SucRose Concert

EVENT RP log (June 2018)

Lady Gumdrop gives a concert for Flower Day, and weird posters are distributed. Those who managed to crack the code in the posters find themselves with access to a special encrypted chatroom run by number and color codenames

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The clock tower square is bustling with activity this Flower Day evening - personnel running back and forth, civilians chattering as they trickle into the square, and above it all is a buzz of excitement and anticipation.

Welcome to the SucRose Concert!

Tanimian summer is in full swing, the air hanging warm and heavy over the venue, so make sure to stay hydrated! A flashy-looking stage is set up in front of the clock tower, and concert staff are running around finishing up the final preparations. Please stand by, Lady Gumdrop will make her appearance soon!Backup dancers are already finishing up preparations backstage, while regular concertgoers are milling around the square waiting for the fun to begin. Sit back, relax, and, enjoy yourselves!

Hair properly pinned? Check. Makeup? Check. Outfit on point? Check. Lola was ready! She'd been practicing hard the choreographies ever since she'd been accepted as a dancer for the concert, happy beyond words! Ups and downs or not, the past week had been a lot of work but definitely a very good one. She was doing a few last minute stretches and warm ups backstage, ready to shine!

Lucie was still salty over having fallen and failed the audition. So. Salty. But hell if she was missing a free open Lady Gumdrop concert! With a flower crown on her head, she roamed the festival area, waiting for the concert as she sighed and looked through the food available.

Wes sits in a corner, pumping up for the show. After crushing the auditions he's determined to blow everyone away at the show tonight. 

Jeremy has been pacing since arriving at the concert area. He had gotten up the courage to audition but he never thought he would actually make it into the show. There are going to be thousands of candies here tonight, all watching him. What if he can't keep up? what if his stamina give out in the middle of the show? He nervously starts chewing on the end of his sleeve, hoping maybe someone will tell him he doesn't actually have to do this. 

Anya stands by the entrance to backstage. She quietly watches everyone get ready. 

Nash might not have gotten into the show but she won't let this opportunity pass her by.  She's got coolers of goodies ready to sell and she's happy to keep these concert goers fed.

Lilith quietly walked around, waiting for the concert to start while fiddling with her sleeves. It seemed that today would be quite busy, but that was to be expected. A part of her was actually a bit excited, and a bit nervous at the same time, since this the first time she'd been to a concert like this. She read about them online for an idea on what to expect, of course, but... Well, reading about things and actually doing them were two different things. Her silver eyes trailed to the stage for a moment, looking forward to seeing a few of the workers performing.

Leaf was sat among the others backstage, her hand in her teeth as she chewed at the skin around her nails. As much as the bandaids could cover it still didn't stop her when she was as nervous as she was. The small clips and keychains made a little happy jingle whenever she moved so it gave her some reassurance.

Bea was also propped up backstage, swaying around and hopping on her toes. She was 3 redbulls in and was pumped to get this kind of opportunity! She'd occasionally wave at anyone walking past and was hoping to find someone to properly talk to!

Mikky was sat in the festival area with, weirdly enough in this weather, a jacket on. Cold radiated off of him as he just kinda chilled there. Maybe in a moment he could actually pull together the motivation to get up and walk around some. The amount of strength it took him to leave his fan haven at home has really been something.

Opal is!!! So excited for this!!!! Her head is filled with so many exclamation points as she waits backstage, doing a few last minute stretches. Her audition wasn't the best! She knows! But she can do better than that, and she will, with Kisa watching of course she has to! 

Violet, meanwhile, is wandering around a bit - she was originally supposed to come here with a friend, but they got sick at the last minute so now here she is, on her own, oh god she hates crowds this is fine. At least she's not boiling to death like some people seem to be, which seems to have been a life theme over the last few days. Living AC unit up and ready for wherever she happens to be wandering through.

Whew, it was certainly warm today. It's not like Erica minded that much though, she was quite fond of warm days after all. She had been in a very good mood ever since passing the audition for Lady Gumdrop's backup dancers. Well... of course she passed though, they'd have to be foolish to not let her in. Sure she messed up a few times, but how could they refuse her.

Well, these kinds of thoughts would never make it past her lips, but Erica took great joy in thinking them, and had a smug smile on her face as she warmed up backstage.

Mako had no idea what to really do. She was just wandering around unsure of where to go. She really only came to watch Wes for the concert. Although she was somewhat excited to watch Lady Gumdrop. The marshmallow wouldn't say it, but she did quite like her music. Now she just needs to figure out where the fuck she wanted to go, or what to do while waiting for the big event.

Anneliese was bubbling with joy. She'd been looking forward to this event for the past few weeks, practicing and preparing. It kept her going through these past few rough days. And finally, it came down to today. She looked around at her fellow back up dancers, mostly co-workers by the look of it, and smiled brightly at all their success. "Break a leg everyone!" She whispered loudly under her breath, hoping for the best.

Although Ryan didn't go, his little robot is wandering the event, recording it's own live footage for him so he could keep an eye on things. This felt much more convenient. It's swerving through the crowds taking sights and dancing around happily.

Nash spotted the little robot hovering around the concert grounds. She watched for a bit before attempting to flag it over.

Wes spotted his fellow janitor from across the rehearsal space. He walked over to Opal offering her a high five. "You pumped or what Starshine?" 

The heat wasn't exactly Max's friend. He was a little sticky, in some places it felt like he was even droopy. Quite irritating at times. But this was gonna be a lit evening. He walked the crowd with Kisa, as they'd come not only to enjoy the set up but support her sister who miraculously made it through the auditions. 

Pip, sick as she was, waded the crowds a bit. She didn't feel great, felt pretty horrible actually, but she liked Gumdrop a lot (somewhat secretly) and didn't wanna miss her concert. She wasn't able to audition thanks to being messed up, so this was the next best alternative. Besides, her cousin got in so he was probably beaming about it all. She wondered if Dari had brought Reeves, but it was most likely a no, since he hates loud noises and crowds like this. 

Ami was SUPER EXCITED!!!! A concert! Lady Gumdrop concert!!! She was practically bouncing as she walked with her sisters. She'd gotta one of her best outfits on, and the heat was no match for her buoyancy! "Guys can you believe it?! Lady Gumdroooop!!"

Lilith felt a bit of cold air coming from one direction and relaxed a bit. That certainly felt nice on a warm day, in a room crowded with people. Her feet began leading her towards the source, wanting to stay by the cold thing and.... Oh- She kinda bumped right into someone- "Sorry." She apologized quickly to the girl who... seemed to have a cold air around her?

Cheri decided pretty last minute She wanted to come to this event. Though she did enjoy the occasional Lady Gumdrop song, she didnt come here for her show. She came here to support all the factory workers who made it into the show and to see all her friends. Cheri walked around calmly in a nice long skirt and tight small top (she looks a little girly today), holding Piper's hand and ready to say hello to anyone who came by!

Kisami is so pumped for this concert!! Not only is it LADY GUMDROP LIVE AHHHH but her SISTER MADE IT INTO THE SHOW

Kisami could almost glow with how excited and happy she was! Kisa was hanging with Max till the show began,  continuously grabbing onto and letting go of Max's arm the entire time from the excitement (sorey Max, she's very excited).

"Can you believe we're actually here?? Ahhhh I'm so happy!!_" Her bright smile matched perfectly with her starry eyes as she looked up to Max.

Camile walked sliiightly awkwardly next to her sisters, not used to being at such a lively colourful event. It wasnt exactly her style but hey, anything for her sisters. Who could say no to Ami?

Camile smiles and gave a small chuckle at Ami's adorabke excitement.

"Yeah, we're here. Lots of people around huh?

Mikky got up and started walking around. He started not being able to tell if it was himself or something else that was cold. That was weird- he just kinda stood there looking semi confused at the feeling before watching his assistant manager walk past. "Hello Miss Cheri-!" He said, trying to be semi enthusiastic. Best to cover the embarrassing training sessions he's had this past week. 

The heat was still killing Lucie, who was still near the food booths, now with her hands full of carnival foods. Was any of that healthy? Not at all! Did she give a shit? Also no! She sat down somewhere with less people and started eating, wondering where the fuck were the people she was supposed to be with and looking around to try to spot any familiar faces.

Lola waved at the other dancers, noticing a few absences. Ah... she hoped they were alright? By now she's already drank half a big bottle of water, she hoped the heat wouldn't be too bothersome to dance in.

Opal spun around and jumped up to return Wes' high-5 with a beaming grin. "SO pumped, you have no idea! I heard you did amazing at your audition, too, right? I'm sure you're gonna be great!" 

"Oh -" Violet turned as she felt someone bump into her and gave her a vaguely nervous smile of her own. "No, no, it's okay, don't worry about it, I wasn't paying attention-" She kept herself from continuing to nervousness-babble and took a closer look at the girl's face. "You...look a little warm - you can stay over here, if you want, I've been, um , cooling things down." She felt another wave of cold from somewhere nearby and looked around for a moment before dismissing the feeling - another ice cream, maybe? 

Erica was getting antsy, it wasn't fun waiting, and she gripped the side of her dress. Deciding to keep herself busy, she looked towards the other dancers... just in time to see one waving at the rest. She walked over to the group and put a hand on her hip. "How are we doing today? Doing your best not to overheat, yeah?" The smile on her face was less smug now... can't be blowing her cover over a silly dancing gig. 

Lilith stared before nodding, honestly thankful. "Yes, I am a bit warm... Thank you, i appreciate it." Ah, so it was this girl who was emitting cold air. It did feel rather nice.... She was thankful the girl would let her stick around. Perhaps she should introduce herself, since she'd possibly be sticking by this person for quite a while. "Um, I'm Lilith. Lilith Eira."

Piper sighed a bit. He didn't actually like concerts, there were too many people. But Cheri wanted to go, if not just to support the DL dancers, and he'd rather not leave her alone in a crowded place like this. "So how many of the dancers are from the factory?" 

"Girl I know. If only it wasn't so fuggin hot. Least the god foresaken suns are going down though." he fanned himself with a purple fan that of course he owns, using his free hand since the other one was constantly occupied. "Wonder who else is here.." and he scanned the crowd a bit

Pip wondered over to the food booths to get a water. The heat wasn't really helping her, finally starting to effect her. 

"I know right?! Its so amazing!! Ahhh goodness gumdrops- OH HAHA! I made a joke! Hehehe oho oho! There's cotton candy!! We should get some!!" and she not a second later was dragging her sisters by the hands

Mako noticed there was cool air blowing nearby. Oh, a reprieve from the heat. She looked around trying to find the source. Noticing one of her coworkers, Violets, Mako sent a little prayer of thanks because oh my god it was hot. She also seemed to be someone else, well, that was no problem. 

