Jay's Fantastical Sleepover Extravaganza

8 months, 1 day ago
7 months, 18 days ago
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Chapter 7
Published 7 months, 28 days ago

The boys get stranded at the house of a world-famous popstar. How will they spend this star-studded sleepover? (Chapters 1-6, December 2021, Chapters 7-10 August-September 2023)

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Baggage Claim

It's 73°F next to the crescent moon. Sunny skies were forecasted tomorrow. Gradients and smooth jazz accompanied 8:14:23 PM Saturday, July 8. A quiet beauty lied in this moment.

Maxy's hand waved in front of his face. This too brought its own joy.

"Nicky? Yo, Nicky." The waving stopped. "Yeah, he's totally gone."

"I'm right here." Nicky slowly faced his fluffy haired friend.

"High humidity is expected in the Bay Area going forward this week." reported the newswoman. She caused a storm in his heart. That could be a new lyric, or maybe a full song idea. If only he had his notebook to jot it down.

"There goes the commercial break." Benji announced. "Wonder if they're gonna show that furniture catalogue again. Hey Stan, maybe Jay might be interested in it."

Stanley looked toward the front door, frowning. "He and Kenj' have been gone a while."

"I can check on them." Higgy darted forward, alert like a hounddog.

"No, that's okay." Stifling a laugh, Stanley rose from his chair. "I'll go."

Poor, poor Higgy. He held his head so high above the world that sometimes Nicky forgot he looked up to other people, and just now the chance to impress three role models at once slipped through his hands. No, Lady Luck turned her smile away from him the moment they stepped into this mansion.

"Jay? Kenji? You out there?" called Stanley. He looked around for a while longer before closing the door. "They're gone. So's my car."

"Y'think they went on a joyride?" Benji asked.

Stanley walked back toward them. "More like a boat ride in this storm."

"Does that mean they're gone?" A tiny Toni voice spoke up. "Will they be okay?"

Nicky swayed over to face him. "Kenji... can do anything. Believe in him."

"You're right. I should believe in Mr. Kenji."

Good thing that calmed him down, because Nicky wasn't 100% sure what he meant by that. He felt it though, deep in his heart. Sometimes he just had to say the words in his heart, not his mind.

The words on his mind might fade if Kenji didn't come back with his notepad soon.

"We could check the garage." suggested Higgy.

Stanley scanned the room. "I thought the same thing. The only problem is, he never showed us where it was."

"I'll help you loo–"

"It's probably down this hall." He passed behind the couch and down a hall to the left before Higgy could spring to his feet.

"You'll get your chance." Nicky offered words of encouragement, as a pat on the head would anger Higgy more than anything. Except from Jay, apparently.

A content smirk spread on Higgy's face. Someone else might find it threatening, devious, or off putting, but any smile from him should be cherished.

"You've been in a good mood ever since the boys left." Benji noticed.

"He's been like this all day, anytime Jay pays attention to him." Maxy put on a cutesy voice. "Waah, he touched my hair~ Uwaaa, he said I had a good idea~"

Nicky needed no eyes to see the burning intensity of Higgy's glare. His arm hairs bristled in the crossfire. The room's atmospheric pressure fell. He sat as the only barrier between Higgy, Maxy, and an all-out brawl, but more importantly, he really needed to write down those lyrics.

"Toni." Nicky caught his attention. "I need you to remember this: 'You cause a storm in my heart.'"

The entire room froze.

Toni's wide brown eyes widened more. "O-Oh. Um. Sorry Nicky, but I don't feel that way towards you."

Smiling, yet wincing, Nicky now realized why everyone stared at him. "It's a song lyric. I need you to remember it."


"Whew! You really had me goin' there." Maxy shook him around like a pool noodle, one on the brink of tearing.

Footsteps came back from the hallway, followed by Stanley reappearing with a smile. "They're in the garage. Kenji got caught by the paps, but they're both fine, just a little drenched. I'm on my way to grab some towels for 'em."

"Do you need any help?" Nicky hoped to set up an opportunity for Higgy.

"N–Actually," Stanley tapped his foot, "Benj', could'ja give me a hand?"

"Sure thing!" Benji pried himself out of his chair.

Whispers and snickers echoed from the back of the room while the two old men disappeared into the other hall.

Maxy kept watch for a few moments after they left. A door shut. "Okay, they're gone."

"What are you planning?" Higgy stared daggers into him, as if to try to pin him in place.

"Nothin'." Maxy shrugged. "I'm on my best behavior. 'Cause if I die tonight, I want it to be hilarious."

