played it for a while until our actual guitarist Andy showed up and took over.

My favorite places to play music and visit are London and Australia because of the culture and parties

Ive been told I can get pretty wild at our afterparties but hey thats all  in fun got to give the fans something to remember me by.

Id say the way we look isnt as important as the music itself but it is important to have an eye pleasing ascetic...Fashion and WBs just go together...We're into that whole Hollywood glamour 80s theme. Damn good times."

october cynocardia

1. i like to study the animals here. (they pull out their notebook, filled with notes and scribbles. some of the animals have little hearts around them, and are named. most of them are nightstalkers.)

2. i can talk, but no one can hear me. (they shake their head.) it's harder now anyway. (they pinch their cape where their throat would be, head turned upward.) too tight. wish i could take this suit off.

3. we're all "intelligent". (they drum their fingers on their legs.) but the mist makes you lose control. most of us avoid it by using the tunnels to travel, but- (they put their hands down, just briefly, then seem to realize how to go on.) none of us know what happened to us, or how we became this. and it makes us angry that we were left to die. i understand their anger. who wouldn't? sometimes i'm angry, too. (they've been looking somewhere past their feet, but now they lean in. their entire body is rigid and serious.) i'm going to kill father elijah. (all of a sudden, they lean back and slap their knee. their shoulders are shaking. they stop just as suddenly. you get the feeling they like to mess with people.) i'm serious.

4. i don't like dr henry. i don't think his work is just, or kind. i want to lead the nightstalkers he's studying away from their den, but i think i'll get attacked if i try. (they tap their fingers on their leg. it seems like something they might do when they're thinking.) i'm still going to try. calamity isn't going to talk me out of it.

5. i wish i hadn't taken the chip! i didn't know it was important, but the guy was dead! (the back of their hand smacks their knee. very subtly, they flinch, then relax.) the most meaningful thing you could get from dead people in the villa was weapons or ammo. i didn't have any use for anything in the machines, or in the casino. the only thing WE wanted was to survive. (they pause, as if thinking.) ... it's not as humid as it was in the villa here. (their signing is loose and exaggerated and ends in a shrug.)

ooc: purposeful dead money lore rewriting

this was... really fun


1. My armor and claws are made of a special type of obsidian called Shardon.  It is bulletproof and one of the strongest materials in the universe.

2. I can roll up into a defensive ball.  When fighting, I can roll up into a ball to make attacks bounce off me.

3. I can use my tail as a weapon.  Not only can I use my claws and teeth, but I can also use my tail to fight.  My tail is very tough and strong.

4. I have many creatures' DNA in me.  I have the DNA of an armadillo, opossum, lion, lizard, and human.

5. I can spit acid.  My acid can melt a lot of different materials, including flesh.

Solita Desperationis melodiemori

Five facts about me? For what reason? ...I suppose it doesn't much matter. Let's see... 

- I chose my first name by myself. At the time I was alone, solitary, and my name comes from that. My last name, though, came from the Caretaker. It means desperate, which he chose because I suppose he saw just how desperate for affection I was. I like to say my name means "solitary desperation" when you put it together. 

- I am incredibly skilled at self defense and fighting in general. Everything I know was taught to me by Caphriel.

- I am, truly, a terrible dancer. I've never had anyone to dance with before, and anytime I've tried I always trip over my own feet.

- I wish to get tattoos and piercings. Not many, but I want black roses on my shoulders and perhaps a vertical labret and earrings. 

- I have a fondness for books. Fictional characters in dark fantasy and horror books are my only friends, really. It's sad to think about, but really it's the honest truth, I suppose....