Legend's Activites and Events

4 years, 26 days ago
4 years, 26 days ago
9 13207

Chapter 6
Published 4 years, 26 days ago

Legend's activities and event literature written by myself.

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The Finale - RoK

Silen and Calina walked through the town and out to where the final test would take place. The shack came into view, a judge stood on it's steps, and a few tagged tokotas were tied to a peg in the ground. One wore a red tag, while the other wore a green tag. Silen guessed they were for another test participant, meaning it was a quiet day, good for him and Calina. Silen dismounted, commanding Cal to sit. The tokota refused, and continued to stand in place. Silen did not care, he walked up to the judge and got what he needed before mounting once again. He had three halters, a map, and a compass. The two headed out into the forest, hunting down their targets. The pack was out there with a few tokotas tagged for their test. Calina sniffed the air, then lowered her head to quickly sniff the ground around her before lifting her nose into the air again. A few scents came on the air. She could smell deer, a moose, some rabbits and birds, then, what she was looking for, tokotas. A strong, fresh scent surrounded the area, they were nearby, they were waiting it seemed. The pack was on the move, having been chased by the other testee. They caught their last tokota, a blue tagged tokota, and let the rest of them run, making it far trickier for the other team who was now getting close. They passed the other team, seeing their catch. They then saw the pack running. They had to act, and act fast. Silen picked Cal up into a run, trying to keep up to the pack.

A blind tokota with a green tag, followed at best as she could, using sound and touch to keep up. She stuck next to another female, who seemed to be leading her as they ran. The green tagged girl was a beautiful graying tawny with the curly gene and wolverine markings. The white curly mane was a lovely touch and made her seem much brighter. Cal made her the target, following along side the pack, and hoping the blind girl did not pick up her scent or hear her coming over the noise of the running pack. She slipped in among the pack members, some scattered, trying to move away, the pack slowed, some stumbling over each other in their attempt to escape the tokota and handler. The blind girl tripped, but soon got back on her feet, but her safety was gone. She got separated from her partner who had been leading her. She was panicking, trying to make her way through the panicking group of tokos around her. Cal made her move, leaping over a fallen tokota and making her way in front of the blind girl. She spun, trying to decided which way to go, but Cal was already there and ready to pounce. She lifted her front legs up and wrapped them around the front of the other curly. She fell, startled by the sudden weight of the other tokota. She fell, and the rest of the pack scattered, bolting to regroup later. The blind girl's name was Storm. Silen dismounted and quickly haltered the blind tokota before remounting. Storm stood, and shook herself off. Cal gave her a glare, but did not attack or snap at her, giving the blind tokota some mercy. They trotted back through the trees, bringing the blind girl back to the shack. Silen tied her up to thew peg, where there was a bin full of water waiting for the caught tokotas. Storm took a nice long drink as the team once again headed out.

The pack had regrouped by the creek, some taking drinks after their long run, and a few chases that had occurred that day. A young male sat with his sister, two lovely browns. Both with collars and accents, though the sister had vitiligo and more creamy colored accents and collar then her brother who was more white and looked like a giant husky. The girl had a blue tag on her ear while her brother wore the red one. Their first target was the male, the one they thought would be the hardest to catch. Cal weaved through the trees towards the coming, coming up behind the brown male who had his back turned to the curly girl and her handler. They stalked the two siblings quietly, they were panting from the run and were trying to relax in the shade of a fair sized tree. Cal was determined to catch him, determined to complete this test. She watched him, tuning out everything else around her except for the ground before her and her target. She leaped forward, tackling the male. The sister leaped up in surprise, watching the two wrestle. Cal was trying not to fall on her handler, while the male was doing whatever it took to get her off of him. He kicked up at her, using his dominant weight and strength to fling her off balance, but he was not to quick to get up, amused as she fell over with a startled and annoyed look on her face. She was quickly trying to wrestle him down again, this time with Silen now off her back and trying to get to the brown girl. She was just as hard to catch for the handler. She started jogging around him, slowing down to taunt him, and as soon as he mad a move closer, she would speed up and away from him. She did not run away, no she was teasing, circling him, and even getting close enough to nudge him over. It seemed like a game to her.

