Jellybean Dragon Sidequests - Jan 2023

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
6 2418

Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Little snippets done for Jellybean Dragons's January 2023 Monthly Prompts ^_^

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For Prompt 3 - Your bean has been thinking about someone in particular lately; why is this bean constantly on their mind?

Prompt 3

Eris rubbed her eyes, looking at the clock. It was well past midnight; in fact, in a couple hours, the sun would be once again rising over the horizon. Once again, she found herself staying up far, far later than she intended.

To put it simply, she was overworked. She had been getting a lot more clients as of late, and most concerningly of all, all the evidence seemed to be pointing towards one bean in particular.


She wasn't sure if it was lingering fear from the kidnapping incident she'd recently gone through (she felt cocky in the moment, but once the minor concussion wore off she belatedly realized she was actually in quite a lot of danger there), if it was actually Lyra that was doing all that (if that was the case, Lyra had been making herself incredibly busy lately), or if there were some other explanation for all of it that she had just been missing. Was she being targeted? Or rather, her clients? Was Lyra doing all this knowingly, to try to get her to break? Eris realized, in this train of thought, that she was getting too comfortable ascribing motive to a bean she had only really directly interacted with for a maximum of two minutes.

It was moments like this - near-sleepless and overworked for one too many nights in a row - when Eris considered, seriously considered quitting her job. However, she always decided against it. She's been doing it for so long, now, that she doesn't know what else she'd do with herself. Even so, she found herself considering it. Was this worth it? Was it really worth it? She didn't know anymore.

Eris sighed, leaning back. She clearly wasn't getting anything done like this. Well, anything productive, anyway; all she was doing was digging herself into an ever-deeper spiraling pit of existential despair and paranoia. She clicked off the light in her office, and made her way home to get some well-earned rest. After all, she had more investigations to do tomorrow.