Amusement Park Respite

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
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Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

[CANON] After defeating the demon that stole Sirius's body, most of the people who were involved in that battle spend a day at an amusement part in Obsyma that had recently opened for free. While things were supposed to be fishy at first, nothing seems to happen? No one is sure why this is the case.

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IV-I. So much fun! (Crimson Family)

What the Crimson Family typically did during their many visits at amusement parks is that the parents would do whatever rides Greta wanted to do. But, today, the little ghost girl wanted something different. She thought she always got the first choice on the rides, so she floated towards her father’s face and booped his nose. “Daddy! You’re the one who should choose what we should do today!” Greta exclaimed with glee.

Sirius was surprised to hear that from Greta, especially considering she normally insisted on doing the rides she wanted rather than the ones he would’ve wanted to do due to his Maddened State’s tendency of going for the more extreme rides. Despite that, the vampire couldn’t help but be happy about this, as there were some rides he was meant to try out, but since they were rides someone like Greta couldn’t ride, that would mean Sirius had to content with the ones everyone can ride. 

The Daybreaker did feel bad about that, though, and still tried to do some family rides in-between the rides he genuinely wanted to do. But, as he got too excited from the amount of screaming he got to do at the faster & taller rides, Sirius accidentally switched to his Maddened State and pretty much forgot about his initial plans to try and include Greta in the rides he wanted to do. But, that didn’t phase Greta very much, as she wanted to see her favorite version of her dad, which was his Maddened State. Or, as some people would say, unmasked.

Greta had not seen her adoptive father in so long, and hasn’t seen his Maddened State for longer, due to Sirius being generally very unstable for a long time. So, she did enjoy hearing his screams while she and Xena were riding more kid-friendly rides.

When it was time to play the games, though, the family was back together, and Sirius floated around them like a dog that hasn’t seen their owner in a long time while also laughing. Whacking moles, throwing balls at targets, making bottles falls, catching fish, those were some of the games the family played. And, with Sirius being so happy to finally have fun and forget about the emotional torment he had to deal with for months, he helped win an amount of prizes that would make it hard for the whole family to carry it all around. 

And, of course, they couldn’t forget the food. While Greta enjoyed some candy & Xena ate a pizza, Sirius went crazy on the food and essentially ate everything his eyes could find. The three of them, then, chose to rest at an area where there were many arcade machines until the end of the day. While Sirius was a little tired from the amount of energy he expended while outside, it was Xena & Greta’s turn to go crazy on the arcades. While they weren’t as good at those as Sirius, they still managed to gather their tickets for a bat plushie with a red tie around its neck, reminding them of Sirius’s hair tie.

It is known that Sirius always kept the bat plushie with him and that he tried very hard not to cry when he first received it. Even if they didn’t give him as many gifts as he did to them, Sirius saw the effort and love they put into getting him that plushie, and he’s forever grateful they chose to stick with him…despite all the trouble he keeps dragging them into for being himself.

It didn’t take too long before they were reunited with Wolfgang’s group either.