"D-Die?" Toni straightened up. "What do you mean?"

"Not in this house, you don't." Higgy's eyes narrowed.

"Higgy. Toni. You're obsessed with that Strange Encounters video, right?"

"It's a modern masterpiece. It's iconic. It will forever leave a mark on music history. We're treating it with the respect it deserves."

"Like I said, obsessed." Maxy continued. "Anyway, doesn't that video start with Jay inviting a group of people into his castle during a storm?"

"Oh yeah." Nicky knew at least the first few seconds of the video by heart, having seen it through Higgy and Toni.

Higgy lifted an eyebrow. "And?"

"And he gives them a house tour, but the one girl keeps noticing strange stuff, and everybody thinks she's freaking out over nothin'? None of his staff is there, no one knows they're at the castle, he keeps acting cagey?"

"We skip past the opening part." He folded his arms.

"Yeah, Higgy skips it, but that is what happens, I think." Toni humbly offered his steel trap memory. "But why did you say you were gonna die?"

"I'm just thinkin' about how I'm gonna look when I come back as a vampire. My fangs are gonna be sooo long." Maxy grinned with his already long fangs.

Higgy squinted. "Are you seriously suggesting that the real life Jay Kingston is a vampire?"

"I'm just sayin' that I feel a lot like the girl in the video. Maybe he keeps a coffin behind that locked door..." Maxy turned to marvel at it.

"Vampires are made up!" argued Toni. "You just watch too many scary movies."

"Judge me all you want now, but if we don't see another sunrise, don't come cryin' to Maxy."

"We'll still be alive though, or at least undead." Nicky thought out loud. "We could go to all kinds of clubs and party every night away. Or we'll be his backup dancers like in the video. But we'll never see another sunrise..." If he ever met a vampire, he'd draw them a sunrise. Even a blood-sucking creature of the night deserved to enjoy one.

"I'm sure these two would love if we were his forever backup dancers."

"We?" Higgy scoffed. "You wouldn't be able to keep up. You'd get thrown out in the sun."

"But he'll have forever to learn." Nicky gently placed a hand on Maxy's shoulder. "Jay seems nice."

"Don't entertain this nonsense." Higgy shook his head, not angry, just disappointed. He and Kenji really did have a lot in common. "Just because he closes all his windows, has a neat house, and doesn't have any mirrors doesn't mean he's a vampire."

Maxy's smirk vanished. "Holy... He doesn't have mirrors. I didn't even catch that."

The group passed by painting and vases, but Nicky couldn't remember any mirrors among them. "Maybe he's shy."

"He has one in the bathroom with all of the toilet paper." Toni pointed out.

"Oh yeah..." Maxy's shoulder slumped, but he soon perked back up again. "But he said that one's for his staff. When he comes back, I'm gonna hafta check for a reflection."

"If I was as pretty as him, I'd have mirrors everywhere."

"Yeah, me too." Higgy agreed.

Maxy scoffed. "You'd have a buncha mirrors in your house anyway."

"Because I am as pretty as him. Keep up."

"Yeah, he is as pretty as him!" Toni echoed.

"I wonder if you can get carnival mirrors for your house." The question popped into Nicky's head as he wobbled to the weather music once more.

Maxy slapped him on the back. "I'm sure you'll find a way."

"If anyone can, it's you." How shocking, something Higgy and Maxy agreed on. World peace laid within reach!

Toni smiled. "That sounds so fun."

"I guess that would make it a fun house." Nicky couldn't resist.

Higgy groaned and shook his head on cue, unable to fully hide a smile. Either he developed a begrudging appreciation of puns or a tolerance of them through Nicky. At the end of the day, it's night.

"What sounds fun?" Benji shuffled back into the room, jolly as ever. Stanley walked side-by-side, carrying two sets of towels, until he ducked back into the garage hallway.

"Nicky's thinkin' about putting funhouse mirrors in his house." Maxy answered.

"...Yeah." Higgy must've not wanted to bring up the vampire conversation again.

Benji plopped back into his chair. "Sounds whimsical."

"Geez, I hope we weren't gone too long," Stanley walked back in, wiping the sweat off of his brow, "I felt like I was gonna melt just standing in the doorway." He sat down.

Higgy's leg bounced. "Mr. Stanley?"


"Do you think Jay will let us use his dance studio? I was wondering if we could get some more rehearsal time in."

"More??" Maxy's eyes bulged. "Whaddaya mean, more? We were rehearsing as soon as we stepped into that other studio. That was what? Five hours?"