"Hello Violet, do you mind if I join you?" She asked, walking up to her. "Oh, hello to you too. I don't think we've met," Mako said, turning to the other girl who was with Violet. 

Speckles seemed to be lost in it's own world among the crowds until it noticed a familiar face waving it down. It flew quickly towards Nash and floated there emitting a robotic sounding [hello].

Meanwhile Liesie began waving to her fellow colleagues too, some already engaged in conversation while others not quite yet. She felt the need to approach them. "Hello Miss Lola! Oh, this is so exciting!" She giggled, while turning her head to the other girl that walked by. "Ah, hopefully we can all stay cool while we do our best up here!"

Though Tiger was fairly used to being in front of crowds and performing for his own fans, he had never imagined he would actually be a backup dancer for Lady Gumdrop- at one of her own concerts no less! The large man was overall excited about everything, and he had made sure to dress the best he could for his role, but of course not to the extent he'd stand out too much. He was just a backup dancer after all. The amount of glitter that stuck to his arms and legs though was overall impressive and hopefully wouldn't jump on over to the next person while he strut his stuff. After a moment of doing warm up stretches and hops, he began looking around to see the other dancers, wondering if preparations were going well before catching sight of Jer appearing to be rather nervous. It made him somewhat sad to see him like that, so making his way for his short friend, he placed a light pat against his back and beamed at him through the unique mask he had prepared for the concert. "HELLO, MY FRIEND! ARE YOU EXCITED TO DANCE LIKE I AM? 8)"

"Doin' great, doin' great!" Opal said cheerfully to Erica from where she stood by Wes. Had she met this girl before? She didn't think so, but no time like the present! "How about you?"

Violet nodded in greeting, unconsciously scooting a bit closer to Lilith now that she was registered as Someone Violet Knows in this crowd. "Violet Myrtille, it's very nice to meet you." She looked up when Mako approached, giving her a soft smile. "Ah - hi, Mako, go right ahead - this is Lilith, we just met as well. Here to watch Wes?"

Leaf looking over when she heard someone being very loud. In which she was greeted to the site of a very large guy, of course talking to someone else but oh gosh golly. She felt kinda bad for the guy honestly, and she clung to a few of the charms on her waist for some good luck before she picked off an ice cream cat pin and walked over to the two. She held it out to the smaller guy with a weak smile, hoping her hands didn't look too torn up....not thinking her outfit could possible scare anyone off- "you seemed nervous so I thought I'd give you something that always makes me feel better-! I can give you one too if you want!!" She chattered, getting ready to pick off another charm for the other.

Erica gave a grin towards Opal. "I'm doing great, the heat is a bit frustrating but it's easy to work through." She said happily.

Looking towards Liesie who addressed her, she put on her friendliest look ew and gave a small wave. "It's not too bad today, but it is still hot, so make sure to stay hydrated ~" She laughed lightly.

"From what Ive heard, many of the dancers today will he factory workers. Opal is one of them." Cheri mentioned, making sure to add in a very familiar name to ensure Piper would have more a reason to be here. As she spoke, she heard a familiar voice cut through, having her move her already upward gaze from Piper to Mikky certainly a lot of tall candy out today,,

"Oh Hello Mikky! Its nice to see you here."

Kisami nodded, stealing a breeze or two from the fan when she could but leaving most of it for Max. Afterall she knew he needed it more than she did.

"Looks like a lot of good lookin candy. I'm pretty sure hella factory workers showed up too. There was a lot in the audition."

Camile couldnt help smile and laugh at Ami's adorable joke. She was just so excited, it made Cami feel good.

"Alright alright~" she said lazily as she followed along to get the treats

Lilith nodded. "It's nice to meet you too, Violet." Oh- and someone else was approaching too, who knew Violet- Huh, Mako? Watching Wes? Didn't Wes mention a Mako, who was his girlfriend? Ohhh- So then, this was her! She waved to Mako. "Hello, it's nice to meet you as well." 

Nash blink at its little voice. "Goly didn't know you could talk. Ya'll here all by yourself. Why ain't Ryan with you?" She gave it a rather disapproving look. Not sure if it had run away from home or Ryan had sent it here alone.

"Thanks Starshine, your audition was pretty good too. We got some easy steps so this should be more pleasure then work." He turned as Erica joined them. "Heat can't even touch me once I hit the stage. I'm to cool for that stuff." He wore a dumb smile on his face, so sure of himself." 

The small jawbreaker almost flew out of his shoes when the sudden strong hand clapped him on the back. "I-I-I-I....I'm N-nervous....." He looked up to Leaf as she walked over. He stared at the charm in her hand "a-are you sure?" 

The peppermint gave a comfortable grin. "She did? I don't think she said anything to me... granted, when would we have the time. That's good, she's a good kid." then as a new person arrived, someone Cheri's obviously new, he stepped aside to let them talk. Still holding her hand, he gave a nod to the man at least. 

"Everyone wants those seconds of a fame. Can't blame them though, they get to dance with a queeeeen." he jokingly sung out the 'queen.' "Should we like, get drinks or something?" 

Ami appropriately got herself purple cotton candy, Cami pink and Beri blue. "Yaaay! They had our colors!! Lets go find a place to sit and wait!!" and she's off again, good god.

"A pleasure to meet you Lilith," Mako nodded, giving the other candy a smile. Her brow raised for a second, Lilith? The name seemed familiar, but she can't seem to recall from where. Instead of dwelling on it, she decided to just smile. A laugh burst out her lips as Violet mentioned Wes. "Am I that obvious?" She asked, laughing slightly. "But yes, I am. I'm excited to see how he does, I heard his audition went swimmingly. Anyone you two are looking forward to see?" 

A relatively familiar voice called for her, and Lola turned around to find Liesie! "Oh, haha! Hello! You're here too, huh? Good luck! Isn't it?" She bounced in place, bright grin on her face. "I can't wait! A dancer for Lady Gumdrop... I'm still in awe!"

Lucie sighed as she stuffed her face with fried foods, before spotting a familiar redhead not too far from there. Ugh... they weren't really on talking terms, but she still looked beat. Scarfing the last of her food down as fast as she could, she got up and went to sit next to Pip. ".. Yo. How're ya doin'..? It's huh... been a while."

Opal flashed Wes another smile. "Thanks! I know there are some things I could've done better, at the auditions, but I think that's all fixed up now!" Aaand back to Erica -  "Yeah!! We'll just have to make sure to drink lots of water when we can, don't need anyone passing out - not even you, Wessss."

Violet gave a tiny giggle - "Oh, not that obvious, I just thought that must be why you were here alone." She looked around the crowd and back at the stage. "No, nobody really specific - I know a lot of our coworkers are going to be up there, though, so it's nice being able to support them, in any case." She turned her gaze curiously to Lilith. ",,How about you, Lilith?"

"Hehh, can you share a bit of that 'cool' with the rest of us now?" Erica said with a wink towards Wes, then turning back to Opal. "Phew, you're right. It'd be embarrassing to pass out while on stage, right?" She added

"It's real nice to see you here too- did you come for anyone specific? I heard there were lots of people who auditioned from the factory." Mikky said as he put his hands on the back of his neck, making sure he didn't smack anyone in the face with his elbows. He then noticed and smiled at the man Cheri was with as well, trying to be polite to the two. Someone as tall as him too...nice. "Hi- I'm Mikky I'm in security with her! Pleasure to meet you- Dear sweet I'm real sorry if I just sorta barged in to ya'lls date,," he said with light nervousness. Good impressions. 

Wes groaned "what are you my mom?" He gave Opal a wink. "I'm hydrated no worries." He looked back to Erica. "Don't see you around the factory much, what department do you work in?" 

Liesie smiled towards Erica. And Lola too. "Yep! Glad to see you made it too! And same!" Of course Miss Lola would be here! What a talented lady! Liesie felt rather nervous to be around two idols! But she giggled at the thought. 

Speckles turned it's head to look around, somewhat confused by Nash's disapproval. Suddenly a less robotic sounding voice came out of the robot's speakers. ["Oh, hey Nash! Speckles is just collecting some extra candy folk footage for his learning database. Wish I could be there, but I'm quite overloaded on work right now. I hate keeping him cooped up in the garage with me, so I let him go to the concert."]

"...AY AMigo." Tiger simply said after listening to Jer admit his nervousness. He thought bringing in his own energy would pump up the other, but clearly it wasn't exactly working like it usually does when they watch wrestling together. Knowing his friend, he really just needed to get that right spark to get him going and start bouncing all over the place, but at the same time Tiger knew this was one of those days he's was going to need more than just that. After watching the exchange between Jer and Leaf and smiling to her for the gesture, Tiger went on to give his own support, bringing himself down to Jer's level by kneeling. "Listen, friend. I've seen you during practice days, and I can tell you- I really do look forward to seeing you dance your heart out on stage. So let your passion burn through your soul- you WILL do AMAZING out there!" 

Nagi showed up late to the party but Myron Pfeffer was backstage at least an hour and a half before Lady Gumdrop's show was set to start. With so many rehearsals his head was spinning but he was confident in his skills, his practice, and, most recently, his new look. With the shorter side of his hair buzzed, and an angular set of glasses to replace his round ones for the night, the peppermint was a new man, dolled up to earn his place with the likeness of his idol. The hustle and bustle messed with his nerves, but nothing could hold back the excitement he felt as the beginning of the show drew near.

Meanwhile, Lenchen showed up in his usual proper fashion to the town square, sticking out in an ensemble of white among all the blindingly bright colors and soft pastels, accessories and flair of the mounting crowd. Where were his friends, he wondered? It was a small world, he'd run into someone soon enough.

Erica tapped on her chin and turned back to Wes. "Delivery, yourself?" She answered to the question. "Likewise, I don't see you around much either." 

Lilith put a hand over her mouth to stifle a small giggle herself. She looked to the stage briefly, before looking back to the girls. "Well, I suppose I am looking forward to seeing two people. Opal Stella, a good acquaintance of mine, and I'm also looking forward to seeing Wes as well. He's a friend of mine." Hopefully that was okay to admit. Honestly, she was glad to hear that Wes had done an amazing job with his audition, especially since he'd had a broken leg not too long ago.

"Well I mainly came to see.. Everyone-" Cheri said with a light laugh. "But I suppose there are a few specific candy I'm more than excited to see on stage."

After explaining this pretty vaguely, Cheri glanced up to Piper to see how he'd respond. Besides Mikky did just address him and itd be rude of her to keep talking before he can reply.

"Truth!" Kisami laughed a bit at Max's little sing songy response before snapping her finger as she realized that they should totally get dribks.

