Jellybean Dragon Sidequests - Jan 2023

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
6 2418

Chapter 6
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Little snippets done for Jellybean Dragons's January 2023 Monthly Prompts ^_^

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Author's Notes

For Main Quest: A Change of Pace

With everyone partying hard at the Queen's New Year celebration, no one  seemed to notice the accidental mix-up between the punch and Keeper's latest shipment of freshly brewed Human Bean potions. Your JBD wakes up the next morning to find they are one of many unfortunate dragons who are lacking more fur than usual!

Not to worry, though! Dr. Seamus says the effects will eventually wear the end of the month.

A Change of Pace (Main Quest)

Eris stretched as she woke up. A long night's rest after a fun new year's party might have been exactly what she needed, with how stressed she's been lately. While her head still hurt a bit - likely from overindulging the previous night - she did legitimately feel refreshed, which is something Eris hadn't felt in quite some time.

She sat up on her bed. While the last night was fun, she needed to get back to business, and in a turn that surprised even herself, she found herself somewhat eager to do so. She stood up, and - man, was her head always this close to the ceiling? That didn't seem right. Quizzically, she looked in the mirror that she kept in her room. Though she had to lean down to get her face in it, sure enough, when she gazed into the mirror, and unfamiliar face gazed back. She leaped backwards, and watched the figure in the mirror do the same. For some reason Eris wasn't aware of, she was now a human.

While it was strange, Eris found herself somewhat nonchalant about the whole thing. It didn't really matter what form she took, as long as she could still get her job done, it didn't affect her too much.

Although, it did still bother her: did she just party way harder than she thought she did last night, to the point where she wouldn't remember turning herself into a human for the first time? That seemed out of character for her. What also bothered her was the fact that her head was nearly touching the ceiling whenever she stood up straight. Her house might fit her fine normally, but it was definitely built for an ordinary jellybean dragon, not a human. She quickly noticed that all of her furniture and appliances were built that way too, but that ended up as slightly less of an inconvenience.

Thankfully, in her closet, she did keep a set of human-tailored clothes, in case anything like this should happen, or if she needed them for any other reason. While it was perfectly fine and commonplace for a jellybean dragon to go without clothing, as she often did, it was much less acceptable to do so as a human.  

Now that she was dressed - which was a whole ordeal in and of itself, considering her limbs were different shapes than she was used to - she went to head out to her office. On the way there, though, she found herself making a detour. It kept bothering her; why had she suddenly turned into a human? Plus, she was seeing a lot more humans out and about the town today. Was it a contagion? Some curse that had befallen the town? Something related to the party? Considering how suddenly it had happened, and the coincidental timing of it, Eris felt safe assuming the latter.

She found herself at the doctor's office, the waiting room of which was also filled with human-shaped beans of various types. As she poked her head in, she caught the clerk at the check-in desk explaining that yes, this has happened to a lot of people recently, no, it's nothing harmful to be worried about, Doctor Seamus says it will wear off at the end of the month, no we don't know of any way to revert it early right now.

A whole month, huh? That'd be pretty inconvenient. As Eris made her way to her office, she made a mental note to stop by a clothes shop on the way home from work. One set of clothes probably wasn't going to cut it, it seemed.