Stanley smiled. "I'm sure Jay would be happy to let you guys practice."

Higgy chuckled to himself.

"But I won't."

It was Maxy's turn to laugh, and though Nicky hoped no one heard, more air left his nose than usual.

"You boys put in fine work today. I feel like you're close enough to show-ready."

"Close enough?" Higgy repeated.

"I know, I know, 'Close enough? I wanna be ready.'" Stanley predicted his thoughts. "We can work on that tomorrow."

"Yeah, besides!" His husband chimed in. "We're in a mansion. You don't do work in a mansion unless you're getting paid. Are you getting paid?"

"He's got a point." Maxy shrugged.

By the looks of it, his words brought Higgy's frustration to a low simmer, but he said nothing out of respect for Stanley.

The lull in the conversation allowed Nicky to focus on a particularly funky song playing on the weather station. Its melody begged for lyrics. He felt the groove in his bones; it wiggled him around like its little marionette. Oh, how he wished he could belt out words, but he had a voice to preserve for tomorrow's performance, so he hummed passionately instead.

He caught glimpses of the looks in the others' eyes, the smiles of 'Nicky's at it again.' To be so known and loved was a beauty all should experience.

"Um, Mr. Stanley...?" Toni softly spoke to the other freckle-faced fellow.


"I hope this isn't a stupid question–"

"Oh, don't start with that. Ask away!" welcomed Stanley.

"You said you needed help with getting the towels, but when you came back, you were carrying both."

"W-Well, um, you see, uh—"

"Maybe they were high up." Nicky offered his help.

"But Mr. Stanley is taller." Innocent words punctured his life raft.

Benji opened his mouth to say something, but wheezed as soon as those words left Toni's mouth.

"Maybe he needed him to stand on his shoulders."

"That's not happening." Stanley stopped stumbling long enough to shut Nicky down.

"Not even when we were young and spry." Benji added.

"Thanks for trying."

Higgy leaned back in his seat. "You could just tell him it's none of our business."

"Oh, sorry." Toni ducked his head down. "I guess I don't know much about getting towels at all..."

"Cheer up. You will someday." Benji reassured him.

A door opened.

"Hey, that must be Kenji and Jay!" announced Stanley, somewhat loud.

Out from the garage hall emerged a lightly drenched Kenji dabbing his coat off with a towel while carrying some luggage and a black hat. Overjoyed to see his brother's face, Nicky rushed toward him.

"Kenji, you're back!" Nicky reunited with him by hug.

"N-Nickels? Nickels and Dimes? This coat's still a little–" Kenji sighed, surrendering to the embrace. "I wasn't gone that long, was I?"

"No, I'm just happy to see you."

"It's good to see you too." To say Kenji laughed would be an overstatement. Instead, he exhaled through his nose. "Here's your luggage. Maxy's too."

"Nice, nice!" Nicky no longer had to wait for his notepad. He let go of his brother and took the suitcases. "Nice sunglasses, by the way. Where'd you get them?"

"Those would be mine, aha." Jay poked out of the hallway with sweat and/or rain dripping down his dress shirt, no suit jacket or hat to be seen. He looked more than a little melted. "'Ello, everyone."

"Hello again. I'm happy you're here, too." Nicky greeted. "I hope that you're doing well."

Jay paused for a moment. Nicky felt the sincerity of his words strike his heart. A genuine human connection had been made in this moment. "Why, thank you. I could be better, truth be told, but I truly appreciate that."

Wait, maybe he should've had Higgy say that. No. That wasn't his way.

"You can also put this back on the coat rack." Kenji took off the coat Nicky lent him.

Nicky draped it on his shoulder and picked up the luggage again. "Where do I put these?"

"Just leave it by the seating area." Jay waved a gloved hand. "That's where most of us'll be sleeping, anyhow."

After setting his and Maxy's bags behind the couch, Nicky shimmied toward the front door.

"You can have these glasses back." offered Kenji.

"No need to 'and 'em back just yet. You can keep them a while longer if you'd like."

"No, it'd be silly to keep wearing sunglasses while... inside." He must've realized who he was talking to. "Sorry, I didn't mean to–"

Jay's laughter echoed through the halls. "Oh, don't bovver. I'm quite aware it's an odd quirk. I'm more surprised I've managed to fool people into thinking it's fashionable."

"Like Higgy!" Maxy piped up, followed by a hiss.

"Ahaha! Dearie me, I do 'ope I didn't offend your style sensibilities. I joke, but I put in a lot of effort to pull this off." Luggage wheels rolled in the distance. "By the way, I believe these belong to you gentlemen."

