
1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
4 4532

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 4 months ago

Based on the Stormchaser event prompts. I may go back to add onto these later. Word count in "Author's Note" before the chapter

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 1,506

2 halfbodies

Prompt 1: A Special Day

“Happy birthday, Berit and Rani!”

The twins lean over the huge strawberry sheet cake and blow as hard as they can, watching as each of the eighteen candles flicker out one by one. The party goers cheer as the last candle goes out, then collect their plates as Perse cuts into the lovingly baked cake.

“Corner for Beri,” she says, handing a big piece with white frosting and sprinkles to her son, “and a middle piece for Rani.” She hands her daughter her slice, noticing Berit has already halfway devoured his cake - the remnants are clinging to his whiskers and cheek fluff.

Aldus saves Perse the trouble of wiping the mess off her son by licking the frosting off himself. Berit’s cheek fluff sticks out in all directions by the time he’s clean, and he’s giggling up a storm at the tickling sensation of his dad’s whiskers brushing his face.

Rani shakes her head and sticks a fork in her piece, “you’re not a baby anymore, Beri. You can eat with utensils.”

“But this is fun!” Berit picks up the rest of his cake and shoves it into his mouth, “see?” Pieces of frosting fly across the table and land on the ground. All the more reason to have their birthday outside - less cleanup.

Perse hands slices out one by one - Pidge, Gossamer (and Burple, currently on Gossamer’s shoulder), Fiesta, Monte, Soren, Ville, Marsh, Raymond, Oracil, and… Perse sighs.

Still off brooding?

She puts a piece of cake on a robin’s egg blue paper plate, tucks a matching napkin under it, and a plastic fork on the side.

“Aldus, hon, I’ll be right back.”

“Mhm,” Aldus is pretending to try to steal a bite of Rani’s cake, much to her playful protest. Perse shakes her head with a smile and heads past the small pile of gifts and the weighed down balloons and to the edge of the little village.

Right where you’ve been all day.

He’s staring down the main road into town. The midday sun hangs just above, and his hat casts a shadow on the rest of his frame. A few months of proper meals and no near-death adventures have really let him put on some healthy weight. He no longer looks like he’s going to blow away in a strong gust of wind. It would take at least two strong gusts, at least.

Still, even as he shapes up, he still hasn’t dropped his most persistent habit.

“You’re missing the best part,” she says, her voice low.

One red ear swivels in acknowledgment of her presence.

“I brought you a piece. The one with the fewest sprinkles and extra frosting.”

“Supposed to be here this morning.” Tunnel vision on the issue, as always. Despite the sharpness in his voice, she can sense the twinge of worry. The worry that drove him to stand outside since sunrise.

“You know how things get with travel this time of year. Marisol’ll make sure we know she’s here when she gets here. Her and her new, um, friend.”

“Said it was someone I had to meet.”

“You can meet them with the rest of us.” Perse pulls on the sleeve of his black shirt, and he looks down at her paw as if it’s a weapon. He takes a moment to relax, then finally turns to her. Despite his retirement, he looks like he’s aged more noticeably since Marisol left home.

Fatherhood really did more of a number on him than shootouts…

Just then, a gust of wind sweeps through the forest, flipping the plate out of her grip and sending the cake toppling into the dirt, frosting first. It nearly blows the hat off his head, but he’s faster to hold it down.

Dark purple storm clouds blot out the sun with a crash of thunder and lightning. Rain falls in a torrent, as sudden as the rest of the storm. Perse’s eyes widen as a feeling washes over her like a tidal wave. Magic. Powerful magic, and a lot of it.


“Get everyone inside, now!”

The words leave her mouth before she even thinks, but villagers are already in action. Monte’s barrier shines a blinding white, blocking the increasingly dangerous wind from blowing over the plastic table and cake while Pidge and Bootes pack the things away. Gossamer squints against the dust and puts a paw up to hold Burple in place, only to find Burple already midair, paws sticking out as the wind carries him away. He smacks into Soren, who’s quick to grab him by the scruff to keep him from blowing away like a loose kite. Oracil, Marsh, and Ville are corralling the presents and Raymond is looking for the glasses that blew off his face.

