3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
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Entry 4
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Is toyhouse confusing? Yea, I get you. Here's a guide on how to do things, featuring way too many words!


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This chapter will cover the basics of creating a new character.

Other settings and info about editing characters can be found in the next chapter.

Uploading your first character

To upload a character, navigate to the top toolbar and click +Submit > Character


Uploading an avatar: This is the icon that represents your character and can be changed later - and is also optional. If you choose not to upload an icon, the character's icon will be set to the default TH logo. Icon size is 200x200 pixels, but if you upload a larger image you can crop it to your liking.


  • Character name, maximum 30 characters.
  • Folder: Choose which folder you want your character to be located in. This can be changed later and defaults to the unsorted folder
  • Visibility: Change who can see your character
  • Listing: Change whether or not you want your character to show up in lists, i.e. in your folders or while browsing. This will not override visibility - if a character with visibility set to public is set to unlisted, anyone can still see if they get a direct link
  • Tags: Character tags, separated by commas. It can be used for sitewide search or personal organization, up to you.
Fields are optional and appear above your character's profile content. 


The image is self-explanatory - you can use them to enter info like name, age, value, etc - though many profile templates and layouts choose to put this info in the profile content instead.

The profile content is a WYSIWYG/HTML code editor field, and is the bulk of what your character's profile appears to be. There's a lot of flexibility here, and you can go as hands-on or hands-off as you want. You can enter whatever you want here, so go crazy. The HTML subforum has lots of character templates, both F2U and P2U.

This thread has lots of different people showcasing their character profiles, so you can take a look if you're unsure of what direction you'd want to take.

Advanced settings include options for pagination and comment/fave overrides of your default settings.

Designer credit is important, so make sure to pay attention to it. Improperly crediting a design or uploading an uncredited design can result in the character getting frozen, meaning you're unable to really do anything with it.

You can either assign the credit to yourself, a user on TH, or a user offsite. If you assign credit to an on-site user, they'll have to confirm first. You can also enter the character's TOU and transfer policies.

Uploading an image is optional, but recommended. You can always upload more later!

For a full overview of uploading images, click here. This area is exactly the same as the normal form for uploading images.

Remember, pretty much everything about characters can be changed later!