Jellybean Dragon Sidequests - Jan 2023

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
6 2418

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Little snippets done for Jellybean Dragons's January 2023 Monthly Prompts ^_^

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Author's Notes

For Prompt 2 - Someone in town has been asking too many questions. Your bean needs to teach them a lesson.

Prompt 2

Lyra grumbled. Lately, people had been getting too close to too much of her personal business. There was this one detective, particularly; Lyra wasn't exactly sure of her name. Either way, she had definitely gotten into something she shouldn't, and Lyra took it upon herself to set this right.

She peeked around the corner of a building, looking for the bean she was tracking. Ah- there! The detective rounded the corner, so Lyra exited her hiding spot nonchalantly. It was rather late into the night, so there were no crowds around for her to blend into. She had to be careful not to get spotted prematurely.

As quiet and stealthily as she could - which despite her bright markings, was near undetectable in this light - she snuck up behind the other bean, and swiftly knocked her unconscious.

Eris awoke in a dimly lit room. She squinted, shaking her head to try to regain her bearings. She tried to rub the back of her head, which was really hurting for some reason, but found that she couldn't - in fact, she seemed to not be able to move at all. As she blinked, finally realizing her situation of being kidnapped and tied up, her reaction of "Damnit, again?" left her mouth before she could really think to stop it.

"So this happens frequently, then?" A voice said, making Eris flinch. She hadn't quite realized she wasn't alone in this room, though in retrospect it seemed like it'd be kind of obvious. The voice continued condescendingly, "Seems like you should learn your lesson about sticking your nose where it doesn't belong."

"Right, so in case you didn't know," Eris explained, "that kind of is my whole business." She could tell whoever this was was trying to intimidate her, and she was still a little bit out of it, so her bravado exceeded her common sense. Plus, she had a plan.

Her kidnapper exited the shadows of the room, threateningly showing off her claws. "You know, you really should've reconsidered before messing with Lyra-" Before she could finish her threat, she was distracted by a door opening and shining an overpoweringly bright light into the room.

In the doorway stood a small bean - clearly still a child - who said, "Ma? I'm hungy, can you make me a snackie?"

Lyra visibly deflated, muttering "hold on," before turning back to the kid with a cheerful expression. "Aries, honey, it's way past your bedtime. Go back to bed, and we'll make you something good in the morning, 'kay?"

Aries simply stared past Lyra for a good few seconds. Lyra eventually got the message, turning around to see the bindings cut, and her captive currently in the midst of escaping through the basement window.

Lyra stared at the situation in shock. "How the f-"