Meek's Whumptober

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
23 15138

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

Whumptober 2022 prompts from yours truly.

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1. Quantum

"This wasn't supposed to happen."

The mantra was repeated over and over as one of the beloved heroes of Degaldo, The Ethereal Swan, of whom most of the city loved dearly, hugged herself. She was always there, dressed in white with her beautiful wings, there to save the day with her spear of justice. But there were those who knew her better... who knew she was more than just the beautiful Swan. There were other sides to her. 

She staggered back, away from the man she didn't remember tying to her dining room chair, eyes wide and watery as she looked over his rough condition. How had *he* gotten here? How did he get to the state he was in? Each breath she took was a fight, the air refusing to enter her lungs as she looked to the bloody mess sitting before her. 

And that bloody mess chuckled, the sound hollow and the motion tugging his cut and bleeding lips. "Wasn't supposed to happen? You mean all this was a joke?" He groaned, wincing at some unknown pain, unknown to her. "And here I thought I was the villain."

Her mind was blank. She could not remember anything... only that she was in a familiar unconscious state. A state where she was out of control of herself, of her thoughts and her actions. But... but she wouldn't do this. She wouldn't have. She was too noble! 

"What happened to you?" She tried to sound calm. She failed.

 "You don't remember, dear Swan?" His voice suddenly sounded tired, sluggish and low as his chest slowly heaved, his body trying to re-cooperate after all he had been forced to go through. 

All she could do was shake her head. "No." 

"You did this to me." 

--To be Continued--