Legend's Activites and Events

4 years, 28 days ago
4 years, 28 days ago
9 13207

Chapter 9
Published 4 years, 28 days ago

Legend's activities and event literature written by myself.

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Like Stars In The Sky - Exploration

They had been around the mountain for three days now, and the only things really interested that they had found were the hot spring that was nice to relax in once and a while, almost each night they had been there, and the strange creatures that they had not seen again after that day. They started working their way around to the other side of the mountain, searching for caves or other interesting spaces, but nothing of interest really came up on the second day of their search, finding only a shallow empty cave along the path, only big enough for two tokotas to fit in. They returned to camp that night disappointed, but headed out again early in the morning to get to the other side of the mountain to continue their exploration, not wanting to miss anything that was extremely important or amazing before they left for home, most likely not to return anytime soon. Apollo and Fallon led the way, App all calm and a serious look on his face, while Fallon was bouncing in the saddle, excited to see what was ahead of them and what was on the other side of the mountain. In the back was lazy Monte as usual, though he was even more lazy and even half asleep as he walked, Jacob trying to keep him on the path so he would not walk off a cliff in his sleepy state. In between was Fable, who was right behind Apollo, wanting to see everything first, Hidenka smiling as she enjoyed the scenery and the calmness of the area. Behind them was Legend, who was not as excited as his sister to be exploring and not hunting. Shokou was admiring the scenery as well, though he kept a closer eye on the stone walls, searching for caves or new paths to explore so that they did not miss anything. Asia was right before Monte, trotting along behind while Isabelle kept trying to look back to get a look at Jacob, annoying the man slightly, but he did not show it, being polite to the girl.

They passed the cave they had explored the day before and kept going, now heading into territory they had not yet entered. The path widened out and slanted back down, bringing them just above the canopy of leaves. They could hear a little bit of running water, and it peaked their interest. They turned the corner and the path opened up into a large platform that had a cave entrance on the mountain side, a stream coming out of it. The stream went over the cliff, creating a small waterfall as it fell into a small pool of water below. Fable went over the entrance, being the first to reach it. She peeked in, Hidenka also seeing what was inside. It looked like it kept going further and further into the mountain. The others came up to the entrance and the debated heading in or not, finally deciding to go and see what was further back. Fable was hesitant at first, not wanting to get her paws wet, and so Apollo with Fallon took the lead heading in, and finally giving Fable the bravery to head in and get her paws wet. Asia followed in next, since they could only travel one by one down the tunnel for the first while, she stayed behind Fable closely, and even Monte with Jacob managed to get in before Legend did. Hidenka wanted to stop and wait for Shokou, but Legend was being more stubborn then his sister had been, and Hidenka could not hold up the line. She kept going, and Shokou struggled to get Legend into the stream. He finally gave in and they sped up to catch up to Monte who was in the back, then slowed down to not run into the sleepy tokota.

They continued down the tunnel, their flashlights on and scanning the walls. The walls were moist from the running water, and they seemed to be widening out as they got further and further into the mountain. The tunnel opened up into a larger chamber, the water flowing along the one wall as a rise on the opposite side left a dry spot, and led down another tunnel. They climbed onto the small sort of stony island, and then went down the dry tunnel, the sound of running water still echoing off the walls and even becoming louder. They left the tunnel and saw a river on the far wall of a second chamber, and the stream they had followed was a break off from this river. It was not a fast river, it was slow, but the water seemed to glow. They looked to each other, and then turned off the flashlights. It was dark for a few moments, then they noticed the glow. The chamber was lit up, and stars lines the ceiling, or what looked like stars. It looked like a whole galaxy was above their heads, but they stars were slowly moving before their eyes. Glowworms covered the ceiling, lighting up the room with a blue glow, hanging over the slow moving water. They looked around at the walls, that were also covered in the small creatures. Fable's eyes were wide in surprise, and Legend was looking at them suspiciously. Monte did not even notice, nearly asleep on his feet, Asia was in wonder at the scene, and Apollo tried to keep a straight face, but a little surprise showed through his emotional mask.

They took some pictures, turning off the flash as they took them, and then got ready to head back, seeing that there was no way to continue further unless they decided to take a swim through the river and headed further into the cave that way, but Legend and Fable would surely not go, leaving the couple and their tokotas behind. They turned around, Apollo and Fallon once again taking the lead out of the chamber and down the tunnel. They entered the second chamber, and wondered. They flicked off their flashlights again, and looked around for any sign of the glow worms, and there they were, hanging from the stones and turning the space a beautiful blue. The rippling look of water also reflected on the walls as the light bounced off the water. It seemed mythical, almost magical. They enjoyed the scene, taking more pictures before they headed back down the other tunnel, leaving the lights off and allowing the light of the creatures above them to lead them out. They clung to the stones all the way down the tunnel, until light streamed in, then the glowing stopped and they entered the light of the sun. They squinted as the lights burned their eyes and they stopped to once again readjust to the change. They finally could open their eyes and look around, the sun was now dropping down, and it was about an hour past noon. They headed down to the small pool below the ledge and the tokotas were allowed to drink and cool off. They rested for a while, allowing the sun to drop further and cool off before they headed out for camp. They marked down their findings once they returned, keeping track of all their finding, including the hot spring, the big cats, and now the glow worm cave. They shared the photos they took, comparing around the fire and they all relaxed for the rest of the night, planning for a few more nights of exploring the area before they went home.