Interrogations by Zephyr

1 month, 30 days ago
1 month, 30 days ago
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Chapter 11
Published 1 month, 30 days ago

Interrogations done by Zephyr Lupos, this is literally his job as a pro hero.

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Echoes of Quartz

The interrogation room was bathed in a soft, pink glow, emanating from the crystals that adorned the walls, a testament to Mid Quartz's unique quirk. Zephyr Lupos, the imposing wolf chameleon anthro with mismatched eyes, sat across from Mid, his gaze steady and unwavering. Mid, with his sharp features and determined expression, exuded an aura of quiet confidence as he regarded Zephyr with a mixture of defiance and curiosity.

Zephyr Lupos, his Truthsense Mirage Fang poised to unravel any falsehoods, met Mid's gaze with unwavering determination. This was no ordinary suspect; Mid Quartz possessed a quirk that made him a formidable adversary, his crystal manipulation abilities allowing him to wield power with remarkable precision.

"Mid Quartz," Zephyr began, his Russian accent adding weight to his words. "You understand why you've been brought here."

Mid's eyes, a vibrant shade of pink that mirrored the crystals surrounding them, bore into Zephyr's with a hint of defiance. "Indeed, Officer Lupos. The mortals seek answers, but they know not the depths of my abilities."

Zephyr's mismatched eyes narrowed slightly as he leaned forward, his chameleon tail swaying with restrained intensity. "Abilities may grant power, Mid, but they do not absolve you of responsibility. Your actions have consequences, and justice demands accountability."

Mid's expression remained impassive as he regarded Zephyr with a calm resolve. "Accountability, you say? But who is truly accountable in a world where power reigns supreme? Is it I, or is it the forces that shape our destinies?"

Zephyr regarded Mid with a mixture of empathy and resolve. "Destiny may guide our paths, Mid, but it is our choices that define us. You must confront the consequences of your actions and take responsibility for the havoc they have wrought."

As Zephyr rose from his seat, his towering form seeming to fill the room with an imposing presence, Mid's composure faltered for a moment. "You may think you have uncovered my secrets, Officer Lupos," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "but you know not the depths of my abilities. I am Mid Quartz, and I will not be bound by the chains of fate."

Zephyr's gaze remained unwavering as he exited the interrogation room, leaving Mid to grapple with the echoes of his own power. He knew that Mid's reckoning was inevitable, and justice would prevail, no matter the obstacles in its path. But as he stepped into the corridor, the lingering echoes of Mid's cryptic words haunted him, a reminder of the complexities of the human soul and the power it held within.