"oh yeah totally come on!" Kisami said quickly, tugging at Max's arm to where they can get them. 

"Ayyye nice!" Camile enjoyed her cotton candy happily as she continued to be dragged by her sister. God was this girl energetic.

"Alright alright, dont get too tired out tho- you want energy for that concert right?"

Leaf nodded quickly. "For sure!! They always make me feel better when I'm nervous so I want to share that with you." She said, pushing the pin into Jeremy's hand. "And look at me-!! I have- I have plenty and if you want any more come to me and tell me and- and I'll be sure to clip it on well so you have it forever!" She said with a little giggly, shaking herself a little to cue the loud jingles of all her accessories to show her point. "I'm set!" She continued before looking over at Tiger kneel and feeling her heart warm lightly. People being nice to eachother always made her believe in them just a little more.

Mako couldn't help but laugh at Violet's laugh. "Haha, well I must congratulate you on your spot on deduction," she grinned, over at Violet, "no date tonight huh?". Her smile turned even wider at Lilith's answer. "Well, I'm glad to know my boy has another supporter. He's quite the talent isn't he?" She let out a little wink over to Lilith.

Wes laughed. "I'm doing the night crew in janitorial lately. No wonder. But you made into the show, you must be a pretty fly little driver. Got the same smooth move on the road as you do on the dance floor?" 

"I-I-I....." Jer wasn't sure how to respond. He truly apricated Tiger's pep talk. He was still nervous, and he may never stop shaking. But if Tiger believed in him he at least had to try. "I-I'll do my best" He clenched his fist and gave a shaky smile to his friend. He was just glad he wasn't going out there on his own

Piper blinked at the man and chuckled. "Don't worry, its not really a date? I'm Piper, I'm a janitorial assistant... well, also temp manager until recently." and he made a pretty audible sigh of relief. Still hadn't shaved yet, so got that 'rugged' look going still. He thought he probably looks like a hobo... "Nice to meet you." 

Pip's head lifted a little. She'd gotten a drink but was so out of it she didn't take a sip. The ice had already melted. "Oh.. hey. I'm fine, I'm just tired I guess... You come here alone??" 

"Fuck yeah, we should get drinks!" and he went right along. He noticed though, in a sea of colors, a beam of white being very visible and knew immediately who it was. With his big ass mouth, he shouted that way. "HEY! LEN!! OVER HERE DUDE!!" and he waved as he walked with Kisa.

"Don't worry! I'm DAIJOBU! I ate my coffee cookie brownies before coming!!" and shot an ever animated and signature confident look at her sister. 

Suddenly, as all the patrons of the concert gleamed happily in the atmosphere, and the sun was nearly completely set, the lights on the stage went up. A voice beamed from the speakers, as concert employees backstage gathered the dancers together. Colorful smog began to pour out onto and over the stage, as a unique silhouette appeared on the curtain. 

”Hello my Sweeties! Are you ready to dance?!”

As cheers soared from the familiar unusual accented voice, the curtains pulled back and the lights went up! The musical beat hit hard as the famed Queen of Candies herself arrived on stage.

Lady Gumdrop is here! Let the show begin!!

Opal giggled and flicked Wes on the nose. "No, but I'm kind of your boss, aren't I?" She turned curious eyes back to Erica. "Oh - Delivery, huh? I guess if you're out a lot it makes sense to not see you all the time! Wes and I are both in Janitorial, oh heck I never introduced myself hi I'm Opal Stella!"

"Nope. Nope nope no no date," Violet said, waving her hands like nooooo. "I was supposed to be here with a friend, but they got sick last minute - that's alright, though, since you both found me." She nodded at Lilith's answer as well with a small smile - good, it was nice that Mako and Lilith both knew some people up there, which, oH THAT'S RIGHT. "Oh, right - my manager, Myr, is up there tonight as well, he's been - very excited.”

"Psh. My moves might be a little smooth." She said and flicked her hair back, smiling at the two in front of you. "Well, it's nice to meet you both, i'm Erica Lawrence... I'm somewhat new to the factory too, so that might be another reason-" She started saying, but then heard the sound of the music starting up. "Well then, looks like it might be our time to shine soon then, hmm?" 

Lilith giggled a little more and nodded in agreement with Mako's statement. "I'm glad to see he's made such a comeback after a broken leg." She still felt really guilty about that, honestly. Lilith then looked to Violet as she spoke, tilting her head a bit. "Your manager? Excited? Is he perhaps a fan of Lady Gumdrop?" She asked, before looking to the stage. "Oh, it looks like it's starting." Things might get a bit louder now. 

Oh Sweet, this was it. Surprisingly...Myr didn't feel as nervous as he thought he would be. He was well-practiced, in his comfort zone, with his favorite artist, donning a new look and..oh sweets he's about to be on the same stage as LG. He tried not to let that overwhelming fact take over as the stage and the audience nearly blinded his vision. Myron is npc he gotta boogie 

He jumped at the sound of his name being called so suddenly, but Lenchen knew exactly who was beckoning him over just by the sound of his voice. It was Max, and he was with Kisami. The sight of the mint-chocolate candy gave him a feeling of both happiness and sinking despair simultaneously, but he swallowed the latter and decided to focus on having fun in their company instead. Besides, it looked like they were having drinks! That would take the edge off.

He came over in quick steps through the crowd, sticking out like a sore thumb in his crisp white outfit. "..You didn't tell me you'd be coming here tonight!" He said playfully, though his brows knitted in bashfulness. "I'd almost think you were planning to avoid me, had you not called my name," He continued, offering Kisami a hug of greeting. "Hello..!" 

Hearing Jer's response made tiger beam back at him. Though it was clear he was still nervous, he was glad his words did work on him even a little bit. Before he could say more however, the speakers began to sound, signaling the start of the concert, so quickly getting back to his feet, Tiger gave one last thumbs up and a message for both Leaf and Jer. "Alright- it looks like IT'S SHOW TIME, MI AMIGOS. LET'S DO OUR BEST OUT THERE! Also little tip if it helps- usually the lights are bright enough that you can't even see the faces of your audience, so just pretend people aren't watching and hopefully that'll make things easier." 

IT'S TIME!! Lola went to position as Gumdrop's voice marked the beginning of the concert, and it was on!

Lola is NPC until further notice

"Huh, yeah,, guess that's unexpected of me, huh? I fuckin' failed the audition hardcore but like hell I was gonna miss the concert." Fine? She looked everything except fine. Soon applause and cheering was heard, and it was obvious the concert had started. "Oh shit, it's starting-- you wanna go there or are you stayin' here?" 

Erica is NPC until further notice

Opal jumped up when it was time to go, SOSOSO READY FOR THIS YES - she got into position with the rest of the dancers aaand pretty much mind-blanked on everything except the dance moves she was supposed to do which she guessed was a good thing! [Opal is NPC until further notice]

"Very," Violet said, nodding immediately. "He's been in a very good mood lately, except for the heat wave, so he must be a big fan, I think - Mako, do you know anything about that? I'm not too sure-" Aaaand now it was louder, oh god why was she here - "There he is," she said over the music, pointing up to where Myr was up on stage. "...Wow, he's - very into it." 

Cheri pat Piper's arm a bit when he mentioned that he recently wasnt he temporary manager anymore. Sweet knows that was stressful.

Kisami looked to where Max was yelling to and grinned. She waved happily to Len, and even though she only met him a few times she thought he was pretty cool!

"Heyyyyy~!" She exclaimed as she gave Len a hug back. "Good to see you agaaaiiin," she wad trying to avoid the semi awkward 'i barely know you' vibe by being friendly, I'm sorry Len. She also ignored the lowkey salt between Max and Len. Thats none if her business 

"We were just about to get drinks. The concert looks like its starting so we'll have to hurry if we wanna see Lady Gumdrop!!"

Camile couldnt help it. She grinned and gave Ami a hug for being so cute, and soon after the announcement that the concert was starting came on!

"Come on Ami, its starting!" She said almost excitedly, not being it was a Lady Gumdrop concert but because she knew Ami would be excited to see her.

wes, Jar and Anya are NPC until further notice

Mikky breathed slight relief before glancing to the stage. "Well your sure fine for stepping up like that sir, I don't know much about the other manager but I sure think the department needed it-" he kinda muddled cause he felt awkward for talking to two seemingly really nice people. Well he knew for sure Cheri was nice, she shared his love for dogs even. But mama didn't raise him to be rude in conversation like that. "I hope you two have a nice night- maybe we'll pass again as well. I know you've been busy but really need to find a day for my new pup to meet some other dogs beyond her brother- and Fudge misses his favorite friend." How does he somehow loosen up talking about his dogs. When in doubt they make it all better. 

Piper chuckled slightly. "She's all dogs' friends." he commented, his hand going to go around Cheri's shoulder. He saw the stage light up and so looked to her. "Should we go watch?"

"Hey, I'm not that fucking awful. Your ass seemed lonely wading in that color wall anyway." he got his drink and looked to the state. "Oh shit, its starting. We gotta go, its your sis's time to shine." he grinned at Kisa. "We can all watch together." 

Pip shook her head. "I'll watch from here. I can see fine... I think it'll be hard to breathe around all those people anyway." she shifted a little, still not even drinking, just... holding the drink. She also was sporting a messenger bag. She like... never has a bag if its not her backpack sometimes?? 

"EEEEE!!! OMG OMG IT'S STARTING!!!" and she ran with her sisters to get a good spot. Which is hard, with how short she is LOL. 

oh right not sure if i should mention but i guess... tiger's... npc until further notice?

Lilith followed Violet's finger, and nodded with a small laugh. "It certainly seems like he is...." She commented, before looking to Opal, and then to Wes, nodding and smiling a little. They could do it! She knew they could. However, she doubted they'd hear her cheer if she tried to scream it, like the others. That sounded like the path to a sore throat.

Mako gave out a little excited grin when the concert was announced to be starting. She brought out her phone so she could take pictures of her boy. After noticing that they were talking to her (sorry she was kinda in her own world for a bit there), she frowned a bit. "Myr? I don't think I've heard anything really, but he must be if he auditioned." Then she looked over to where her manager was up on stage, oh, guess he made it. Well, that's surprising. She laughed at Lilith's words. "That he does," she said commenting about her manager. Then she looks to the stage and shouted, "SHOW THEM WHAT YOU CAN DO WES!!!" Mako let out a whooping cheer, before clearing her throat to look at the other girls. "Now, let's enjoy the show yes?" She grinned. 

Cheri grinned both shyly and happily at Piper's comment, leaning her head lightly onto him.

"I suppose I am." She said softly before nodding to Piper. "Yes lets! Lets see how many dancers we know!"

Cheri is excited now

Kisa grabbed a drink and grinned happily as she nodded.

