Jellybean Dragon Sidequests - Jan 2023

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
6 2418

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Little snippets done for Jellybean Dragons's January 2023 Monthly Prompts ^_^

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Author's Notes

For Prompt #1 - Your bean has found an injured young animal. After hours of waiting and no sign of the parents, they realize they’ll have to nurse it back to health themselves.

Prompt 1

"WILLLLLLLL!" Sigma wailed, bursting through the doorway of their house, the door making a loud thud as it crashed into the adjacent wall.

"Gah- what, what's up?" Wilbur asked, taking off his headphones and turning around in his swivel chair to look at Sigma. He didnt usually appreciate being interrupted from his music mixing, but clearly something had Sigma very upset.

Sigma just looked at Wilbur with a pitiful expression, holding a young fox pup in his paws.

"Wha- Sigma?? Why do you have that." He asked flatly.

Sigma responded, close to crying the whole time, "I - I found it on the side of the road, and I waited and waited to see if the mom would come back but the mom didn't come back and I felt so bad and we have to help himmm-"

"Okay - Sigma? Sigma, calm down," Wilbur assured, "We'll be able to manage this. Do you want me to find a wildlife rehab center to call?"

Sigma sniffled, nodding and petting the small creature. He sat as Wilbur went to call the wildlife rehab center, holding the fox kit to his chest. He tried to stop crying over the little thing, but he just felt so bad about how it was left there all alone.

After a few minutes, Wilbur came back. "Alright, so, bad news, they're closing up for the night and we won't be able to get there in time -"

Sigma almost immediately began sobbing again.

Wilbur hurried up and said, in an attempt to console him, "But! Good news, there's good news! We'll be able to take it there tomorrow morning first thing, and it should be fine if we keep it in like a dog kennel overnight with some water."

Sigma sniffled, trying to get himself to stop crying over it. "A-alright."