The Suffering of Pasta

2 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 26 days ago
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Chapter 11
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

A well-experienced knight goes through several trials in his life all starting from a web of family conflict. Trying to hold onto what he thinks is right, this gets put through the test again and again by one person that is a species this knight tries to hold a good stance about... one that happens to be the uncle of this knight's nephew.

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An Unexpected Teatime

An Unexpected Teatime

1,256 words (excluding headlines)

Spare me the headache

During a chilly afternoon, Nathaniel was stuck in a bed that was of no use to him. Dreaded dark dreams of his nephew's uncle had multiplied after that terrible, terrible trip. A major headache was due that day, but would such a predetermined thing have any match against a mysterious appearance of tea prepared right at his end table? A sniff of the tea and Nathaniel knew this was the rare tea that would scare away any headache!

Looking around quickly to see which servant of his really cared for him today, instead his sights were directed to a random child giving him quite the eye from across the room. This child was pastel pink with an array of gradients, but who was he? Perhaps... a friend of Lovett's? Or... maybe... why if it were Gladis' friend, then why did this child appear real?

Nathaniel was a bit speechless to see this child didn't break eye contact with him for the entire ten minutes Nathaniel gawked at him. In fact Nathaniel wasn't sure if the child's eyes even blinked. From great excitement to grave concern, Nathaniel's brows rose in reaction to the thought of some masterfully painted statue being set up in his room.

"You. Nathaniel. Why haven't you had your tea?" a gentle but direct voice leaked out of that statue.

"Excuse me... young bloom, what are you doing in my room?"

"I've entered here to address an issue that is not to be ignored. As you see, the answer you have been looking for is getting chilly right before you."

Nathaniel nervously sipped the tea when that voice started getting more and more commanding in tone. "Very well then, I appreciate this 'answer' you have given me, but answer this: just who are you and what adult gave you permission to enter these quarters?"

An unnerving report

The child's ears straightened up and he answered, "There has been a considerable amount of mishaps running rampant upon the knight grounds nearby. Knights are falling one by one. This leaves no one to take on matters that only a trained efficient guard can take care of. This leaves our country desperate. People are turning to anyone's aid, and they are paying dearly for it out of their pockets. Times have reached an all time high in a desperate state of need. Quite plainly," the bloom paused to take out a chocolate chip cookie from a basket and nibbled on it, "there isn't that many left to deliver the necessities this nation needs. We have to reach out to people we have feared far far far too long, or else you might find yourself depending on those that are lacking in experience, and therefore, leading this nation to perish."

"W-what, perish? This nation? Child, what is it you're saying-- there's a fall of guards happening outside right now?!"

Despite Nathaniel's frantic questions, the child did not respond and persisted to slowly break apart cookies with his teeth.

"Child, answer me!"

After the little child finished one more cookie, he gazed at Nathaniel and said, "There is a message from someone who cherishes you dearly. She has made it clear to you in countless letters that you achieve a grand amount of service hours to the individual named," the child pulled out a tiny card, "'Sleep Rest Get Well.' This Sleep Rest is waiting for you to serve them, but you have neglected such a task."

Do NOT disrespect necessities

That tea wasn't doing much for Nathaniel as this bloom was sending his mind for a spin. Who, what, where, why? What was this confusion sent on four legs doing in Nathaniel's presence? Just as Nathaniel started to get up, his ear twitched to hear one more aggravating crunching of cookies. Putting all aside, Nathaniel immediately barked, "Now has anyone given you permission to bring food to my room?"

The child froze in place, then blinked a bit and replied, "There has been no food provided for you, I apologize."

"No, child, I'm referring to those cookies! Who said you could eat those here?"

A great defensive leer darkened the child's irises and quietly he growled, "What permission is needed to be granted for survival?"

About ten waves of chills were shot through Nathaniel's spine. Trying to ignore the piercing leer, Nathaniel held his ground to say, "One does not depend off mere cookies for their livelihood! I now know you have no business here and are intruding on my peaceful afternoon with senseless words! Tell me child, where is your guardian so I might speak to them personally?" It was then Nathaniel finally noticed the blatant metallic tag with "Jocelyn" hanging from the child's braid. "Jocelyn! Answer me!"

Jocelyn straighten up his posture and retorted, "I will report all of this to the one who cares for you. I assure you, your negligence, disservice towards Sleep Rest, and not to mention your utmost disrespect towards these necessities of mine will not go unnoticed. Prepare five weeks in advance for the response to all this." Rushing right out the doorway, Jocelyn moved like lightning before Nathaniel could get fully out of bed.

The nerve of this child! What sort of bloom says stuff like this? Then to just brashly rush off?! Nathaniel didn't know what was sent his way, but he didn't appreciate any of it! Too upset to finish the rest of his tea, Nathaniel threw himself back into bed. Frustrated grunts and squirms forced their way out of Nathaniel since the worries of guards and possibly the world coming to an end gnawed at his calm. If one more chocolate chip cookie ever presented itself to him, he might've been moved to crush that cookie under his glossy hooves!

If only he knew you cared

Standing at a golden archway, the nervous twitching of a tail hitting the side of the wall brought the attention of a pretty pouflon to the guest at the door. The pretty pouflon's expression lit up and she engulfed her little nephew in a big hug.

"Ohh, why I'm so happy to see you've decided to give me a surprise visit, baby!"

"I have failed you."

"No, baby! No need for word practice today, let's just enjoy a quiet evening together, shall we?"

"I am inevitably incompetent and inefficient. That is to say, I am a failure."

"No!! Baby, do not use those words against yourself, you're much too precious!"

Jocelyn's usual blank expression turned into a pained sadden frown, followed by a quivering whimper.

His aunt quickly knelt down to Jocelyn's level to hold his face and gasped, "Baby! What's wrong?! Did someone say something mean to you? Tell me, tell me, tell me my dear."

"He refused to serve those hours. He barely drank the tea."

After a pause, his aunt knew exactly who Jocelyn was talking about, and a great forest fire was in the reflection of her gaze. "Why, what sort of nightmares knocked the sense out of that scandal! This ungrateful--" Jocelyn's aunt had stopped her furious blaze and brought down the intensity in her voice, "oh no no, I mustn't let my sweet Jocelyn learn any unnecessary words from this mouth of mine. My dear, let me make you some pignoli and I will take care of all of this. You are in no way a failure! You are my light of my life that I cannot stand by and let himself believe he's a disappointment to me!"

Such words melted away the sorrow upon the bloom's face, and into a comforting fluffy hug did he sink into.