“Get to our house!” Pidge shouts over the thunder, “it’s the sturdiest building here!”

Perse helps gather the boxes and carts them into the inventor’s home, setting them down as gently as possible before sprinting back out into the storm.

“Look out!”

A large branch from one of the sturdy oak trees breaks off, threatening to land on Rani, who’s focused on summoning a few bears to help carry objects into the house.

Perse bolts for her, but she’s too slow. A blur of tan and red pulls Rani out of the way just as the branch hits the ground.

Aldus drops Rani at the door to Pidge and Gossamer’s house, “stay inside.”

“But I-”

“Your animals can help out here. Stay inside.” Aldus nuzzles her for a second before helping the others into the house. Once everyone gets inside, the house feels cramped. It was not built to host the entire village at once.

“Ok… Berit, Rani, Aldus, Pidge, Gossamer, Burple, Bootes, Monte, Fiesta, Ville, Soren, Marsh, Raymond, Oracil… Ranger. That’s everyone.”

Perse sits down on the floor and watches Pidge move her tools and half-complete inventions around so there’s more room in the main area. Gossamer checks everyone for any injuries and hands out towels and blankets to dry off and stay warm. The twins curl up beside Perse, and Aldus wraps around them all, doing his own inspection of his family after the tree branch scare.

“I’m sorry,” Perse starts to say to her children, putting a paw on each of their faces. Berit puts a paw on hers and closes his eyes.

Rani shakes her head, “it’s not your fault, Mom. You didn’t cause the storm.”

“I know… it’s just, this is your special day…”

Aldus huffs, “it still is.” He points his snout toward the rest of the room.

Monte sets the sheet cake down on the plastic table, which has been wiped off but not set up, so it just sits on the floor. It’s not perfect, but it survived, and that’s enough to bring a smile to Perse’s face.

“And we still have the gifts. I think they’re ok. Wrapping might be a little messed up.” Pidge gestures to the boxes and bags, wet and a bit crumpled, but nothing extreme. “As long as there wasn’t anything super fragile inside, anyway.”

Aldus dries Perse’s tears - something she didn’t even realize were rolling down her cheek - and nudges Rani and Berit to gather their presents.

As the twins gather their gifts and prepare to open them, Perse spares a glance over at Oracil and Ranger. They’re talking in low tones, but she already knows what they’re talking about.

In a puff of smoke, a letter floats to the ground. Perse watches it fall at Ranger’s feet. He stares down at it, pink eyes reflecting the lightning of the storm. He picks it up and stares at it for a good long time.

Without a word, he adjusts his hat, opens the door, which lets in a gust of wind and a spray of rain before he slams it shut behind him.

“Oh, hell no!” Pidge breaks away from moving her inventions, storming out after Ranger. A minute later, she returns, alone, cussing up a storm. Gossamer ushers her into their bedroom so she isn’t ranting in front of the kids. Perse casts a knowing glance at Aldus, then Oracil. She already knows why he left.

Marisol’s still out in the storm.


“It’s so dark outside…”

“The storm, yes. Stand there, Promethea.”


“Do you feel that? The power all around us?”

“It’s loud.”

“It’s the power of a god. I just know it is. Ah-! Don’t move. Stand still.”

“Is the storm gonna knock down our house?”

“Don’t be afraid of the storm. This is why you were made.”

“I’m scared, Dad.”

“Don’t be, don’t be. You must not be scared.”

“What are you doing?”

“The storm’s intensity will only increase the longer we tally. I - we - won’t get a chance like this again. Stand still.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m - I’m going to - well, you’ll see soon enough. You’re the only reason I can do this.”


“Because no nabi can - endure - what’s about to happen to you.”

“What’s gonna happen to me?”

“You will become a god.”
