2024 Cred Events

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Chapter 4
Published 2 months, 18 days ago

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Spring Prompt: 🌼 Morning Dew

The cheery strawberry-chocolate-colored skullcracker was up long before the first lines of light peeked over the horizon. Getting to understand the times of the first dawn for her area, the girl was collecting such wonderful information to use in the future. While darkness still crept over the land, Cheesecake had bundled herself up in proper clothes, tossed a few slow-bake muffins in her oven, all with an enchantment to stop a fire should it erupt in her absence, and disappeared out into the morning's night. She wanted to experience the dawn of a new day with the sun rising up and illuminating her small village. Truly enjoy seeing the morning dew suddenly glimmer and shine in the light like sparkles in the grass and leaves. Cheesecake loved the romantic idea of it!

For now, she found herself resting under a large tree up on the hill that overlooked the entire village and rolling meadows nearby. If she positioned it right, the girl would be basking in some soft spring warmth. And as expected, the sun started to peek over the horizon, shining its first rays onto her. The feel of it upon her fur was warming like a soft kiss. Ever so slowly, like a caterpillar inching itself casually on a leaf, did the sun lift up to dance the light upon the rolling hills. Beads of dew began to glisten, making the young skullcracker utter an impressed, drawn-out 'Wow'.

Now that the sun was finally here to reveal the morning dew, it was apparent a low-level fog hovered over some parts of the meadow and out by some of the village houses. Covered in a white mist that she could only believe would make one feel moist. Even in the distance of her home wooden cottage did she see the mist settling there.

"That was spectacular," a quiet voice soothed out, enjoying what she could of the scene. In all, it was overly magical, something that in the days to come Cheesecake would try to witness and feel more of. Spring had that effect of feeling new and welcoming. As much as she wanted to linger and take in the sights until noon, the girl had some bread in the oven! The few moments of the morning she could enjoy, and then back to work of what was needed to be done.

Cheesecake did not rush back; the girl had the helpful enchantment after all. Her magic slowly coming together as she learned more to aid her with her work. Calmly she skipped back, feeling and hearing the crunch of supple tall grass between her toes. Along her fur, bits of dew transferred over, and by the time she returned home, the girl was pretty much soaked. She took it as a lucky sign, dried herself off, and disappeared into her kitchen to take out the bread and start her usual morning tasks. The wintertime had only permitted the girl to work from home with others coming to her. But with the new start of a season, Cheesecake wanted to try something different once a week.

She would bake early in the morning, collect her goods in a hand-woven basket with red bows. Place all the tastiest looking morsels in there and head down to the main village to sell her baked goods in the morning market. All while enjoying the crisp walk there, in absolute bliss that it was spring.