"Yes yes! Come on Len!" She said to Len before hurrying to the stage to watch her sister perform ON STAGE AHHH YOU GO OPAL DARLING I LOVE YOU

Thankfully for Camile, she wore pretty high shoes to give her enough height to see perfectly, but she knew Ami would struggle. As so once they got to a spot, Camile held the cotton candy in her mouth by the stick and squatted...

"Get on my shoulders-" she said through gritted teeth to Ami, ready to give Ami that concert viewing boost she needed

"Oh, huh... sure." Lucie gave Pip a concerned look. Why did she even come? And what the heck was the bag for? That was certainly new, but then again, most of Pip was new compared to what she used to know. She'd check up on her later or something... "Aight then, huh,, I'mma go there, be careful, yeah? And rest when you can,," Aaaand she left to go watch the concert closer.

Upon getting close enough she spotted frickin' Bea up there on stage and yelled "wHAT?? SHE MADE IT IN??? WHAT THE FUCK!!" Oh, Jeremy did too! Fuck, that made two of her closest friends who made it in and SHE DIDN'T! She was even saltier now, but heck. Might as well cheer for them.

"Don't lie, you are that awful. You just make exceptions when it's convenient. " The battenberg answered without hesitation, donning an uncrackable smile and not wasting any time in laying down coin for the heaviest drink morsels could buy. It was clear the concoctionist was sour about something but he wouldn't be so rash as to directly address it on a concert night. He couldn't hide the lingering pettiness, however. Upon hearing Kisami's sister was going to be in the concert, however, he came to her side with gusto. "..Your sister is in the show? I heard the auditions were brutal..!" 

Violet was very much of the same mind as Lilith here - yelling and cheering seemed like it would hurt, after a while, and anyway it was already so loud and just yeah better not - it was good that Mako was enthusiastic, though! Hopefully Wes could hear her at least a little bit, maybe? Who knows. "Mhmm, let's," she agreed, giving Mako a smile and turning a bit more of her attention to the stage. She pushed her cooling effect up a little higher - most likely with all the movement happening now the temperature would rise, too.

Piper went and found a good place to watch with Cheri, making sure she could see but that he wasn't blocking anyone.

Pip stayed at her table and watched Lucie go. She shifted and brought her bag closer to her. She looked up to the stage, blurry as it was for her, then back to her drink. 

Max got them into a good place not too close to the stage, but close enough. He then had no problem shouting out. "GET IT BROOM GIRL!!!" Loud af. He bounced to the beat, but no real dancing. Singing though? Yes, totally singing along. Its fine, he has a good voice. He looked around the crowd and the dancers, noticing another white haired person he knew. He didn't call out to this one though. Just sort of stared for a moment, probably a moment too long, before looking back to the stage. No one would notice that.

"GASPU!!! are you sure?! I'm be heavy..." regardless, she did as her sister directed and was super excited. She hugged her head "THANK YOU CAMI-CHIII!!!!" 

Mikky smiled and walked closer to the stage to see what he could, before his jaw dropped seeing a very glittery familiar face in stage. Tiger looked like a disco ball and he's never been so internally confused, but overly supportive at the same time for his buddy. As he clapped lightly he looked at his hands and noticed they were turning lighter as they progressively got more cold. "Oh gumdrops..." he mumbled and zipped up his jacket, shoving his hands into his pockets before they got too cold. Whoever was around him probably felt like they were standing next to a snowman, sorry,,, 

Lilith luckily didn't jump at Mako's sudden yelling, since everyone around them was already doing it. Her smile grew a little bit, though, and a small giggle escape her lips, before she nodded in agreement. "Yes, let's enjoy." She agreed, enjoying the company.... and the cold air, of course. She should do something to thank Violet later for sharing her cold air with them.

The energy was wild and Rokurou enjoyed it as he joined the crowds. He was late, but my goodness Lady Gumdrop was still magnificent! It was definitely better late than never, he thought as he cheered for the factory workers who were up on stage that he knew as he dragged Rui along behind him. Rokurou was already singing along to the current song being sung, ugh! He loved Gumdrop so much, she was soul and fire! A true vision! 

Cheri enjoyed the show with Piper, cheering on any workers she recognized.

"Look, Honey, there's Opal!" She said excitedly as she pointed to where Opal was dancing. "Oh isnt she lovely!"

"YUUUUUUUS OPAL GET IIIIT!!" Kisami yelled at the top of her lungs, her excitement being more than obvious. She bounces and lightly danced to the music, letting it take over her body, listening to both Lady Gumdrop and Max right beside her. Damn can this boy SING.

Kisami was very happy and danced pretty easily even with a drink in her hand, occasionally getting in sync with those around her. She sooned looked at Len and smiled happily.

Camile laughed happily before just looking to the concert, slowly getting into the moment and even cheering for the performers.

The lights dimmed and the dancers are given a break as Gumdrop is brought a stool to begin singing more intimate songs. But before they dancers leave the stage, she speaks:

“Let them hear you my darlings! They did absolutely wonderful!! They’ll be back in a little bit. Thank you, my Sweeties!” 

She turned and gave the dancers a wink and blew a kiss, before they were escorted off.

Dancers can now be taken of NPC if you’d like!

She let out a laugh, letting the mood of the concert wash over her. "Oh," she exclaimed feeling a coolness wash over her. "Why thank you for the cold Violet," she said, "but goodness darling, don't over work yourself too much alright?" Mako would feel so bad if Violet got sick if she overexerted herself. "I like your energy, Lilith," she commented, smiling slightly. At Lady Gumdrop's words, Mako let out a loud whopping of cheers as she let out her support for her boyfriend. 

Rui laughed softly as his wife dragged him to the concert. He couldn't help but get caught up in the mood as well, what with the energy. "Calm down love," he said chuckling lightly. "The concert isn't leaving soon. And look, they're already taking a break."

While the rest of the group enjoyed their time at the concert, Lenchen spent it bobbing absently to the music while he drank. After all, drinking was the best solution to emotional baggage, wasn't it? If he danced too wildly he'd spill his expensive booze. Not good. Just drink and enjoy the music, he thought to himself. He could leave as soon as his cup was empty, but..the moment the wonderful idol onstage began her ballads, he had to sit down and cry. What a drama queen--

Meanwhile, a figure heavily clad in gumdrop merch, sunglasses and a medical mask waved his glowstick in unison with the idol's music.

Bea ran backstage and picked up her jacket, the strength of caffeine and the adrenaline from dancing keeping her running. She ran into the fair grounds and looked around a bit, finally slowing only slightly and weaving between the people. Before she came across her FAVORITE PERSON. "Hey library!!" She yelled. 

Leaf walked out slowly as well, as the more people came to site she started shaking more. Clutching her bag she just sorta scurried off towards the food and merch, maybe she can get a few more pins.

Rokurou couldn't help but laugh at Rui's comment to him, giving a round of applause to Lady Gumdrop and the dancers who were filing out the stage for a break, "I can't help it love, it's Lady Gumdrop!" he replied. "Oh we should have brought along protien bars and bottles of water for the dancers... then again... I don't think civilians can go back stage anyway afufufu~ I hope they're all well!" he thought aloud.

Piper smiled as Cheri pointed out Opal. He waved for her and cheered, grinning. "I'll have to get her something and tell her congrats at work." and he bobbed his head to the music. Not his taste, but it was good.

Max saw Len go and be a baby and sighed, pretty audibly. He put a hand on Kisa's shoulder. "Go say hi to your sis while she's got time, I'll be there in a sec." and he went over to Len. "...So what's this about?" 

Ami of course had been cheering and gasped when they took a break. "Ooooh! Cami!! I have to go say hi to Tiger-san!! He looks absolutely kawaii todaY!!!" and her hands went to her face in that comical pose of awe. 

Opal gave a wave and beaming smile to the crowd before she left the stage - also taking a moment to scan the crowd and wherewherewherewhereSPOTTED! The moment she got down from the stage (and gulped down some water) she dashed out into the crowd and wove over to where she spotted Kisa, immediately tackling her with a "sIS I LOVE YOUUUUUUU-"

Violet shook her head quickly, going for the best reassuring expression she could. "Nonono I'm alright! It takes more than this to really drain me, I'm alright, you all getting sick from the heat would be much worse than what this takes out of me." And then it was time for the slower songs, ahhhh good these were less earsplitting. "Do you two want to go find anyone?" she murmured to Lilith and Mako. "I can - follow along." 

"Phew, that was wild! Haha, how're you doing, honey?" As soon as they were backstage again Lola turned to Myr, checking to make sure he was still in one piece after all that dancing.

Lucie recorded the whole thing, because of course she did. "Yo, you fucKIN' ASS!!" As soon as Bea was close by Lucie yelled again. "YA GOT IN AND DIDN'T TELL?? FUCK YOU! I recorded the whole thing by the way, I'll send ya later." 

It's like he was never there but then he was, Norman has been in the crowd near the back watching the concert because his sister told him to go out more. Also that she disappeared into the crowd as soon as they got there. Awkwardly keeping to one area, Norman was actually suprised at how well everyone did. He was a terrible dancer even with all the practice he has been getting, so watching the dancers actually drop it down though in a more ...artsy way than intended was a treat. Hopefully he can find some familiar faces while he holds his head above the average crowd.

One leg crossed over the other, the concoctionist prevailed with mounting sass as he topped off his drink. Lightweight as he was, it only took one heavily-concentrated drink to get him slurring. "Shush. Don't talk to me while I'm drinking or listening to a Gumdrop ballad, you coward. Shoo." He made a motion with his hand, picking the maraschino cherry off the drink's decorative toothpick with a sneer. 

Though he was a humid mess, the candy cane was beaming! "..How am I doing, Lola?! I couldn't be any higher up in the clouds if I were in Sweet's office, by gosh! Ahaha, I can't believe we just did that!" He said, picking up the lollipop and twirling her in his sweaty arms. 

The Mysterious Fan is non-vocal, his hair pulled up in a Lady Gumdrop souvenir cap, but the motion of his body indicates he's having a swell time!

Lilith tilted her head at Mako's comment. Her energy? Did she seem energetic right now?? The statement confused her a bit, but she didn't dwell, simply continuing to give her small smile and a nod. She then looked to Violet, a bit worried at the thought of their accomplise wearing herself out, but she seemed okay right now. Oh- Should they go find Wes? That seemed like an idea. "I wouldn't mind going." She looked over to Mako, waiting to hear her answer. 

Milk seemed to push himself away from from the front of the stage as well and to where he saw the back up dancers coming out at, keeping his eyes open for the glittery mass that he had seen on stage so he could say hi.

