Bismarck's (attempts at) Dailies

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
19 12571 1

Entry 3
Published 4 years, 11 months ago

An idea borrowed from PHB and PuppyToast. A daily writing challenge with a character and an emotion. A way to stay in practice and to explore characters and emotions. These are probably going to be more spotty now as I try to focus my creativity on other things.

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Author's Notes

Character: Maja, ft. John
Emotion: Homesickness
Why I wrote this scene: Maja's wanderlust can sometimes give way to loneliness and a longing to see her old home again. This scene is from her perspective during the main narrative, when she has partial memory loss.

2019-06-22 - Maja/Homesick

Maja sat beneath the midnight sky, gazing up at the pale sphere overhead. Luna, they called it. The moon. A sphere of whites and grey, a lonely island in the sea of stars. She wondered if it was a world too, with people living on cold mountains and in snow-covered forests. Maybe one of them was gazing back at her now, dreaming of home.

She turned to see John step out onto the terrace, clad in a loose-fitting shirt and baggy pants for nightclothes. His golden eyes glittered slightly as he blinked away sleep. "What are you doing out here? It must be past midnight."
"I couldn't sleep." She was sitting on a balcony overlooking Cloudburn, one that usually served as a place for afternoon tea or outdoor meetings. The city slept before her as she perched on the wall, one leg drawn up to her chest, her hair in loose tangles.
"Can I join you...? I can't really sleep either." he asked. She smiled and patted the stones next to her. He sat with some trepidation, swinging his legs over the stones and gazing down for a long moment before looking back up. "Beautiful night."
"Yeah. It's a beautiful city." she said. They sat in silence for a few moments, admiring the stars. "The pale sphere up there... Luna?"
"The moon? What about it?"
"We didn't have one in my homeland." she said. He gave her a curious look.
"You didn't have a moon?"
"No. We had rings. Great, silver rings that went from one end of the sky to the other. They were massive, and they were so beautiful."
"Wow. That'd be a sight to see." said John. She smiled.
"Your moon is very pretty though. Do you know who lives there?"
"Lives there? What do you mean?"
"Do people live on Luna?"
"I... I don't know. I wouldn't think so, but... that was before I met you, I guess." He scratched the back of his head. "Do you remember much of home?"
"I remember mountains. And snow." she said, her smile fading. "I remember bits and pieces... faces, barely, but no names... I remember... a sister of mine..." She sighed. "I think."
"Have Iselda's methods yielded anything?" he asked, and she shook her head.
"Nothing yet. She tells me it's like there's a dark cloud hanging over my mind that she can't get through..." Her gaze fell. "I don't even remember home, and I miss it. I miss the mountains. I miss my sister. I miss the rings."
John wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her closer to him, and she rested her head on his shoulder as they gazed up at the moon.