Gaidinia Halloween 2021

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
14 3888

Entry 11
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

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Author's Notes

What potion would you want, and what would you use it for.

Week 3- Potion

Alice had always been torn about what kind of magic she would want, so choosing a single potion was actually rather difficult to her. She did however have one that she would love to have, at least briefly, partly out of curiosity as well as out for personal reasons. A temporary potion of invisibility seemed like a great asset to possess, at least to her anyway.

She enjoyed imagining all of the things she could do if she was invisible, one of them being more for study purposes than anything. The idea of being able to secretly listen in on people who disnt know she was there was highly appealing. She could overhear people talking to themselves about their problems, and she could use that information to try to help them out in secret.

On the other hand the idea of being able to overhear things people disnt want anyone else to know about was also appealing to her. If anyone were to ever cross her she would be retaliate and stop them in their tracks. Knowledge is power after all, and sometimes knowing something is more damaging than a fist fight.

Another reason she wanted to try being invisible was to be able to pretend she was a ghost and scare the pants off of people. She did live scaring people,so what better way than making things seem to float mysteriously, making eerie sounds, or even brushing her cold doll hand across someone else's.

Ultimately though she had one big reason it was an appealing potion to her. Though most people thought she was rather outgoing, and friendly, she had always had low self esteem. As a Madness Kemuchii she always felt that people were judging her, so being able to be invisible made her feel like she might gain back some of her confidence. After all if no one can see her, no one can stare at her either.