Gaidinia Halloween 2021

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
14 3888

Entry 2
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

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Author's Notes

Write about your Gaidinian's search for candy.

Week 1- Candy Search

Halloween was Alice's favourite time of the year. She loved dressing up, decorating, and both giving and receiving candy. Now she didn't usually get a lot of trick or treaters coming by her place, but she always made sure she had candy for a lot of kids just in case. This year she was dedicated to trying to find candy early, so she could get things she wouldn't mind eating the leftover of. So off to the store she went, with a wide smile on her face.

The first store she went to, a small grocery store that she usually frequented, had very little selection compared to what they would usually have by this time. She couldn't help but be a bit disappointed in the general selection too, which seemed to mostly be plain potato chips instead of actual candy. Though it wasn't what she was really hoping for she decided to buy some chips just in case she didn't find anything else on her search.

Her second stop was at a larger store, where they even sold decorations for the festivities, in hopes that being bigger they would have more selection. She was indeed impressed with the amount of different treats they were selling for the holiday, but still nothing was quite what she was hoping for. They had bags of toffees, chocolate eyeballs, marshmallow brooms, and even some spooky chocolate cupcakes in their bakery. She decided to pick up a box of the eyeballs, so she didn't have just chips to hand out, as well as some of the cupcakes for herself.

She was starting to get a bit discouraged with her search, so she thought it may be a good idea to take a break and have some lunch. Going home though she noticed a little store down a back street, a candy store, which was decorated inside and out for the holiday. Quickly dropping off the purchases she had already made, which were starting to get awkward to carry, she decided to go to the store instead of having her lunch.

The candy store was much larger up close than she had thought it would be, having two floors filled with all the candies you could imagine. Her eyes sparkled as she saw the bins and bags filled with all of the spooky Halloween treats she had wanted to find. Running around like a small kid, she giggled gleefully at all of the decorations as she shopped. She grabbed a few bags of candies; gummy bats, candy corns, sugar skulls, chocolate cats, and even a few wagon wheels. With a bounce in her step she happily paid for the candies she found, and heading home to finally have that lunch she had planned before coming here.