Bea grinned. "I'm sorry I've been dieing lately man, school and this and work and then this heat wave has me fucked up. You better send that shit to me soon too!!!" She yelled back, putting her arm around Lucie and yanking lightly. "So how do I make that up to you man? Game night, pizza, and beer on me?" She asked. "No monster in the beer either this time either." She snorted.

Cheri nodded at Piper's comment.

"Definitely, she's done so well! I'm surprised she had time to practice for this what with all the work you two had been putting in at the factory." She held onto Piper's arm as the slower songs were being sang. Though this was a chance to say hello to other candies, she somewhat enjoyed the calm music.

Kisa looked to Len then to Max and nodded.

"Okie dokie, dont be long~" she said pretty nonchalantly, not really phased by the sudden drama nearby her. Quickly after this she went closer to the stage and sure enough she saw Opal!

"OPAAAALLL I LOVE YOUUUU!!" She responded just like she normally did, giving her sister big hugs. "AHHH you did so good I'm so proud look at you just Ahhhhh!!!"

Opal has a #1 fan named Kisami I'm sorry.

"To Tiger? Alright-" Cami said as she carefully knelt down so Ami could get off. By now she had finished her snack so all she had to worry about was Ami. Once down, Cami straightened up and let Ami lead her to see Tiger.

Rui let out a sigh as his wife worried more about the other people. He shook his head slightly, "don't worry love, I'm sure they can handle themselves." Rui wasn't quite sure if one his kids was up on the stage dancing. "We can check around if any of the kids went up. Maybe those we can get a drink with." Casually, he tugged at his wife's hand, pulling him close so Rokurou wouldn't get lost.

"Hmm, we can go look for Wes," she hummed. "I want to congratulate him for a job well done. Let's go get him." Mako did want to give Wes a good congratulations.

Piper nodded. "She's a dedicated kid, she probably didn't sleep much." he commented then smiled down at Cheri.

Max rolled his eyes. "A few minutes ago you were being your normal petty self, now you're over here sobbing over liquor. Why did you even get something so heavy, you can't fucking handle it." He crossed his arms. 

Ami giddily ran to Tiger, her phone out and snapping pics already. "TIGER-SAAAAAAAN!!!! YOU WERE WONDERFUL AND YOU LOOK PAW-SITIVELY ADORABLE!!!"

Wes was so happy to hear mako's cheers. He came off the stage with the brightest grin and a confident boost that could lift mountains. 

Jeremy couldn't see straight. He leaned against a wall trying to catch his breath. He had been so focused on the steps he didn't have any time even think about the crowd. He was glad he had done it. But not sure if he could do it again. 

Anya enjoyed that. She loved to dance and doing it next to a pop star felt amazing

Dressed in something a bit out of his comfort zone, Seb entered what looked like a glittery musical battle ground to him. He hadn't really come for the music, but to try and meet people. That being said, he couldn't really complain about the crowds size despite the urge to. Maybe it'd be easier to ignore once he was distracted. Time to have a lil fun, right?

"AAAAHHHHH Kisa this is so much fun oh my SWEET I still can't even believe it!" Opal returned Kisa's hugs with enthusiasm and pulled away for half a second to give her a bright smile. "I hope you're having tons of fun but also don't get so tipsy that we can't get home!" Her expression changed into a small frown at the speed of light and she squeezed Kisa's shoulders. "I'm soso sorry you couldn't be up there with me though - you would've been so good! There's always next time, though!" 

"Yes ma'ams," Violet replied, looking around the crowd. Where would Wes have gone? She supposed Mako would know better than her. "Go ahead and lead the way, if either of you have any idea where he'd be?" 

Lilith nodded, wanting to congratulate Wes too, as well as Opal, if she wasn't too busy. So with that, she looked around, stepping on her tippy-toes for a moment because being short very much had its disadvantages, especially when you weren't the kind of person to wear heels. However, she swore she saw who they were looking for, and started carefully leading the girls towards him. 

Humidity or not, Lola didn't seem to mind the sweat as her boyfriend picked her up and twirled her, the lollipop laughing along with the motion, still catching her breath. "Isn't it?? We really did that!! A day to remember for sure-- Sweets, hahaha!" Once she was back on stable ground she planted a kiss on his nose, still grinning as wide as her face allowed! "Let's go take a break while we can-- I could go for water right now..."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I'll send when I'm home! And dont'cha fuckin' DARE putting monster in the beer again, I puked my brains out last time! But I'll accept that pizza, beer and game night, heck yeah." Lucie didn't even blink at Bea, too used to it all by now. "Yo weren't you on doctors orders to not drink anyway? The fuck ya doin'?! I ain't givin' ya an earful here but you BETTER take care of yourself or i'mma show up in your house to chain ya to bed!"

"I'm sure of it. I know you didnt get much sleep either, dear." Cheri said with a side smile. Yeah Piper she isnt letting that you, you need a vacation sir asap.

Kisa giggled from all the happiness and a bit from the alcohol at Opal's remark, patting Opal's arm a bit.

"Its fine its fine, I'm having a blast! I'm glad I can even be here!! I mean come on its Lady Gumdrop!!!" Kisa was very enthusiastic. "And dont worryyyy I'll keep my drinking to a minimum. You know I can handle plenty in my system and I'll probably just burn it all off with a glow!" She winked.

Camile smiles a little awkwardly as Ami went and shouted excited to Tiger, a worker she never actually met before but who she knew was a wrestler. So he's cool in her books.

Cami stood behind Ami with her hands in her pockets just waiting,,

Leaf kept her head and and picked at her curls, walking smack straight into- well someone she was somewhat familiar with. "Oh hi." She said as she looked up at seb, a weak smile forming as she recognized the co worker. She looked down and noticed that a little strawberry chain fell off when she bumped into him, picking it up and holding it tightly in her palm. "Sorry about that I guess the less I see people the less nervous I am- so I look down a lot aha.." 

Bea just kinda nervously laughed at the monster comment. "No of course not!! Doctors orders n all right Library. Just give me a night and I'll request a day off shop for it." She said before laughing. "Alright mom I really appreciate your kind supportive words. I'd like to see you try to chain me anywhere. Bet you ya couldn't- I ain't scared of you." 

Mako took a quick look around, before humming when she spotted her boy. It seemed like Lilith had the same idea as her, and found her boy too. "Oh darling, please no need to call me ma'am," she laughed, "just Mako is fine. Ma'am makes me feel old, and darling I hope that's not what you're trying to say." Although her words sounded a bit like a warning, it was told in jest. 

"Wes!" she called upon seeing her boy, waving her arms to catch his attention.

"...Ah, you're still talking? Suppose you didn't understand me, so I'll talk more slowly for you, Max Geralds.. Get out of my face, you're blocking the view." He snipped. "I'm not having any fun with you around, so shoo!" He slurred, his eyes wandering back to the bar area. Another round was on his mind. He'd drink till he felt better. : )

Meanwhile, the Mysterious Fan is off to get a drink. It's getting dark, so he's able to pull his sunglasses off so long as the brim of his hat keeps his peculiar scar hidden.

Wes ran right over to Mako, picking her up and spinning her around. "Hey babe, what did you think of the show?" He put her down, leaning over to ruffling Lilith's hair. "Glad to see you here Lilly Gold." 

Now that he was off stage, Tiger took a deep breath and flexed his muscles, feeling particularly pumped for being able to dance his best out on stage. Immediately however he went to check on Jer, hoping that he was feeling better now that he was able to dance too. "MI AMIGO, YOU DANCED WONDERFULLY OUT THERE! Are you feeling alright though?" He says as he wipes the sweat off his skin with a towel, only to find some of the glitter on his body had begun to latch on to said towel. Just then, he noticed some familiar faces suddenly approach him, and it was instant for Tiger to wave to them next. "AAAH! MIKKY AMIGO. IT'S GREAT TO SEE YOU! AND-" All of a sudden he was intterupted as a little person came rushing to him and started snapping photos of him, instantly bringing a bit of a blush over the skin seen through his mask. "AH- LITTLE AMI. I AM GLAD TO HAVE ENTERTAINED YOU WITH MY PERFORMANCE! 8) BE CAREFUL NOT TO GET TOO CLOSE. THE GLITTER IS COMING OFF ME." He also managed to catch sight of another candy near by, and seeing the similarity between her and his current biggest fan, Tiger had an idea as to who she was. "AH- IS THIS YOUR SISTER? HELLO THERE!" 

Standing, looking around for someone he at least recognized, he was slightly thrown off guard when one came bumping into him instead. "Uah-.." He was able to keep his balance and quickly turned to both see who'd knocked into him and attempt to keep them from also maybe falling. "Oh..." What was her name again- "L... Leaf, yeah?" Looking down at the colorful girl slightly concerned by her statement, but not enough to change his facial expression. "You ok?" 

"Goodgoodgood I'm so glad!!" Opal gave Kisa a smooch on the cheek and giggled. "Ahhh, I know, just making sure! I'm sure it'll be fiiine~~" She looked around the crowd. "Are you here with anybody? We don't hafta stay here if you left someone to go find me?"

Violet practically jumped out of her skin - "Nonono you're SO not old Mako don't worry sorrysorry -" And let out a breath when they found Wes and they were able to put that misstep behind them, because now that she thought about it, Mako was probably joking, why this. At least they found him, which she supposed meant he got the air-conditioning benefit, since he'd been dancing - still, Lilith and Mako were the ones he knew, not her, so she just stayed quiet.

After enough standing around and observing, Norman decided to do the one thing he normally does in crowded situations like this, find the drinks. He wandered off hoping his sister will just find him later and browsed for stands that serve alcohol.

Piper chuckled. "Ahhh haha I mean.. ykno I don't sleep that much anyway, Cher..." he rubbed the back of his neck a bit. "I'm fine..."

Max glared a little. He was used to drunks, specially this twinkie, but something about his act tonight was pissing him off. "Ykno what? Fine. Hang out with your best friend, the tap. I'll hang out with mine." and he went back to find Kisami, now in a bit of a mood. He didn't like getting like this but fuck man, he was irritated. As he walked, he bumped into the shoulder of the maxed figure. "Sorry dude." he said in passing. 

Pip stood up from the table she sat at and began walking. She never touched her drink.


"Fuckin' try me, Bea. I know where you live and I have enough rope at home." Lucie squinted at the ribbon candy. "Wanna get somethin' to drink before you gotta go back there, or d'ya wanna just stay here and listen?"

Mako laughed as she was picked up, putting her hand on his shoulders so she was more stable. "A plus performance babe," she grinned, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Very sexy, I liked very much." Then she smiled over at Violet, "haha, well I'm glad." She made sure to give Violet a smile that was reassuring. "Ah, have you met Wes by any chance? If not well, Violet please meet this tall idiot known as my boyfriend, Wes. Wes, this is Violet, she's a sweetheart."

