The Suffering of Pasta

2 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 26 days ago
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Chapter 4
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

A well-experienced knight goes through several trials in his life all starting from a web of family conflict. Trying to hold onto what he thinks is right, this gets put through the test again and again by one person that is a species this knight tries to hold a good stance about... one that happens to be the uncle of this knight's nephew.

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A Big Brother's Responsibility

A Big Brother's Responsibility

788 words (excluding headlines)

Isn't this how it usually goes?

"I hope you understand now that I can do fine all on my own!" Elana fussed at Denali.

What a rude awakening it was for Denali to finally get home to his little sister only for her to reveal her new lover: A pouflon. Denali didn't know how this sister of his sneaked about while he was gone and captured some lanky messy bedhead from the bottom of the mountain. It was obvious Elana read the letter Denali sent, everything he went through, all the awfulness he went through, and yet his sister decided this was a great time to announce her true love.

Denali, with all power he and his friends had, tried to keep Elana safe from harm. Ah, but wouldn't you know, Elana found her own way. Not just to make a friend, but a lifetime commitment to someone that reminded Denali of a species that just tried getting rid of him a week or so back.

"Do you still want to keep me from having my own house and have my baby live with us, or...?" Elana said.

"So this is what you'll grow up to be, is it now?" Denali grunted.

"Okay, then I'll get packing today and I'll send you a letter when we're all settled in!"

"Elana. Don't act as if you knew this pouflon for as long as you said, you know good and well you ran off while I was out looking--"


Gingerbread cookies replaced the carpet, and not a single word did Denali say more after being turned into the floor. Denali knew what he had to do. He had to make his way to this pouflon's friends and family to see what the pouf was really like.

Spring brings new things, new plans

It took years to find as many as he could, and by then, Denali had a nephew and all. On a cold spring day within this time, his friends and he weren't deterred by time passed. It was now a big longtime plan would blossom and bloom just like the flowers on pouflon territory did.

"It's this day and time my friends, we have to cross the line," Denali said to his crew.

"Do you think if we're caught, we'll be charged a fine?" one friend of his asked that was covered in blue.

"A fine have we not if we keep hidden in sight."

"Okay, we will all trust you, alright?"

Denali gave his blue friend a smile and a pat on the back. Loyalty at its best made a great pack. Friends and family Denali and his crew did find that belonged to his brother-in-law. To greet all these people did Denali and friends have to do, whether with a friendly hello or with claw.

A trusty crew will do

His same blue friend, who we will call Andrew, presented Denali with a big bundle of letters. These letters meant the world to Denali as each one had the address of the last place his target lived at.

Andrew did so many favors and daring tasks for Denali, mainly because Denali always defended him from bullies at a knight camp. Andrew knew this target of Denali's was very important to keep an eye on, so he went all out to make sure that regal pouflon didn't leave his radar. By making his greatest friend happy, Andrew got to more and more extravagant parties. This was the best since springtime brought out the best of foods and music!

Denali knew how to treat all his friends, especially in a manner that encouraged them to do his will and disregard pouflon law. Denali appreciated everything they were willing to do for him, and this only made him look more forward to future friendships that would offer even greater victories for his long-term plans. Although now his sister was way out of his control and his nephew often out of his reach, Denali could depend on friends to be able to let his sister know he cared about her and her son so much. At the same time, Denali wanted her to know that he was looking out for her and watching whoever entered her life through that pouflon lover of hers.

With a painting one of his artist friends made of his top target, Denali stared at the updated piece in his claws. Denali had several springs he clashed with this pouflon face-to-face, probably due to that pouflon reminding Denali of his lowly brother-in-law. That pouflon must've been younger than Denali thought as half of the pouf's pelt had changed in the course of weeks right before Denali's eyes! As such, this new art piece of him was to be a masterpiece that captured a whole new face Denali had to keep up with.