Bismarck's (attempts at) Dailies

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
19 12571 1

Entry 14
Published 4 years, 11 months ago

An idea borrowed from PHB and PuppyToast. A daily writing challenge with a character and an emotion. A way to stay in practice and to explore characters and emotions. These are probably going to be more spotty now as I try to focus my creativity on other things.

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Author's Notes

Character: Hera (ft. Maja)
Emotion: Happiness
Why I wrote this scene: Hera meets Maja again for the first time in many years.

2019-07-03 - Hera/Happiness

A lone traveller in the mountains, approaching the Aerie. They were either a fool or very determined. Hera planted her foot on a rock and leaned forward with a discerning frown. They were umbra, she could tell.

"Who are you, braving these paths? Has my sister sent someone to treat with me?" she mused. "I think not." She left the perch, moving silently and gracefully over the snow to a better position. This one was lower, slightly more exposed, but it'd give her a better view of the trespasser. Hera braced herself on the stone with one hand and knelt, eyes narrowed. She could see grey skin and white hair beneath their hood, and they wore a red scarf over their mouth.

"Could it be my niece? Would Talya brave these mountains just to find me?" Hera's ears tilted back slightly and she arched a brow. "No, I do not see Sunderer. Besides, I would hardly think Talya-" The figure glanced in her direction and she turned behind the rocks. Hera moved yet again. The time for guesswork was over. She unlimbered her spear, Shatterer, dark whispers reaching her ears. She positioned herself behind a lone pine tree that stood on the path ahead and lowered to a crouch, ready to pounce. Shatterer's black edge gave off no glint in the dark. The traveller was slowly approaching. They had a sword belted at their waist, and their garb looked... unfamiliar. Not like the Custodians, or even the people of Solace. Answers would be had. Hera's fingers pressed on the cold stone and her pupils widened as the traveller neared. She lept from the shadows with a bellow, a preemptive bolt of lightning knocking the traveller off guard. She slammed Shatterer's haft into them and knocked them onto their back, pinning them down.

"Who dares traverse th-" Hera's pupils snapped back into slits and her ears pricked up. An umbra woman with grey skin flecked with silver freckles, her hair white that darkened to red at the tips. She looked up at Hera with grey and red eyes, surprise and anger fading to bewilderment.

"Hera?" said Maja.

"Maja?!" said Hera. "How are you... you... you're alive!"
"As alive as ever," Maja smirked slightly. "Despite your efforts." Hera burst out laughing and released Maja, slinging Shatterer over her back.
"How many years has it been? How many! My dear niece!" Hera grabbed Maja and pulled her up to embrace her, laughing again. "Maja! Alive and well!"
"I'm glad to see you well, too. Talya didn't have much good to say." Maja returned Hera's hug. "It's been too long."
"Too long indeed! Let me look at you." Hera held Maja at arm's length and admired her for a moment. "What a woman you've become! You've new scars too!"
"And you too." said Maja with a smile. Hera bounced back to her feet and helped Maja to hers.
"Come! You are unharmed? Forgive me my zeal-"
"There's nothing to forgive, I'm fine. I came out here to find you."
"You did?"
"Talya implied a certain renegade might be hiding out in the Aerie." said Maja. "I wanted to see my family. My whole family." A broad grin broke across Hera's scarred face, her cyan eyes twinkling.
"Then come! To the Aerie! You will tell me where you have been these long years." Hera ruffled Maja's hair. "My wild rose!" She beamed with delight at Maja and they began walking.