2024 Cred Events

2 months, 22 days ago
1 month, 7 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 months, 22 days ago

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Event: FF P1: Cooking

When they arrived at Lere, the Florabelle Fair was in a mad frenzy, with all sorts of creds wandering about with missions to do. Crowds of busy working beings basically masked the fair, thus far, for the tiny skullcracker, despite her floating upwards to get a better look around. Before she knew it, Huckleberry had been pulled one way with her cart, off to unload and sort, and she called after, whisked away to the depths of an active kitchen.

Steam was escaping multiple lidded pots, making a cool white fog sweep through her entrance; pans shook as they cooked assortments of items. Creds of different sizes and species were all wandering what looked to be a set of kitchens created for this very event, no doubt. All wrapped up in proper clothing to keep clean and tidy, also protecting them from any free way spills or spats that came from the food.

Cheesecake was no different, having followed someone in, and instantly wrapped up in proper gear. She felt like this must have been what warriors felt, getting geared up, ready for war, but unlike them, she knew not what she was doing. The skullcracker was used to baking and cooking in the cozy privacy of her own kitchen, surrounded by a few close friends who would soon enjoy her creations. Here she felt foreign and an anomaly; would she do good here?

"You'll work here," a cred in charge called to Cheesecake, "Come on now! I have other things to get sorted." Clearly, they were the head chef for the massive hat upon their head.

Silent and swift, Cheesecake floated over to her designated spot. Instead of walking around the kitchen to keep the floors even cleaner and allow the other folk more room, she was keenly aware of the other skullcrackers doing the same thing.

"I can do this," she whispered, taking a deep breath as she looked over the list of recipes the head chef had given her. Surveying her surroundings, it was clear that those near her were all making the same things. There was some comfort in that, in case she got stuck on a recipe line. Giving a firm nod, while trying to tune out the commotion of the active kitchen around her, Cheesecake went to work. Getting acquainted with her dedicated tools, she dove into action, wasting no more moments. She started chopping some apples and pulling out flour with sugar. Then, she assembled some cinnamon bark, shaving it down into fine spice before tossing it into the apple and sugar bowl. Whisking to blend, the pink-toned girl tossed the items into a buttered pan to start letting them cook.

"Well, this will be easy," she thought, as she read over the ingredients and recipe lines, practically missing what she would be making. It turned out to be the easiest thing of all, something she often made at home: cinnamon apple tarts! Comfort ran through her as she checked over the other recipes; they had been catered specifically for her from the area she came from. Apple tarts, peach strudels, simple pies, and savory cookies—she had this! Helping out at the fair shouldn't have been scary to start; it was turning out to be wonderfully fun.