Interrogations by Zephyr

5 months, 3 days ago
5 months, 3 days ago
13 6219

Chapter 7
Published 5 months, 3 days ago

Interrogations done by Zephyr Lupos, this is literally his job as a pro hero.

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Echoes of Eternity

In the heart of the precinct's interrogation chamber, Zephyr Lupos, the towering wolf chameleon anthro with mismatched eyes, sat across from Zephyr Celestialscale, known to the world as the Abyssal Seraphim. Zephyr Celestialscale, an enigmatic being standing tall at 8'4" with an appearance that defied description, exuded an aura of ancient power and otherworldly presence. With his half-albino naga and half-bible-accurate angel form, adorned with wings sprouting from his tail and a head resembling an eye with swirling dark green iris, he appeared as a being caught between the realms of divinity and darkness.

Zephyr Lupos regarded Zephyr Celestialscale with a mixture of awe and determination. This was no ordinary interrogation; it was a clash of titans, a battle of wills between two beings with powers beyond mortal comprehension. And yet, Zephyr Lupos knew that his Truthsense Mirage Fang would pierce through the Abyssal Seraphim's enigmatic facade and uncover the truth hidden within.

"Mr. Celestialscale," Zephyr Lupos began, his Russian accent lending an air of authority to his words. "You understand why you've been brought here."

Zephyr Celestialscale's gaze, dark and inscrutable, met Zephyr Lupos's with a quiet intensity. His voice, like the echo of eternity itself, resonated through the chamber. "Indeed, Officer Lupos. The mortals seek answers, but they are blind to the truths that lie beyond their grasp."

Zephyr Lupos leaned forward, his mismatched eyes locking onto Zephyr Celestialscale's swirling gaze. "Truth knows no bounds, Mr. Celestialscale. It transcends mortal limitations and reveals itself to those who seek it with unwavering resolve."

Zephyr Celestialscale's lips curled into a cryptic smile, his ethereal form seeming to shift and shimmer in the dim light. "Ah, but what is truth but a fleeting illusion, Officer Lupos? It dances on the edge of perception, forever beyond reach."

Zephyr Lupos's chameleon tail swayed with restrained intensity as he met Zephyr Celestialscale's enigmatic gaze. "Illusions may deceive the eye, Mr. Celestialscale, but they cannot deceive the truthseeker's senses. Your words will be laid bare before me."

Zephyr Celestialscale's form seemed to blur and warp, his angelic and serpentine aspects intertwining in a mesmerizing display of power. "And what if my truth defies your expectations, Officer Lupos? What if the echoes of eternity whisper secrets that mortals dare not comprehend?"

Zephyr Lupos rose from his seat, his towering form seeming to fill the chamber with an imposing presence. "The echoes may reverberate through the ages, Mr. Celestialscale, but they cannot drown out the voice of justice. You will answer for the crimes you have committed, and the truth will be revealed."

As Zephyr exited the interrogation chamber, leaving Zephyr Celestialscale to ponder the mysteries of eternity, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the being he had faced. Despite the vast gulf that separated them, there was a kinship in their pursuit of truth, a shared understanding of the importance of justice in a world shrouded in darkness. And Zephyr Lupos knew that no matter the challenges they faced, they would always stand as guardians of truth, echoing through eternity.