2024 Cred Events

2 months, 30 days ago
1 month, 14 days ago
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Chapter 2
Published 2 months, 30 days ago

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Event: FF P1: Setting Up

“There you are!” A familiar cheery voice lit up toward a small chocolate-colored skullcracker, Cheesecake. With their fur and hair now more of a mess than ever, Huckleberry looked absolutely exhausted, even without showing her eyes.

“Huckleberry! I wondered where you were carted off to,” Cheesecake smiled instantly, offering the frightful mantibab a cup of water. As the other gladly accepted, she instantly went to grab the pitcher to fill her friend's cup up more. At the moment, some of the cooks who had been in the kitchen with Cheesecake were now pointed out on the fairgrounds, everyone scurrying around attempting to decide where they would set up the stands for food among the many other stalls going on. Lucky for Cheesecake, she had managed to find her little spot easily. It was just a matter of setting the situation up before returning to the kitchens to help bake more.

“They brought me all over the faire unloading the items in the cart! It was only when they were unloading the apple stores did I realize I was done,” Huckleberry happily took the water and drained the cup dry, humbly holding it out after for another pour. “When I went to the kitchens to look for you, I almost got roped into cooking… but we know how that would have gone.” Her lunch was quick and rather dry, sipping over the water to rejuvenate herself. “I don't mind helping out again, but I wanted to make sure you were okay!”

Cheesecake poured more for her friend, smiling happily. It was nice to know she found a circle of others that cared for her deeply, ones that she could rely on and who actually took care of her as she took care of them. “The kitchen was a blast! I'm actually going back after I finish setting this stall up,” she said, glancing at the pillars for the roof she needed to set up. Alone, it was rather hard to put up, so she figured she would enlist Huckleberry for help while she was here.

Without needing her to ask, the mantibab looked to where the skullcracker's gaze fell. The sun was burning down upon them, occasionally covered in relief by passing spring clouds. Giving a nod, Huckleberry made an ‘ohhhhh’ sound before moving over to aid in lifting and putting the canopy on the stall. Once the mantibabs aided her friend, she heard a loud cough behind her and turned to see what it was. Another next to Cheesecake had also been stuck on the canopy task, and they too were then helped.

“How lovely of you,” the skullcracker admired, impressed that their friend so easily went to assist others. Just as she was finishing the final touches to her stall, her other next-door stall mate asked for some help. “Absolutely! I'm all finished here,” thrilled the girl, glad to get her chance at helping out in the fair's fields. Since she had gotten her area all set up, Cheesecake would give aid to the others around her before retiring to the kitchens again. Of course, bidding her farewell to Huckleberry before turning to the baking tasks.

Eventually, after the fair was set up to an extent and their work was done, the pair of friends would venture out to a nearby café to see if they could find any of their other friends.