Interrogations by Zephyr

2 months, 2 days ago
2 months, 2 days ago
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Chapter 5
Published 2 months, 2 days ago

Interrogations done by Zephyr Lupos, this is literally his job as a pro hero.

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The Parasitic Monarch's Conundrum

In the depths of the precinct's interrogation chamber, Zephyr Lupos, the towering wolf chameleon anthro with mismatched eyes, sat across from Victor Parasol, better known as The Parasitic Monarch. Victor, with his right arm mutated into a flesh parasite that whispered vile secrets, sat calmly in his chair, his orange hair and horns giving him an otherworldly appearance. His white eyes seemed to bore into Zephyr's soul, a stark contrast to the regal white outfit he wore. His large fly wings buzzed softly, adding an eerie atmosphere to the room.

Zephyr regarded Victor with a mix of apprehension and determination. This was no ordinary suspect; Victor was a formidable villain with a dangerous quirk. But Zephyr's Truthsense Mirage Fang was ready to pierce through any deception that Victor might attempt.

"Mr. Parasol," Zephyr began, his Russian accent adding weight to his words. "You understand why you've been brought here."

Victor's lips curled into a smug smile as he leaned back in his chair, his parasitic arm twitching with anticipation. "Ah, Officer Lupos, how delightful to see you again. But I must confess, I'm not entirely sure why I'm here. Care to enlighten me?"

Zephyr's mismatched eyes narrowed slightly as he leaned forward, his chameleon tail swaying with restrained intensity. "Your crimes are well-documented, Mr. Parasol. As The Parasitic Monarch, you have wreaked havoc upon this city with your quirk."

Victor chuckled darkly, his white eyes gleaming with malice. "Ah, but is it truly havoc, Officer Lupos? Or is it merely the natural order of things? After all, in nature, the parasite thrives by feeding off its host."

Zephyr's lips curled into a lupine grin, his fangs gleaming in the dim light. "Nature may be ruthless, Mr. Parasol, but it does not excuse your actions. Your parasitic arm may grant you power, but it does not absolve you of responsibility."

Victor's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features before he masked it with arrogance. "Responsibility is a burden for the weak, Officer Lupos. I am not bound by such trivial concerns. I am the Parasitic Monarch, ruler of this city's underworld."

Zephyr's gaze remained unwavering, his Truthsense Mirage Fang cutting through Victor's attempts at bravado. "Your delusions of grandeur do not change the truth, Mr. Parasol. You are a criminal, plain and simple, and justice will be served."

Victor's expression hardened, his parasitic arm writhing with agitation. "Justice is a fleeting concept, Officer Lupos. It bends to the will of those with power, and I have more power than you could possibly imagine."

Zephyr rose from his seat, his towering form seeming to fill the room with an imposing presence. "Power corrupts, Mr. Parasol, but it does not protect you from the consequences of your actions. You will answer for the crimes you have committed."

As Zephyr exited the interrogation room, leaving Victor to stew in his own arrogance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The Parasitic Monarch may have wielded power, but in the end, it was the truth that would prevail. And Zephyr Lupos would ensure that justice was served, no matter the cost.