Legend's Activites and Events

4 years, 26 days ago
4 years, 26 days ago
9 13207

Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 26 days ago

Legend's activities and event literature written by myself.

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Caribou Hunt

The four of them trotted through the forest, the leaves thick and green above their heads, the sky nice and blue with only a few white wisps in the sky. A light breeze picked up and carried the scent of caribou towards them as they made their way deeper and deeper into the wilderness. Legend led the way, starting the group at a fast pace as he wanted to get to the hunt quickly and get the chase started, too excited to move at a slower pace then that. Apollo followed, okay with the pace set for them, also wanting to get to the chase. Fable wanted to enjoy the scenery surrounding them, but the fast pace prevented it, forcing her to keep moving to keep up. She grumbled most of the way, annoyed with her brother for setting the pace, and annoyed with the others for allowing him to set the pace, wishing she was in the lead to slow it down a little. Ursula was content to keep up and finish the hunt, panting a little as she trotted along behind the others. The scent of caribou grew stronger and stronger as they kept moving through the trees. The caribou were starting their mighty trek up north, this was the perfect time to strike. With the cows heading up first, followed by the bulls and yearlings, mass groups were easy to find as they started to gather and move in groups.

They slowed down into a walk, weaving through the trees a little further until they heard something and smelt the caribou on the other side of the bushes. They stalked through the trees, the small herd of caribou before them in the clearing. Legend had his eyes set on a nice young cow, while Apollo was aiming to catch any that fell behind. Fable was prepared to follow Ursula and help her, while Urs was targeting an older cow. There were no bulls among them, probably still too early for the bulls and yearlings to be following. The caribou moved slowly, sniffing around and munching on what they could as they moved further north. They were oblivious to the hunters as they krept through the brush and got closer and closer to their prey. It was quiet, only the sound of the caribou's munching and the light breeze through the leaves disturbed the nothingness. Their eyes bore holes into the caribou, they were so focused on the hunt ahead that everything else seemed to vanish around them. The only thing there, was the hunters and their prey.

They sprang their trap, leaping forward out of the bushes with howls and barks, scattering the now startled and wide eyed caribou that had not seen, nor smelt the hunters, terrified by the sudden attack. The hunters seemed to come from all directions, and in the caribou's attempt to escape they ran into each other, nearly ran right into the tokotas, and froze in fear and confusion, searching for ways out with no success. The tokotas leaped on their targets, catching two out of three of the cows they were eyeing. Legend missed his target, being knocked over by another cow as she ran by, plowing over him just before he jumped forward to strike. Fable and Ursula were much more lucky with their hunt, they leaped forward, the cow coming towards them and trying to slide to a halt. They took down the caribou quickly and easily. Apollo watched the chaos for the perfect time to strike, seeing a caribou go down as another ran into it. He charged forward, pushing any other caribou out of the way and leaped onto the struggling caribou, making it swift and painless. They then chased the herd, hoping to catch some more. One older cow lagged behind, all alone in the back, and she was an easy catch. The rest bolted off in all direction, the thundering sound of hooves echoing through the air even after they left.

Fable took one of the caribou and headed off in the opposite directions of the others. She trotted through the trees, hoping she was heading in the right direction to find her brother, Vidar. Vidar was out hunting as well, finding caribou all over the place, but so far he had caught nothing. Two attempts and he had nothing to bring back to his handler. He was getting frustrated, trying once more. He stalked through the bushes, the caribou close enough to taste now. There was fire in his eyes, then he heard a snap. With that they were gone, bolting across the tundra and too far away for him to catch up. He looked under his paws, wondering if he had stepped on a twig, but he knew he was not stupid enough to do that. He looked around, angry now at whatever ruined his hunt. There, out of the bushes came Fable, looking embarrassed and carrying a large caribou. Vidar growled, forgetting who she was, and he trotted over to the clumsy female and snapped at her. She shuffled back, surprised by his actions, and put down the caribou, nosing it as if to tell him is was for him. He growled again, snapping at her, and taking a warning step forward. She sighed and backed up, no longer scared, but annoyed that he was treating her this way. He looked over the caribou, seeing the teeth marks and then looked up at fable. He stuck his nose up, refusing the offering and not wanting to be seen as weak, needing help to catch prey. She rolled her eyes and turned to walk away, Vidar calling her back to take the offering, but she did not listen and continued off through the trees. He looked down at the caribou and once Fable was out of sight, he took and stashed is as a second option. He then went back off to his hunting, chasing caribou after caribou, going after a deer or two, but something kept startling them. He wondered if Fable was following him, scaring them on purpose, but no, it was a fox that he did not see, having fun messing with the large beast.

Vidar grumbled and wondered back to where he stashed the caribou given to him by his sister. He sat there and looked at it, debating if he should return home empty pawed, or take the caribou back and pretend he caught it, though it was not him who actually caught it. He sighed and took the pity offering and started trotting back to his camp where he brought it to his handler, frustrated and grumpy that he could not catch his own caribou that day. It took Fable a while to return home, and she tried to catch something on the way back, missing a couple caribou as her mind wondered and she startled them. She was tired when she returned home, but the others were waiting for her at the edge of the trees, having not yet delivered the prey. It had been an hour since they split ways, and she was glad she would not get in trouble for returning home late. They entered the yard and delivered their prey, the handlers praising them and giving them treats before they split ways and went to rest for the rest of the night. Fable laid there in her bed and wondered if Vidar took the gift or left it to rot. She tried to shake it off, and rolled over, falling fast asleep.