Nicky turned back just in time to see Higgy and Toni stumble off of the couch to meet Jay.

Toni struggled not to bow. "Thank you."

"I appreciate it." Higgy took his bag.

"By the way, 'Iggy, I was wondering if I could use your sleeping bag for the night."

"You want that thing? I mean, you have a bed."

"Oho, that's where Kenji's going to sleep–"

"I said I'll think about it." Kenji spoke up.

"–but I understand if you're not willing to part wiv it. Just thought I'd ask."

"No, you can have it." Nicky turned back in time to see Higgy fiddling with his bangs. Nervous Higgy? What a rare sight! "I don't mind."

He flipped his bangs, playing it cool. Good. All he really needed to do was get a handle on his nerves. Higgy trained his whole career to pull off a statuesque stoic stylishness, maybe his whole life. Only time stood in the way of convincing Jay of his strength and grace. Nicky believed in him.

Too focused on Higgy's reaction, Nicky stumbled on the rug in front of the doorway. His hand caught the door handle just in time. The door opened just a little bit, but stayed in place enough for him to noodle his way back to his feet. He leaned against the beautiful mahogany, his savior.

"Nick, be careful." scolded Higgy.

"Please." Kenji gripped his poor heart.

Toni lifted his head. "Are you okay?"

"Th-That door was unlocked, haha? Hahaha?" Strange. For a moment, Jay's laughter almost sounded like crying. He power walked over to Nicky at a speed even Higgy would struggle to match. "Right, right, couldn't lock it if I was outside."

"Do you want me to lock it for you? Since I'm already here." Before Nicky could properly lend a hand, another tickled the locks until they were all shut.

Jay turned to him. "That door, eheheh" his fingers tapped together, "it didn't open while we were gone, did it?"

Between the weather channel and the chitchat, Nicky wasn't sure if he'd have noticed the front door open if it did. Jay may've asked calmly, even coolly, but Nicky couldn't stare at the slightly quivering, melting popsicle of a guy and let him down. He might dissolve into a puddle!

"I didn't hear anything." Toni answered.

Maxy crossed his arms, laughing. "Well, that settles it. Toni has freakish hearing and a good memory. If a door opened, he would've heard it."


"Freakishly good."

"Izzat true?" Jay looked between Nicky and the others.

"Yeah." Nicky nodded. "Whenever I need to remember a song idea and can't write it down, I tell him." He pointed to his ear. "And he has great hearing."

Jay laughed, clasping his hands together. "Thank the 'eavens for your soul, Toni!"

"You're welcome." Toni brought his hands to his face, twisting back and forth in joy.

"And I was facing the door the whole time!" Higgy blurted out, long after his thunder had rolled away.

"That's true!" Nicky jumped in. "Higgy had his eyes trained on the door. If anyone would've seen it open, it's him." He winked at him as soon as Jay turned his back.

"It's a good thing you were all sat 'ere." Most of Jay's excitement must've been spent during Toni's answer, because right now, he seemed collected as ever. "I know I look a right mess now, so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to 'ave meself a shower."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Stanley advised.

Benji grinned. "In the meantime, we can grill Kenji on his run-in with the paparazzi."

"Lucky me." Kenji trudged his way over to the couch.

"Haha, looks like you're in the 'ot seat today." Jay made his way over to the padlocked door. "Feel free to venture 'round the ground floor. I'd 'ate for you all to feel confined 'ere." He disappeared behind it.

Nicky started wobbling back to the others, eager to hear what Kenji had to say. On the way, he heard a thud, followed by a groan? No, a screech. Actually, maybe it was more of a croak. Whatever its name, it sounded like heavy furniture moving against an old, wooden floor. Or a soul being ripped from its body.

Toni's head turned toward the door. "Did anyone hear that?"

"That's just my stomach." Higgy looked away.

"No, not that. It came from where Jay went."

"He might be moving some furniture around." Nicky continued over to them.

Just then, the door flung open, and Jay stumbled out.

"Hoo hoo, silly me!" Hustling past all of the others, he sped into the garage hallway. "I almost forgot me things."

He reemerged rolling a suitcase with the suit and hat he wore earlier were draped over it and zipped back past the rest.

"Don't mind me, heheh. Keep calm and carry on. Tata now~" With a wave of his hand, he closed himself behind the door once again, taking the suitcase and clothes with him.

Nicky took a few more steps toward the couch before doing a double take. "Kenji, isn't that your...?"

"That was my suitcase."