Lilith looked to Violet and patted her shoulder carefully to reassure her as the ice cream apologized frantically. Then they found Wes, and another smile came onto her face. It was still small, because Lilith's smiles were never very big, but sweet none-the-less, as she saw the cute moment between Mako and Wes. Haha, they were kinda cute together. As Wes's hand touched her head, she found that she barely, only slightly, tensed up this time when he ruffled her hair. Looks like she was definitely getting used to it. Who knows? Eventually, she might stop tensing altogether. That's a nice thought. "You did very well, Wes." She complimented, clapping her hands a bit, before the topic moved to introductions again. 

"Mmhmm, sure Dear." Cheri said, her expression not changing.

"You know this could definitely be the first of many days off you take. I'm sure Cookie would love to have an all day play date with you~"

Take a hint Piper- better yet take a v a c a t i o n

"Oh well I was with Max and Len, but they got a little drama alert going on between them SO I'm just sticking over here because who has the time for that right now amirite?" Kisami said with a flick of her wrist, trying not to worry too much about the mini situation that was going on not too far from where she was. Besides its not like she was worried or anything- nope totally not extremely worried about her friends right now Her semi awkward smile totally doesnt give it away either.

Cami's eyes widened a bit at how loud Tiger was. So this wad the voice that always echoed throughout the factory halls?? Amazing, he was bigger than she expected too!

"Uh, yeah hi I'm Camile- Chill to meet you Tiger." She said with a side smile, feeling honestly glad she came by.

Bea scoffed. "Where else has that rope been used though Library. I feel like I should get my own rope with my name on it just because. Obviously you have the strength of a stick so you'll need to come over a few times with this stuff." She continued with a shit faced grin. The only downside is she couldn't understand why her heart was in her ears right now....maybe she shouldn't have had caffeine after all. 

Mikky gave a weak wave and then watched a bean ran past. "She's quicker than a wet hen ohh...." he mumbled as he watched the purple girl yell to tiger. "I'll catch you later- let your fans a dazzle for a bit. If you want catch me over by food." He said quickly before looking at his hands again and getting nervous at how little he could pick at with them. He turned and is now on the search for a hot beverage station,,

Leaf nodded quickly, everything jingling loudly with it. "Yeah of course! Are you- oh I..I would really hate if I really hurt you." She said, shaking as she looked to see if there was any harm she could see. Of course it was barely a bump but it didn't stop her from worrying at all!! "Leaf yeah! what is it again? I'm really sorry im so bad at name..." she said with a small ooohhhnnn noise to follow. She was bad at this.

Jer smiled at the attention Tiger was getting. He was really amazing. He slowly sank to the floor and watched the group faun over his friend. 

"Thanks ladies." He beamed at the praise. He turned to Violet "I have not had the pleasure. Nice to meet you, I'm the tall idiot." He put his arm around Mako's shoulder.

"Oh,," Opal didn't miss Kisa's odd expression, sorry Kisa, and gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder. "I'm sure it'll be okay, sis, I don't know Len too well but Max is hard to stay mad at, I think." She tried to brighten the mood with another smile. "In the meantime, yeah, you can totally hang out with me till I have to go onstage, no worries!" Oh - was that some mint-green hair she spotted? "I think Max is over there," she said, squinting. "I guess the drama is on pause for now?" 

"Oh," Violet nearly squeaked, she was a what now - she cleared her throat and gave Wes a shy smile. "Nice to meet you too, you're doing really well up there!" She appreciated Lilith's shoulder pats, bless your sweeet sweet heart Lilith.

He laughed a bit at the jingling, and couldn't help from comparing her to a kitten in his head. "Mm. I'm fine. You barely knocked me." He gently rubbed his arm where she'd hit him even though it really didn't hurt. "Don't feel bad. I got your name on a lucky guess." Guess it was time to start being social. "It's Seb." 

"OOOH- IT REALLY IS A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU BOTH! AND OF COURSE! I DO EVERYTHING FOR MY FANS ALIKE!" He said beaming and flexing his muscles to those around him, though he did feel a little bad that the attention he was suddenly getting was slowly pushing his friends aside. "Ah! SEE YOU LATER THEN, MIKKY. SAVE ME A BURRITO IF YOU FIND ONE SO I CAN SHARE A MEAL WITH YOU LATER~!" Waving goodbye to Mikky, he quickly returned his attention to Jer. Hopefully this wouldn't put the little man on the spot, but he wanted to at least show him that there were other people who could root for him too. "AH- THIS IS ALSO MI AMIGO, JEREMY. SAY HELLO TO HIM! HE DID WONDERFUL OUT THERE AS WELL- I AM PROUD OF HIM. 8)"

Lucie gave Bea an angry side eye and pushed her roughly. "Keep testin' your luck and ya ain't gettin' no video." She motioned to the food booths. "I'mma get somethin' to drink, ya do whatever, nerd." However, she stopped in her tracks, squinting again at Bea's face. "... A'ight idiot, how long d'ya have until ya gotta be on stage again? Ya look like a ghost. I'll get you water."

"Ahhh there's still so much to do honey... maybe eventually, we'll see. So should we go say hi to the dancers?" he was trying to RUN from this convo. 

Max walked over to the dancer area, assuming Kisa would be there with her sister, as he texted someone called 'Dark Daddy' on his phone. He got the number from Len. He was letting him know the white moron was blasted at the concert and that he'd need to come. He noticed Wes and his gf with others, including Violet, and went over, waving. "Nice job dude."

"Hehe we absolutely loved the performance so far Tiger-san!!" she smiled and looked at Jeremy too. "And you were amazing too, Jeremy-san!!" She noticed them sweating and dug into her unicorn bag. "OH OH I brought something for the dancers!!! Its - hm - AH HERE!" she pulled out these use little hearts sewn in brightly colored patterned fabric. "I made these!! They're cooling packs, they have that cooling gel stuff in them!! Here you go!" and she held them out to Tiger and Jeremy. 

Mako smiled at Wes, "indeed a tall idiot." She couldn't help but smile at her boyfriend. "Well, now that we've all gathered, how bout we go grab something to drink?" She didn't want Violet to over exert herself. Mako let the smile on her face drop when she saw Max come out. But she quickly put it back up. "Hello Max," she greeted, though a little deadpan. "Enjoying yourself tonight?" 

"Tch..." was the only response from the CC employee. "The tap is smarter than you are, bastard! And more fun!" He called after Max, his mood only worsening as he realized throwing a tantrum wouldn't work on the mint candy. The male walked away without a glance back, to which the battenberg responded with a sound of drunken despair. The flower festival wasn't his scene tonight; Dark Daddy would be put on a scavenger hunt as the CC took off in what he assumed was the direction home.

Shit, there were a lot of factory workers around, weren't there? The Fan was starting to suffocate in his getup. Oryn wouldn't be detected if he just took off his mask for a couple minutes, right?

"Seb!!" Leaf said, almost too loudly, almost like it had just came back to her as he said that. "I really wanted to say Sam, I'm glad I didn't. I probably would've looked like the biggest goof-" she said as she put her hands on her face, watching him rub his arm and feeling terrible that it was probably her fault. Oh gosh. "Well- what are you doing here then? Are you a fan of lady gumdrop?" She asked, constantly shuffling her feet so maybe her shaking would be less obvious what a silly thing to think.

Mikky has found hot chocolate and is sitting at a bench with his hood up. He really should've worn a thicker hoodie too. Atleast he can keep an eye out for a burrito booth here- in which thankfully he found on in the corner. He'll make a mental note for later.

Bea seemed kinda late to reply, more focused on the loud drumming she couldn't get to go away than what lucie was saying. It was a blank look for a moment before she clicked back to her snorty jokester ass. "I just danced my ass off of course I want a drink man. Some festival food sounds damn good too-...I think they'll make an announcement when they want us on stage again? I don't know man." she said as she followed Lucie to the food. 

Lilith watched quietly, before nodding at Mako's offer. Oh- and someone approached. Max, was his name? Ah, well, Mako sounded a bit off when she talked to him. She waved to the newcomer but other than that, stayed silent.

Wes stepped up to Max, offering a high five. "Hey man, so glad to see you here. Did you like the show?" 

Jeremy stood up. Smiling at his manga buddy. "T-thanks for coming out." He stared at the ice pack, taking it with his shaky hand. "T-thanks so much Ami-chan" He pressed the cool back to his neck and sighed.

Yep, that blank stare was worrying. She definitely wasn't good. Lucie didn't come to the concert to end up babysitting, but apparently that was her job now! She pulled Bea by her sleeve, walking quickly towards the drinks. She was nearly at the water when she noticed a very familiar candy. "Whoa, wait, Oryn?? I thought ya didn't wanna come here--" Forgetting about Bea for a bit, the tiramisu ran to her boyfriend, giving him a quick hug, and a shit-eating grin upon seeing his outfit. "What are you wearing? Didn't know ya were a fan? Oh shit right--" She waved at Bea to come closer. "D'ya know where's the water? This idiot over here got herself in a shit state and she gotta go back upstage soon."

"Hmmm, alriiight," Cheri brushed some hairs behind her ear (of course the silky hair falling back into place anyway) before turning her head to the dancers. "Until then I suppose Cookie can have extra play dates with Mikky, Fudge and the new puppy." And with that she walked towards the stage witb Piper to see which dancers they can say hi to.

Kisami glanced to where Max's green top was an gave a tiny sigh of relief. Yes good, no more drama. But she noticed him walk another direction, and so just let him go for now.

"He looks busy with some other candies, so its fine." She said way more chill this time. 

Camile smiled brightly to Tiger's remarks. He certainly was entertaining. Camile looked to Jeremy after he was pointed out and gave him a small and friendly smile.

"Good job, Jeremy. You did great up there. I couldnt have done it if it was me. Props to you my man."

Ali got the text and immediately sighed heavily before grabbing his keys to go find Len. 

An announcement rang out for all dancers to come back to the stage for the next part of the concert. Gumdrop was taking her break backstage to prepare, giving them time to get back.

Once she was ready, Gumdrop was on stage again in a new outfit, the light shifting. The next part of the concert had begun! 

"Hmm, I probably just would've rolled with it if you had. I don't mind Sam." Names weren't exactly the most important thing to remember about someone, and Sam is a nice name. "Uh, not really. I kinda just showed up out of boredom. Coming to something like this is a nice change of pace from playing video games all day... and probably healthier so. What about you-" About to return the question, he got stuck starring as she shuffled around. "... Are you cold? or something-" and then the stages announcement range out. "It'starting again. Wanna move closer? Might be warmer too."

