Amusement Park Respite

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
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Chapter 5
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

[CANON] After defeating the demon that stole Sirius's body, most of the people who were involved in that battle spend a day at an amusement part in Obsyma that had recently opened for free. While things were supposed to be fishy at first, nothing seems to happen? No one is sure why this is the case.

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IV-II. So much fun! (Lupine Troublemakers)

For a lot of people in Wolfgang’s little group, it was their first time at an amusement park. In fact, no one knew what it was like to have fun at one. Wolfgang never knew their existence until he got in one, but he was jumping all over the place at the idea of doing the rides. Ares was still slightly half asleep from what had happened earlier, but he did believe the trip was going to be promising. A day without fighting, what could go wrong? Atlas kind of just wanted to do things in his own corner, but wouldn’t oppose trying a few of the games & rides. Okeanos knew a bit about amusement parks due to his visits with Sirius, but had never gone to the specific one Xena invited them all to, which meant he was the one who would point the group towards the rides they would have fun at. 

As for Valentine? Gone. Seems she had other plans in her mind, and they probably aren’t too pretty. 

“So like, where do we start? There are so many rides around here, it’ll take a while just to ride them all!” Wolfgang asked the group with excitement.

Okeanos quickly looked through the map he had grabbed from the entrance and, with a marker he had kept on him somehow, circled a few rides he thought the group would like. According to the map, he recommended around 7 different rides, as well as the entirety of the game section & the food court as well. Some of the rides that were circled were mainly extreme ones, although there was also the mirror maze & a merry-go-round.

Wolfgang noisily looked at the map while Okeanos was still writing on the map. “Heyo, what are these places you circled? They all look silly!” The merman explained to him all the rides with passion as the lycan listened carefully. Meanwhile, Atlas already went off to play a game of whack-a-mole & Ares was watching him. After a while, the group went off to do some of the rides, more specifically the taller ones. Surprisingly enough, Wolfgang screamed in fear as he went high up with the others, while Ares was laughing at him for his fear of heights.

But, as Wolfgang rode more, he got used to the height and ended up enjoying the taller rides more than the other rides Okeanos had suggested. The merry-go-round was fun for most of the group, but was extremely boring to the lycan, who wanted to go back to the taller rides. As for the mirror, Ares might have accidentally broken some mirrors while trying to figure out if he was seeing extra people from his own necromancy or if it was just how the mirrors were built. Oops!

The group then decided to play the multiple games, and that was when the group was split again: Atlas & Ares would play games together while Okeanos would stick to Wolfgang. The two friends from the past had a blast competing over who could win the most prizes, but in the end, they tied. To Wolfgang, it was great to see Atlas smile more often, and he was very happy to see Ares finally being fully awake and enjoying the moment.

Meanwhile, Okeanos tried winning a few prizes for Wolfgang, but he was unfortunately a little clumsy and didn’t manage to win anything. The little merman was a little upset; he couldn't at least get something for his newly made friend. Seeing the sadness in his face made Wolfgang start playing the games more aggressively, which allowed him to win a few prizes for his new friends: A dolphin plush, a wolf plush & a flower charm. 

“Thanks, Wolfgang, but I wanted to get you something too because I think you deserve a nice souvenir from this fun trip…I think you should keep the wolf plush as a souvenir”, Okeanos thanked his friend while also giving him back the wolf plush.

Wolfgang was a little surprised by this gesture, but decided to keep the plush anyway. At the same time, Okeanos gave him what looked like a book with a hydrangea bookmark that stated the location of his library. “I’d love to talk to you more, but I tend to be pretty busy. If you have time, feel free to swing by, and I’d be happy to talk to you!” Okeanos exclaimed while handing his gift to his new friend.

While the two had their bonding time, Ares screamed at them. “HEY! There’s still an arcade section to visit! You guys should totally try playing some games there too!” he screamed. Okeanos & Wolfgang quickly head towards the arcade, where they not only spent the rest of the day at, but they also got some of their favorite food and got to meet back with Sirius’s family. 

Wolfgang stared at the book that was given to him once again. “I’m definitely going to visit you whenever I can, friend”, he whispered.