Legend's Activites and Events

4 years, 29 days ago
4 years, 29 days ago
9 13207

Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 29 days ago

Legend's activities and event literature written by myself.

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That Is My Moose - Hunt

The team of four left the yard at a trot, heading out into the forest into the early morning. The air was still cool and puffs of white floating up behind them and into the sky above. The day was fairly clear, large mushroom like clouds covered the sky, but blue still peaked through the white fluff. The ground crunched beneath their paws as the ground and grass was covered in frost. Legend took the lead, or thought he was in the lead anyways, but everyone was a little more behind, following Apollo. Fable and Ursula took their time, enjoying the scenery and the weather, while Apollo was focused on finding prey. Legend meanwhile was running around like a mad dog, moving in circles trying to find a scent and miss as little as possible. Another hunter from nearby was also out on a hunting mission, a brown with vitiligo similar to Fable and similar colors to Legend. Little did they know that there were siblings. Both hunters were moving towards each other, though they would not see each other till later in the day. They moved towards the river, about an hour away from the starting point. The trees were fairly thick in the area and the tops swayed as a little breeze picked up, though it was much weaker under the canopy and among the trees.

Vidar left early morning, coming from the opposite direction of the other hunting team. He was heading out alone, hoping to find moose or caribou for his handler, but with all the trees he was more likely to find moose or bear. He picked up a fast trot, nearly an hour and a half away from the river. He sniffed the air, trying to find his prize, but nothing yet reached his nose. He moved on, heading further and further out from his home, finding scent trail after scent trail that all ended or were too stale to follow. The smell of fresh moose reached his nose, moving ahead of him towards the river. He looked forward, saw nothing through the trees, and started to follow, picking up the pace to catch up to the prey since his scent was being carried out that direction, alerting the moose to his presence, and preventing him from smelling the other hunting team. The other four smelt the moose on the breeze, making Legend excited for the hunt. Apollo sped up and pulled head of Legend, picking up the team into a slow jog as they headed towards the river. Legend was quick to get side by side with the black tokota, and Fable and Ursula were a little slower, but still followed as to not be left behind.

The sound of water was soon to hit the ears of Vidar, and he started to worry that he would lose the scent upon reaching the river, but there on the bank was the bulky figure of the creature. His hooves invisible beneath the rushing waters, his head lowered as he drank from the river. A huge rack sat upon his head like a crown, but it was also a weapon and shield. His dark brown fur was clearly visible against the clear blue of the water. The hunting team of four arrived on the other side of the river, crouching in the bushes in wait. Legend fidgeted with excitement, Apollo watched with a straight face, studying the moose's ever move. The the girls got into position, moving down the bank a little either way to hopefully block as many escape routes as possible without being seen by the moose and making him startle too early. Hunting is an art, and they were learning to master it, now if only the prey would cooperate. Legend was about to pounce when a flash of brown and white burst out from the bushes on the other side, charging the prey. The moose was startled and ran across the river, heading straight for the other hunting team. The other tokota was leaping across the river after him, but the moving water slowed him down. Apollo motioned for the others to wait, and last minute, just as the moose was entering the bush, the team sprung their trap, Apollo and Legend were quick to leap out of the bushes, startling the moose once again, and it tried to spin around, take it's chance with the other tokota, but two more had appeared behind him. He charged Fable, but Vidar had finally gotten out of the river and leaped onto the back of the moose, knocking him to the rocky shore. Legend did not want to allow the stranger to take their prey and leaped onto the other tokota with a warning growl. They tumbled onto the ground and rolled around, swatting and nipping at each other. Apollo quickly killed the moose before it could rise, not wanting the prey to escape them.

The two brown males rolled into the river, sending up a spray of water drops, making the girls back away from the fray and make for dryer land. The boys broke away from each other, coughing up water and shaking off, but still glaring at each other. Apollo was the one to get between them, getting into the water and putting himself between the other two. The two browns growled, making sure the other heard until Ursula made her way over to Legend and swatted him over the back of the head, making the male whimper in shame. Fable went over to the newcomer and greeted him, hoping to hear the other side of the story and soon to find out they were siblings. The surprise came to both of them as they sat there and realized they had the same parents, and Vidar had two more siblings, though they seemed to not be as annoying as his litter mates. He gave Fable a weary eye, hoping she would not be as annoying as they were, while he was still angry with his brother, but glad that he was no longer the only boy. Legend was very much shocked as well, shaking his head at the fact that the tokota he just tackled was his brother. The two gave each other a glare, then Fable snapped at them, giving them both warning growls. Their eyes widened and the two boys looked to each other, and then to their sister. She was kinda scary when she was annoyed. They lowered their heads in shame, and didn't even look at each other for the rest of the time there. The hunting team of four took the moose with them as they left, and Fable learned where their sibling lived, though she had to squeeze it out of him to get it.

The hunting team left, Vidar looking back towards them once he crossed the river, seeing his sister vanish into the under brush. He headed off to find other prey, maybe another moose. The hunting team headed back to the camp and hour away and delivered their catch. Vidar found his prey later, another younger moose, but still, it was better then nothing. He returned home, still annoyed with this brother, but curious about the strange siblings he had never met before. This was their meeting, but definitely not their last. Fable was determined to know more about this strange sibling she knew nothing about before this. Apollo and Ursula went back to their homes once the moose was delivered, and as for Legend, he grumbled to himself, and turned his back away from his sister for the rest of the night, ignoring her until the next day when he forgot all about the hunt.