"Alright, all gooood," Opal said - and then, oops, came the announcement that dancers needed to come back. "Ah - gotta go, love you sis, I'll see you after the show, 'kay?" She gave Kisa another quick hug and smile before bouncing off backstage again. [Opal is NPC until further notice.]

"Sure," Violet said in response to Mako - really, truly, she's fine guys, omg - but looked up as a newcomer approached. "Oh," she said, faintly surprised. "Hi, Max." Yes, this did seem like the kind of thing he'd be at, didn't it? Hopefully he wasn't melting or anything. Ah - seemed like Mako wasn't much of a fan, though, which. Wasn't too surprising, really. Hopefully things stayed civil - 

Bea just kinda tilted a bit when Lucie left to see oryn, before she ran to the nearest trash can and lost anything she had in her stomach from before the concert. Before lucie could get on her ass about it or her not feeling well she just sorta half ran half stumbled towards the stage again and knew she had her bottle of water with the rest of her stuff. Lord fucking save. 

Leaf just sorta laughed a small bit and looked towards the stage. "Actually i was apart of the show ah- I'll come back and talk to you I promise!! I just- I just need to go! So cue this conversation just- just paused yeah!!" She said before making her way back towards the stage as well. She couldn't help but awe at how amazing Lady Gumdrops outfits were as day she'll get as good as that.


He knew it was a bad idea but he did it anyway. He took off his mask. And as soon as the mask was off, he was spotted. By his girlfriend, no less, and he quickly donned both the mask and the glasses again. He refused to speak and hoped the darkening background would obscure his face but he wasn't sure he could fool Lucie so easily. With a quick point he pointed out a water tank, and promptly disappeared into a denser portion of audience. 

Aaaand Tiger has gone to NPC mode

It seemed like Violet knew him too. Hm- Ah- already? "Oh, looks like you have to go again, Wes. Good luck. I bet you'll continue to do great." Lilith encouraged after the announcement rang out, giving two thumbs up to Wes. 

"Ah, we might be too late" he said, as the announcement when up. 

Max gave Wes that highfive-handshake-into a hug thing/chestbump. "Hell yea. Way better than your ratty concerts." he teased then heard Mako. "Ooohh and evening to you too, Wicked Witch of the West... surprised you came out of your tower for something like this." he said blandly, then looked at the other two. "Hey, Vi. Surprised to see you here, didn't think pop music was your scene." he grinned softly, weirdly. Then gave a wave to the other shy girl next to her. Hearing the announcement, he nodded to Wes as he went off. 

"I'LL BE CHEERING FOR YOU GUYS!!! GAMBATE!!!!!!" she waved and jumped then looked to her sisters. "LETS GO FIND A PLACE TO WATCH AGAIN!!" 

Pip wasn't watching where he was going and bumped into the back of what looked like a LG fanatic- wait. She squinted and blinked. "....Oryn? What....what the fuck are you wearing?" 

Wes gave Mako a kiss on the check. "Enjoy the show. I think I saw Coffee girl roaming around here with drinks earlier, if you guys still wanted to do that." He headed back to the stage, waving to his friends. Wes is NPC until further notice 

Jeremy took a deep breath. "I-I don't know if I can do this....." He was so out of breath. He looked up at Tiger. He let out his deep breath and followed his large friend back on stage. Jeremy is NPC until further notice

As Leaf took off again towards the stage, he said nothing and just waved. She seemed a little too nervous to be a dancer, but maybe that's why she was doing it? building confidence? Meh, didn't matter. Moving closer to the stage, Seb figured it be nice to watch and maybe see who else was a part of this performance.

Oh hell, another one?! How did Pip even-- he was masked! Maybe he smelled more strongly of sugar than usual...fuck. So long as he didn't look too obviously startled by being detected, he could slip further into the crowd and avoid her. Damn it, he just wanted to remain under the radar!

Violet gave Max a small smile back. "It's - not, usually, I was going to be here with a friend who ended up not making it. So - now I'm here with other friends, instead." She looked back and forth between Max and Lilith - they didn't know each other, alright, okay - "This is Lilith, by the way." She chose to ignore the animosity between Max and Mako please for the love of Sweet do not escalate please.

Mako cocked a brow at Max, moving her head so Wes could give her a kiss on the cheek. "Rock it up there babe," she smiled. She let a smirk on her lips, "oh don't worry yourself too much Max. You're no victim of mine. I've only got eyes for my boy up there." Then she let out a chuckle, "well my certain tower needs airing out. I gotta let my victims free every now and again. It's no fun when they don't scream." It wasn't that Mako didn't like MAx, he was just an annoyance really.

"Oh- well I suppose we can wait till the end. I'm sure they were flooded with others trying to say hello." Cheri said simply. Besides this was more opportunity to think about how convince her fiancée to go on a freakin vacation

Alright this was good this was great, Kisami can just chill with Opal now- oh

Guess not. rip @ Kisami now you have to find Max in the crowd, because surely it flooded in as soon as the show continued.

"Alright! Knock em dead Opal!!" She said excitedly anyway to her sister as she left. Now it was time to search. Having finished her drink, Kisami put the empty cup into her small bag she had with her and started to roam the crowd...

Camile waved to Jeremy and Tiger as they went back to dance before looking to Ami.

"Yeah, lets get good spots again!" She said actually excited. Maybe Lady Gumdrop and the pop concert scene wasn't so bad afterall.

Oops, there it was, the sign that she had to go back! Lola had rested enough, and tugged Myr's sleeve to call him back onstage with her.

Lola is NPC until further notice

One look in one direction and Bea threw up into a trashcan and then left running, another look in another direction and Oryn was gone too. And there she was, alone again. And Bea definitely was going against doctors orders. She was honestly starting to get really frustrated of it all. Glaring into the crowd, Lucie could feel the anger start to bubble up, but tried to breathe to control it. Ah, fuck it, she didn't even wanna go back to watch the rest. Walking in the opposite direction, she got herself a drink and sat down at the tables, by herself, hunched over the glass with an unfriendly face while listening to the music and watching from afar.

Lilith tensed a bit- ouch, wicked witch of the west? Wasn't that a bit.... mean? Ah, but she seemed to take it just fine. She took it like a joke and ran with it. Admirable. Hopefully, nothing escalated too badly. Please. Hearing her name as she was introduced by Violet, she turned to Max. "Yes, that's me. It's nice to meet you, Max." She would've waved if she hadn't already done that.

"We can say hi after its all over. We'll have more time then." he looked to the stage again. 

Max snickered. Least she had humor. He nodded to Lilith, giving his normal shitty smirk. "Well nice to meet ya, cutie~" here we go. "Glad you're having fun though, Vi. I should probably find Kisa, she was with her sister." he looked around for the big hair™. 

"Yes!!!! We should get ice cream later too!! Hehehe!!" she practically bounced back into the fray.

As the music resumed he couldn't help but look around the crowd! There was bound to be someone he knew here, though his smile quickly faded when he spotted a rather despondent--no, angry, looking Lucie-san. Oh the poor dear. No one should be so upset at a night as this. "Anata~ I'll just go over there for a bit." he said before moving towards Lucie, he waves in huge motions so he could be spotted in the crowd before cupping his hands to his mouth, "LuCIE-SAN!!!" he called before closing the distance, "You look adorable, love, but why such a sour face? Do I need to fight anyone for you?" he asked playfully as he furrowed his brows in concern.

Lenchen thought he'd made a dramatic exit when in truth...he'd made a full circle around the stage area in a drunken stupor. The sight of a familiar face in the delivery manager prompted him to come over and sit without invitation, hugging the worker from the side. "Me too," he slurred, burying his face in Lucie's shoulder. "Me too.."

Mikky glance to the side of where he was sitting and saw a girl hunched and looking....rather angry at her own table. He didn't have a ton of interest going back into the crowd, and having his hands pressed again a warm cup felt nice, but he also didn't like seeing people sad. Sweet save him. "Hey miss is everything alright-" he asked as he turned so he was sitting outward and towards her. "There ain't a lot of people turning away from the concert and if they are they're usually very drunk.." he said, before watching as a said drunk person came over. 

"Oh - mhm, I haven't seen her, sorry," Violet said, very subtly moving between Max and Lilith. She at least knew Kisa by sight, but she seemed to be vanished into the crowd. "Good luck finding her, though - hopefully everything's good." She glanced at Mako again, glad things seemed to have stopped with the salt contest. "Did you still want to go get drinks, Mako?"

Also- Pip wasn't going anywhere. She took out her phone, laughing in a creepy tired way. "I can't- believe you wore this. Omg." she snapped a pic. "Stay still."

"Much more time. Will you want to say hi to Opal while we're at it? Since we'll be there anyway." Cheri was starting to really enjoy the music, smiling happily and bopping her head.

Kisa is lost in the crowd Max but occasionally she jumps and dances to the music so she's probably like

Over where those random pigtails keep popping up in the crowd


Camile laughed happily to Ami and nodded.

"Yeah! We can do that!" Oh my god Camile is enjoying a pop concert what is this-

Ali is still on his way to midtown, give him a bit longer-

O h,,,, was.... was this guy.... a flirt by any chance, or was he being nice? Lilith didn't quite know from just one remark but she wasn't sure she wanted to try and find out. So she blinked, nodded, and kept her mouth shut. It looked like she was looking for someone though. Someone named Kisa? Mm.... no, she never met anybody named that. Good luck to him, though. She turned to Mako, awaiting her answer. A drink sounded good right now, honestly.

Oh. Well that got weird fast. Suddenly Roku, Len and someone she didn't know came over to her. "Mmhph,,?" Len was clearly very drunk and he hugged hard-- "Ah, Roku-- Thanks, I'm good,, I was just left on my own again-- Len, you're squishing me--" Who even was the other guy?? "I'm not fuckin' drunk, I'm fine, sheesh! ... He isn't though." She attempted to give Len a concerned glance from her face prison in Roku's hands. She couldn't say she didn't appreciate the attention though.

Rui was obviously not very happy with Roku's choice of clothing, but he would at least keep his wife near him. Make sure no one looks too long before he ended up stabbing a bitch. Not that he would, of course, but just, Roku was his. "Ah, xingan wait," he called out, following after Roku to make sure he wouldn't get lost. He spotted Roku with Lucie, the latter looking a little down. "Oh dear, Lucie darling are you alright?"

Mako waved at Max goodbye, "well have fun with your new victim." She didn't really care much for who Max would go to, they weren't friend, just happened to know each other. She hummed at Violet's question, "mm, I could definitely go for a drink. Shall we ladies?" Mako was nice enough to ask, before leading them to where the drinks were. 