The sister's name was Fable, and the brother's was Legend. The two seemed to like to tag team, when the team was busy trying to catch up, the two switched places. Silen found himself being pushed around and knocked over by the larger male, while Cal found herself tackled by the other female. The switch did not make the curly girl happy. Cal growled at the other female, giving a warning snap to try and keep her from tackling again. She shook herself off and faced the brown tokota. The two circled each other, Fable seeming to stall the other while Legend was once again going forward to knock Silen off his feet. Silen leaped up, fast like a snake, landing on the back of the large male. Legend was stunned and did not fight at first, but as soon as the halter started going over his head, he snapped back to reality. He started bucking around, like a rodeo bull, trying to knock the handler off his back. Silen reached down and clung to his mane, hoping to outlast the large canine beneath him. Legend spun around again and again, making himself dizzy in the process, but he did not give up, he kept kicking and twisting, until he finally became too dizzy to barely stand. He stopped, swaying from side to side, trying to stay upright, bu he fell to the ground with a thud. He closed his eyes, shaking his head again and again to try and stop the spinning, but it did not seem to work. The blonde haired handler slipped the halter over his head, allowing him to get a hold of himself by tying him to a nearby tree and heading off to help Cal. Fable did not see it coming. The weight on her back was sudden and startled her. She spun around, wide eyed and shocked, Cal leaping forward to try and knock her over while she was unprepared. Fable hit the wet rocks along the bank, and slipped, soon all three of them were flying into the creek. Fable landed with a splash, even more startled as she got wet. She hated the water, hated getting her paws wet, and now she was in the creek. She was not playing nice now. Silen coughed out some water, and quickly called to Cal, sending her after Fable who was now out of the creek and shaking herself off. Cal splashed through the water towards her, but Fable was already heading off through the trees. She seemed to call back to her brother, but he was tied to the tree and still dizzy. Cal tried to shake off the water in her fur, but quite a bit of it clung. She took off running after the brown female, mad now. She was wet, annoyed, and Fable taking off and making things harder did not help the curly girl's mood. They two were now playing cat and mouse, Cal the cat, and Fable the mouse.

Fable swung around, looping back to the creek where she tried to get her brother to follow, but the rope held him tightly to the tree. She growled, trying to pull on it and chew through it, but she was not given enough time before the toko and her handler were in sight. They spotted her, saw her trying to break her brother free, but they would not allow that. They charged forward, both still fairly wet, but so was Fable. Fable gave her brother a sad look before she spun around and took off running. Cal and Silen had a head start though, catching up quite a bit before Fable could speed up enough to escape. They were on her heals, trying to possibly trip her, but they could not. She started to tire, the teasing from earlier finally taking it's tole. Cal pulled up next to Fable, fire in her eyes as she looked over at the other female. Silen leaped from the back of his tokota, to the back of the blue tagged girl. He grabbed her mane, holding on as best as he could, until she slowed down enough for him to slip the halter over her head. Once the halter was on, he managed to get her to a stop. She was panting heavily now, exhausted from the chase. Silen jumped down, and Cal trotted over to his side, he mounted into the saddle, making sure there was enough rope to let Fable stay behind them and away from the grumpy Calina. Calina didn't like females in the first place, and now Fable had gotten on her bad side, it would be best to make sure their was space between the two girls, and maybe also a male between them. They stopped by the creek and untied the male, making sure he was between the two girls to prevent a fight or anything. The group headed back, making it just in the nick of time to pass the test.

Silen dismounted, and led the siblings to where the blind girl was tied. It was nice and shady, and the water was there. The two were eager for a drink from the cool refreshing water, and they seemed to drink and ocean full each before they stopped and laid down to rest. Silen tied Cal to the fence to keep her away from the other female. The judge came over, and looked at the tagged tokotas, then to the team. He was writing some stuff down on his clipboard, and refilled the water dish for the three tokotas before finishing up his writing. He came next to Silen and signed the final document that said Cal had passed. She had made it back with their catch just in time, barely making it, but they did it. The sibling were a challenge, but they proved that Calina was worthy to breed, and that she was tough enough to take on the challenge, even though she was more about speed them strength. Silen took the paper gratefully, then led Cal over to a water dish where she drank her fill. She was now refreshed and they could head for home where they could rest and have a peaceful night. They would both probably be out like a light, tired from the test.