Kripa Arc I

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
24 47758

Chapter 20
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

Explicit Sexual Content Explicit Violence

stories about makuta and ishtar

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Author's Notes

2026 words

rahkshi and quelana leave their homes and meet in the jills territory and she takes care of the hob.

Victim I

«Where were you?!»

«Out on a walk.»

«What did you do on your walk?»

«Just checking the border of our territory.»

«Rahkshi, you know who you are. You can’t just pretend you’re like a normal Saliko. Because you aren’t.»

«I know father.»

«Now, let’s continue our training.»

«Yes, father.»


It was time for Quelana to leave for good. She had felt it for a long time now, and even though she loved her mother dearly, the young jill knew she had to find her own realm, a territory for herself, sooner or later. As she walked back to their den after a successful hunt, she came to the conclusion that she’d tell her that day. Carefully she placed the fish she caught for Rhea on the foot of the tree she lived in and called her.

«Mom? Are you there?»

The head of the pretty jill showed up as she looked out of the hollow tree and down to her daghter.

«Yes. What’s the matter?»

«I brought you some food, are you hungry?»

Rhea smiled and gracefully climbed down the trunk, then sat down in front of Quelana.

«Thanks sweetie! But have you eaten yet? We can share it.»

«No no, don’t worry about me, I already ate by the river. This one is solely for you.»

Her mother nodded in thanks, then lay down and removed the scales of the prey before taking a bite of the juicy meat.

«You got your problems with hunting birds, but you always catch the best fish, I gotta give you that», the jill with the shoulder mane said, winking mischievously towards the younger one, who rolled her eyes in reply but smiled nonetheless.

«Geez, thanks ma. But seriously, I don’t know what it is. The pretty colors of the shiny fish under the surface just pull me in, I can’t help it. It’s just sad there aren’t many locations to find fish around here.»

Rhea became sombre as she looked at her daughter who stared off into space. She ate the last bite of her meal and cleared her throat, bringing Lana back to the real world.

«You know mom, there was something I wanted to talk about with you anyway.»

«So? I’m all ears.»

Her mother sat there, attentively listening, her tail neatly wrapped around her front paws. Quelana took a deep breath and continued.

«I’ve been thinking that maybe it was time for me to…»

She couldn’t finish the sentence, but Rhea knew what she meant anyway and nodded slowly.

«I know…I know this isn’t where you’re supposed to be. I’ve seen you grow up into such a strong willed and kind, yet independent and strong jill, that I am sure you will be fine on your own. »

«Thanks ma. I knew you’d understand.»

The two fungi jills cuddled closely and groomed each other one last time.

«I feel something pulling me out today. I will leave right away.»

«Promise you’ll visit me someday.»

«I promise.»

After saying goodbye to everyone else whom the young jill had gotten to know and love since she was a whelp, she took her first step into the jungle, knowing she wouldn’t return again that day. Not for a very long time. She started off west, following her instincts and a calm breeze that carried an unfamiliar smell with it.

On her journey Quelana had met many different Salikos, some nice, some less so, but she always got back on track without any incidents. After she had walked for almost two quarter-moons, the air had changed its flavour and the amount of tribes and packs grew more and more scarce, yet the small rivers and springs got more numerous the farther she went. Soon the land she crossed was covered with pools of water, each connecting to the others, and the dense vegetation of the jungle turned more sparse. The ground was less soft and more firm, almost rocky and then Quelana noticed a salty smell, like some fish carried. As she reached the top of a cliff, she noticed she had reached the end of Ibea. In front of her was just water, nothing else. Below the cliff she saw a strange ground that she had never seen before, almost yellowish and it seemed to flow in the breeze. Carefully the jill climbed down and touched the ground with a single paw. It was very soft, almost like a liquid, but as she tried to stand on the surface, it only gave way lightly, but carried her weight. She walked through the unfamiliar sand and noticed how her paws left prints in this strange place. Lana walked to the edge where the ground merged with the sea and curiously watched the water move back and forth, as if it was alive, until it splashed onto her paws and she felt the wet sand between her toes. She closed her eyes and raised her head, the salty breeze ruffling up her shiny, smooth fur. She had found the perfect place right here.


The setting sun soaked the land in red light, drenching everything in what seemed to be a sea of blood, but the few Salikos around didn’t mind. Two of them embraced this time of day, when their unusual, colorful coats were hidden better with their surroundings, hiding their true nature.

A large, red colored Mayur with full mane and green spots was quietly walking through the jungle, another caramel hob, but younger than him, shortly behind him, but hidden in the shadows. The younger one, Rahkshi, was stalking his father, trying to attack him in surprise and overwhelm him in a way that even the stronger, more experienced male could not escape death. Makuta himself had proven he wasn’t afraid of death and he forced many others to greet the grim reaper as well, if it was their time or not. But that time, he was not the hunter, but the hunted.

