I love this pair of pieces! really nice character study especially for Lorie. I live for “a look into the mind of X” stories like this.

I noticed Lorie hit Ctrl Z after selecting everything, instead of delete, which would only result in the last word he wrote being deleted. perhaps that was his intent...

Also it’s interesting that Emil says with confidence that his brother trusts him right after a whole chapter about how he doesn’t trust anyone. I wonder if he is in for a revelation in the future.

The dynamic between these two is great as always!

Ah! Thought I answered this earlier, but thank you.

I live for those kinds of stories and I could write them endlessly if given the time.

Whoops! That was totally a mistake on my part! I thought about leaving it as is as a joke, but the story would make more sense if I corrected it. 

Lorenzo does actually know that he trusts Emil and their father. Those are the only two people though (at least for now ;D )

Thanks again, they're always fun to write!

Please write more...I will happily read them all...

it does make sense for Lorie to delete everything (considering Emil saw it happen), but it would be hilarious if he just forgot the shortcut key ahaha.

Thank you for sharing!