Gaidinia Halloween 2021

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
14 3888

Entry 14
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

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Author's Notes

Describe what you see in the lab (400 words)

Week 4- The Lab

As Alice entered the scientist's building she noticed that there were a lot of strange things on display. As the mysterious woman lead her into the depths of the structure, into the lab itself, she couldn't help but look around with a look of wonder on her face.

In the initial hallway they walked down there were old posters, seeming to be all torn down or drawn on. The decrepit images most likely from whatever this building had been for back when it was in its prime. The only poster still legible seeming to be an image of a cute kitten on its back saying 'Have a purr-fect day!'. They passed a few deserted rooms, seeming to have been lunch rooms or offices back in the day, none of which prepared Alice for what would be through the final door.

Upon reaching the end of the hallway a large pair of metal doors with a large biohazard sign sat ajar. The scientist opened them with a hard push, the rust making them hard to move as they once would have. As she squeezed through the door opening Alice was hit with the wafting scent of chemicals.

Looking around the lab she first laid eyes on a table with a corpse on it, it was mostly covered with a sheet but it was still obvious what it was. Not wanting to end up offending the scientist she decided to not even draw attention to it, though she was indeed curious.

Averting her gaze she noticed a table set up with beakers and vials, filled with multiple types of glowing liquids and powders. It looked as though the scientist had maybe been trying to replicate the life potion that the witch had asked her to bring here.

The wall behind the table was a large blackboard, with tons of nonsensical chalk scribbles and drawings on it. Sticky notes were tacked all around the edges of the blackboard, some placed in the middle of the board almost like alternative means to the same answer.

Another wall was half filled with books, and half with jars, seeming to be organized by size on their shelves. The books seemed to be collections of journals and encyclopedias, sitting in sets together in their assigned order. The jars on the other hand were filled with body parts, organs, and other types of biological specimens. The last wall looked like it was maybe the source of power for the building, having knobs and buttons that looked to be important.