Without a single sound Rahkshi snuck through the trees, jumping from branch to branch. He had grown up quite a bit and had not only survived his terrifying fathers dangerous training, but turned into a deadly weapon because of it. He was the perfect killer. Ruthless, merciless, lusting for blood.

Now he had reached a branch right above his father and ducked into a low crouch. The older hob looked around, his ears twitching attentively, but he didn’t look up until it was too late. The adolescent leaped and dug his claws into the larger male, then sank his teeth into the other ones shoulders. Makuta screamed in pain and whirled around, but couldn’t throw his son off. He snapped after the youngsters legs and tail, trying to get a grip like this and pull him off, but he was too slick. Finally the demon had a sparking idea and threw himself on the ground, back first. The shoulder maned hob gasped for air and his grip loosened, so that his father could get back to his feet and pushed one of his own unsheathed claws into his sons throat.

«You almost had me there.»

«Almost is not good enough.»

Rahkshi snarled at Makuta, his teeth still bared. As Makuta retracted his paw and let the younger one get back up, the patternless hob shook his fur and both turned back to being completely relaxed.

«You had a good start there. I didn’t hear you at all, I only expected you to be there. If I would’ve been someone else, I would’ve never had a chance against you.»

Rahkshi just stood there and listened intently, there was no need for words. And his father didn’t like being interrupted anyway. The youngster had a large scar on his right leg that showed that very clearly.

«You need to learn when to withdraw though. While I like your eagerness to keep fighting, sometimes it might kill you if don’t stop. And your goal is to kill everyone else, not yourself.»

The adolescent just gave one quick nod, then followed his father as he proceeded to walk through the jungle, back to their den.

«I think it’s time for you to practice on a real enemy, Kraata. Only then will you really learn how to predict others. And what it means to take a life…see the last breath of a Saliko leave its body…it’s an experience that will change you.»

«Where shall I go?»

«Follow the river. That way you’ll find your way back again. You will depart tomorrow.»

«What about mother?»

«What about her?!»

Makuta whirled towards his son, his face only a whiskers length from his, but Rahkshi didn’t flinch.

«She won’t like me leaving.»

«She won’t have a choice.»


Quelana had lived in her beautiful beach paradise for a few moons now. She was familiar with every nook and cranny, knew exactly where to get freshwater and where the biggest fish were at what time of day. She had a life in abundance, no strangers trying to challenge her for the territory, no hunger, no drama. Everything was perfect and while she was alone a lot, she never felt lonely. She was almost one with nature, and surely at ease with herself. Until one day, as she was marking her territory border, on the side closer to the jungle, she noticed the scent of a stranger. Those had never been a problem to her in the past, but they didn’t come by very often, so she was always curious who had lost themselves to this remote part of Ibea.

She followed the footprints on the ground that led to a hole in the cliffs that she had noticed and explored before, but not found anything interesting in it yet. But that day, she found a Saliko inside.


The stranger was startled and stared at her with big, dark eyes. It was dim inside the cave, so she couldn’t see much at all and instead tried to lure the stranger out.

«I can’t see you very well, don’t you wanna join me out here?»


«My name is Quelana, by the way. This is my territory, but I won’t scare you off if you need any help.»


«Are you alright?»

Now the dark figure moved, got to their feet and the shadow moved towards the exit, closer to her. As the foreigner stepped out into the sun, its pelt seemed to light up as if it was on fire! It was bright red, streaked with black and his throat almost white. What the jill hadn’t noticed before was that his teeth were extraordinarily long. She knew there were Salikos like that though and that they weren’t necessarily dangerous, so she remained polite and kind, despite the creepy appearance. When the hob began to talk, his deep, raspy voice echoed in her head as if it were inside her mind.

«I am fine, thank you. I think I just cut my paw on my way, I’ll need some time to rest before I can go on.»

«Oh no, how horrible! Please, take your time. Can I do anything to help you..? Uhh...»

He hadn’t told her his name yet and she didn’t know how to address him, but he noticed her hesitation and answered the question she didn’t ask.



«No, Kraata. It’s a rare name I’ve heard.»

She giggled to herself, but Rahkshis ears twitched in annoyance.

«It surely is! What brings you here, Kraata?»

«I can’t…talk about it.»

«Oh okay, I didn’t want to bother you. It’s none of my business. But if you want, since you don’t seem to be in the shape to hunt, can I bring you some food?»

«That would be very generous of you.»

She nodded and smiled at him and he looked at her beautiful, brown fur with the dark tabby pattern and her green glowing eyes. She could be his first victim and he could kill her right then and there, but he didn’t want this game to be too easy. He wanted to play with her first. So he kept his dark thoughts to himself and enjoyed the service…for the moment.