Gaidinia Halloween 2021

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
14 3888

Entry 7
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

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Author's Notes

Describe their travel through the forest

Week 2- Forest Journey

After having found, and saved up, enough candy she was finally on her way to the forest location described on the poster she had read. Though she wasnt the most outdoors type of person she was eager to learn what reward awaited her in exchange for her candy.

As she began to walk into the forest she took a deep breath of air, the atmosphere seeming to almost tell her she's been wasting her days indoors. She immediately could hear the sounds of leaves rustling in the cool autumn breeze, a few falling town in spirals around her as she walked.

Birds could be heard chirping from high up in the trees, though the trees were so tall that she couldn't even catch a glimpse of any of the vocal avians. That didn't stop her from trying to guess where they each were though, almost like a small game which she could play by herself on her jaunt.

While trying to see the birds though she ended up tripping on a tree branch. Barely reacting in time, she managed to get her hands in front of her to help brace her fall. A rock sitting about an inch below her nose when she stopped falling, which could have been deadly if she landed full force.

Slowly standing up she decided that maybe a break was in order, after all it wasnt as though she had a specific deadline for this venture. Taking a seat next to the rock she nearly landed on, she took a single piece of candy out of the bag as a small snack.

Once she felt rested, and far more alert, she stood up and continued on her trek. This time trying to ignore the birds and pay more attention to her immediate surroundings. For instance, had she been looking for birds, she would have missed the parent and baby Tawari which were basking in the sun off to the side.

As her walk through the forest continued she saw many more mysterious and magical creatures. Though to most the creatures she saw would be no more than a casual house pet, she hadn't ever seen so many varying looks in the creatures before and thus didnt recognize them.

With all of the wonderful scenery surrounding her, she almost didnt notice something. As she grew closer to her destination the birds seemed to go quiet, and the trees were far more sparse and dead looking. That's when the smell hit her though, a foul stench. It couldn't be from the cave up ahead could it?