2024 Cred Events

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Chapter 3
Published 2 months, 25 days ago

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Spring Prompt: 🌼 Spring Cleaning

Prior to being whisked away to the Florabell Faire by Huckleberry, Cheesecake had found comfort inside her home. She spent the winter as cozy as a bug under a rug, baking and selling her goods such as pies, cookies, and tarts simply from her window. The aroma of these tasty items traveled far by scent and word, attracting many visitors to buy something. She tried her best to keep her cottage home as clean as possible, as it would have been utterly embarrassing to have clients see her home in such disarray. Luckily for her, the front receiving area and kitchen quarter of the cottage were kept sparkling.

Opening all her windows to catch a fresh breeze of spring, Cheesecake felt content. Out with the old air of winter and in with the floral scent of spring. Such soft scents inspired her to declutter. Away went pans she had not touched, gone were ingredients that did not serve her. Along with the unneeded things, she also piled up a few items she wished to exchange for something newer, more suited to her aesthetics, now that she had come into some money with her work. After rounding up a few old items and placing the bag outside, the girl went about tidying her room next.

No eyes had laid upon Cheesecake's room like this before. As open as she was with her friends, the girl remained private in her sleeping quarters. Due to this, unlike the cleanliness of her receiving area, her room was a pigsty. Oops! After each day, the tired skullcracker would drift to her room, toss all things around she wanted off, and would just plop in her bed. All after a hot shower or bath, of course. A bit of shame overtook her as she looked over the room, reaching for items to slowly put away or toss in the laundry hamper. First, Cheesecake would remove all the stray clothes from their places and put them in a pile, sorting them between clean or dirty. Dirty clothes went into the hamper, while clean ones were folded and put away in a drawer. It was surprising how many clothing articles she had for it being her first year in the village. She made a mental note not to spend too much on clothes as a goal for the new year.

Then she went about dusting and sweeping the room's floor, taking out the rug as well to beat it in the yard and air it out. Next, she treated her room like the kitchen, tossing away items in a bag that did not suit her any longer. These things would also go to donation, possibly being helpful to other residents in the village. Finally, she tackled her bed, taking off the top covers, pillows, and sheets to be washed outside with the rest of her clothes. All of her things would be on display, swaying in the spring wind to dry and freshen up.

Upon completing her indoor tasks, Cheesecake felt accomplished. However, looking around the outside of her cottage... that was another thing, but for another day. Perhaps after spring had let things grow more, and overgrown, the first spark of summer would compel her to do some much-needed yard work outside!