Interrogations by Zephyr

Interrogations done by Zephyr Lupos, this is literally his job as a pro hero.

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Frostbane's Reckoning

In the heart of the precinct's interrogation room, Zephyr Lupos, the towering wolf chameleon anthro with mismatched eyes, sat across from Frostbane, a formidable figure known for his chilling powers and icy demeanor. Frostbane, with his frost gray skin, cyan eyes, and frost demon horns, exuded an aura of cold authority as he regarded Zephyr with a mixture of defiance and curiosity.

Zephyr Lupos, his Truthsense Mirage Fang poised to unravel any falsehoods, met Frostbane's gaze with unwavering determination. This interrogation would be no ordinary affair; it was a clash of titans, a battle of wills between two individuals with powers that defied the laws of nature.

"Frostbane," Zephyr began, his Russian accent adding weight to his words. "You understand why you've been brought here."

Frostbane's icy gaze bore into Zephyr's with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. "Indeed, Officer Lupos. The mortals seek to hold me accountable for my actions, but they fail to comprehend the extent of my power."

Zephyr's mismatched eyes narrowed slightly as he leaned forward, his chameleon tail swaying with restrained intensity. "Your power may be formidable, Frostbane, but it does not absolve you of responsibility. Your cryogenic abilities have left a trail of destruction in your wake, and justice demands retribution."

Frostbane's lips curled into a cold smile, his frost fairy wings fluttering with an ethereal grace. "Retribution, you say? Perhaps. But is it not the fate of the weak to be swept away by the currents of history? I am no mere mortal; I am Frostbane, master of cryogenesis."

Zephyr regarded Frostbane with a mixture of empathy and resolve. "Mastery of power does not grant immunity from consequence, Frostbane. Your actions have consequences, and you will answer for the lives you have taken and the chaos you have wrought."

As Zephyr rose from his seat, his towering form seeming to fill the room with an imposing presence, Frostbane's icy demeanor faltered for a moment. "You may think you hold sway over me, Officer Lupos," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty, "but you underestimate the depths of my power. I am Frostbane, and I will not be shackled by mortal chains."

Zephyr's gaze remained unwavering as he exited the interrogation room, leaving Frostbane to ponder the weight of his actions amidst the chilling silence that followed. He knew that Frostbane's reckoning was inevitable, and justice would prevail, no matter the obstacles in its path.