Once finding the drink booth, Norman just stood there and started downing drinks in a reasonable Norman fashion. It seems like the next act was going to start soon though.

Mikky just kinda went quiet. As much as he wanted to go mom mode there was already a lot, and he didn't wanna upset someone he didn't know. Instead he just kinda shuffled back to how he was sitting and laid his face on the lid of his drink. He could admit atleast that the music in the background was a nice addition to his lack of conversation now.

Rokurou looked at this white-haired candy hugging Lucie, he looked familiar...'Ah! It's that one who didn't like tea...hmmm'. Lucie saying this candy's name was Len rang a bell. He blinked in recognition. "Oh my Sweets, Len, you look wasted. You should get some water, honey." he said, letting go of Lucie to give Len a pat, help Lucie breathe a little by parting them just a little very gently. Then he smiled at Lucie saying she was good, "Well that's good to hear, if you don't mind, me and my husband will latch on to you for the rest of the night, no one should alone anyway, isn't that right Rui?" he said, giving Lucie a pat on the head before looking at Rui to confirm what he said. 

Lilith waved goodbye as well to Max, before nodding to Mako. "I believe we shall." She responded with a small hum, before following the girls to go get their drinks.

"..I have to.." Lenchen answered to the delivery manager, squeezing her harder. "Let me stay,'re my only friend..!" He cried in anguish, but his episode was shortly interrupted by a kind voice. An angel..? Oh, yes it was. The angel from that one time.. 

"I am wasted...!" The candy sobbed, an outright mess in the midst of his tantrum. "It's ugly, isn't it? I'm ugly.." He slurred, his grip falling as Rokurou separated him from Lucie. "I came here alone...because I'm so ugly! You understand.." The concoctionist spewed more nonsense, sitting back in his own chair and fruitlessly wiping away his tears. 

"Yeah, of course." Piper nodded. "Gotta congratulate her, she's done so well." 

Max nodded. "I'm gonna find her. See ya girls." he winked like his usual, and headed off. He looked around for glowing and pigtails and honestly, it didn't take that long. He went up to her and picked her up by the sides to surprise her. "Found ya!" 

Ami's grin just grew bigger as it seemed like her sisters were having fun too. At least Cami. "See!!! Its so much fun to go to happy things!!" and she gave a big Ami-like smile. 

"That does sound good," Violet agreed - even without being overly warm, eventually she was going to start getting dehydrated. She was very willing to just. Follow Mako. Everywhere. Bless you Mako for having direction.

Rui let out a smile at his wife, "if you don't mind us being around, then of course we'd be more than happy to spend time with you guys." He gave Lucie a good hug, wanting to cheer up one of his kids. 

At hearing Len, Rui frowned over at him. "Oh sweetheart no," he said. "There's absolutely nothing ugly about you. You are beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He moves over to give Len a handkerchief to wipe his tears. "ssshh darling, let's get you some water so you can feel a little better."

Rokurou looked at Len in concern as he sobbed drunkenly. He looked between Len and Lucie before looking back at Len, laughing a little nervously. "Oh Len, just because you're a mess doesn't make you ugly. You can be a hot mess, you just have to own it. Uhm... come here let's get you some water, ne?" he said before reaching around Lucie to hold Len's hand. He looked at Rui, and whispered to him, "This boy needs help, you stay here with Lucie, I'll be back okay, we'll just get him some water." he said, patting Rui's shoulder and moving to the water tank, leading Len with him. He was patting Len's hand as they walked.

"Of course- oh look there she is now!" Cheri said pointing her out again on stage for Piper to see. As she did, Cheri took a glimpse at the rest of the candies dancing their hearts out. Employees she didnt know well such, managers, and better known candies all dancing together!

"How amazing!"

Kisami had taken a moment to bounce a bit to the music when she was suddenly lifted up by none other than Max! Kisami gasped at first before giggling happily at Max's little gesture, looking to him with the happiest grin.

"Congratulations, you found a rare pokemon!" She joked. "What will you name your pokemon??" She laughed at her own stupid joke, hugging Max right after.

Camile looked to her sister and sighed, having a sweet smile.

"Yeah- youre right. Maybe I'll come to these things more often." She said before squatting down.

"Now come on, get on and cheer on your friends!"

Oh Ali arrived, he's walking through the booths and looking for alcohol

Because where ever the alcohol is, so is Len most likely...

Oh boy this was awkward now. Lucie watched from the corner of her vision as Mikky seemed to just... try to hide his head into his drink like an ostrich?? And oh Sweets... Len was so wasted... She cringed at the sight, pushing her own drink away in case he had any ideas. "Yo, huh, that's not true, dude,," Welp, Rui and Roku would do a better job of cheering him up. She was just really glad they were all there. She just stayed there watching the whole thing go down, wondering how this ended up happening. She definitely needed to finish that drink.

Rokurou and Rui descended upon him like blessings from heaven, aiding the concoctionist with a handkerchief, an escort to the water and a chance to regain some of his dignity. He wasn't sneered at or judged, simply helped by two creatures showing genuine concern. The water helped keep him hydrated but ultimately didn't do much for his feelings. On top of being upset, he was deeply touched by Rui and Roku's kindness; tears of heartbreak and happiness mingled on his face faster than he could dry them with the handkerchief he was lent. 

"..Why are you so nice..?" He whined, hardly able to balance the cup of water in his hands.

"They're all doing a great job." he smiled. "Its nice for them all to get to have fun." He gave a nod to his own comment. "Did you try auditioning?" 

"Hmmmm How about Kisachu?" he smirked and landed one on her before sitting her down. 

Ami giggled and hopped back onto her sister to form a tower of cheers and squeeing again.

Pip got a good fill of blackmail and tugged up her hood onto her head, grinning. "This is great. I oughtta print out all these pics later." she smirked.

Rui smiled over at his wife, "try not to get lost love. I'll be here with Lucie then." He waved his wife goodbye, fairly sure it was safe to leave him with Len. He smiled over at Lucie, "a little smile love, its a happy occasion, and I'll be right here alright, especially if you want to tell me anything."

"Oh no, me?" Cheri put her hands on her heart and gave a small shy laugh.

"Imagine that, me trying to keep up to a Lady Gumdrop song. My dear I havent done that since High School during cheer practice-"

Kisami giggled happily from that, making sure to regain her grounding as soon as she was set down. She didnt wait too long to change the subject though-

"So you good? You left kinda fast there." She said, refering to Max going to talk to Len.

rip @ Camile's ears from hearing Ami's cheering so loud, but it's okay. She bounced lightly at the music, and while Amile cheered on the dancers, Camile decided to look around and who was in the crowd near them. Maybe she'd find someone familiar or someone they could talk to after...

Ali made his way towards the bar and just as he thought, he saw a drunken Len surrounded by concerned candies. Ali let out a sigh of relief, glad that at Least Len was being looked after in this state.

Ali made his way to them all...

Rokurou looked at Len and encouraged him to drink a little more, before humming at the question, it could've been rhetorical in his emotional state but he humored Len anyway. "I try my best, Len, darling." he said, holding one of his hands to help him balance the cup of water. "Try to take deep breaths, it'll help you calm down. And hey, if you're alone tonight, then reinvent yourself, darling! It's a Lady Gumdrop night! Just lose yourself in the music, forget about your woes, who cares if you came here alone. Just have fun!" he says, playfully patting both sides of Len's face, giving it a little squish. 

“Alright, my Sweeties! You all deserve a wonderful gift for being such an amazing crowd tonight!” 

As Gumdrop spoke, canons were brought on stage. There was loading booming, as they were lit, shooting out tons and tons of flowers! 

“My present to you!!!”

Lilith blinked as flowers were being blasted out over the crowd. As they walked through the crowd, Lilith brought her hands up and jumped a little to catch some of the flowers. While catching them, she wondered where they got all these flowers, for there were quite a lot.

Lucie gave a defeated sigh, falling back into the hunched posture and unamused face as she played with the straw of her drink. "Mmnnn,, everyone's bein' stupid... Bea is going directly against doctor orders and getting herself even more sick, now Pip is sick too and also not restin', no one fuckin' listens to me... And now my own bOYFRIEND came to the concert undercover and fuckin' pretended it wasn't him and disappeared! Great, today is going just great!" She flailed her arms in the air before letting them fall heavy on the table again, drinking half the glass in one go. "And I fuckin' failed the audition too, I wanted to be up there dancin'..."

Suddenly there was a loud boom, startling Lucie right out of her rant! She jumped and screamed, turning back to the stage to see what was happening. Ah... flowers... Eh. She wasn't interested right now. In fact, she was trying hella hard to put a cork on the bubbling emotions in her stomach before they came up in the form of tears...

After grabbing drinks and walking back to see the performance better, cannons were firing flowers onto the audience. As the flowers are decending, Norman decided it would be a nice gift for his sister and reached out above him using his height to hopefully grab a flower before it hits the ground.

Mikky looked up from wallowing in his cup of hot chocolate, to get up and throw the now empty cup away. It was unexpected but he felt something hit the back of his neck and fall into the hood of his jacket, touching it and pulling back out a flower? Well that was odd.

Leaf just kinda awed for a bit on stage as she watched the flowers get launched into the audience, going to quietly pick one up and putting it in her hair along with the rest of the things up there!! 

Bea is sick and not feeling great after that dance, and her depth perception is trash. She may had tried to fumble for one but probably missed it. 

He been quiet, laughing way too hard internally at his cousins dancing for a majority of the performance. When they'd finished and the canons appeared, Seb covered his ears to block out the load bang and then looked up watching as the flowers flew around the sky. Reaching out a hand, he caught one to keep as a memory.


Violet jumped at the sound of cannons and looked back as the flowers started flying - oh, looked like some of them were getting all the way over here. She reached out and plucked one out of the air, turning it over in her hands. "Pretty, aren't they?" she commented softly to her two ladies with her.

Watching the canons go off, Tiger let out a hearty laugh as flowers fluttered around him, and the moment some came to him, he made sure to get some for himself to share later. After catching one particular rose with his mouth however, he gladly took it in hand, hunched down to a fan in the crowd and gave it to them with a wink.

"Aw I think you could pull it off-" he was cut off by the canon's and his composure tightened up. It wasn't the weapon, but the sound. His expression visibly changed, a cold tinge hitting him in the chest. "Ah.. Mmm..." he looked away from the stage for a moment, letting go of Cheri to hold his head.

Max shrugged. "He wants to be a baby, and I don't care. Its fine." he grinned then saw the raining flowers. "Hey!" He jumped into the air the best he could, but landed on his ass. He blinked and laughed himself. "Holy fuck, I only drank one thing, I'm not drunk??" 

Ami gasped at the flowers and reached out to try and get one. She wanted one for scrap booking!! But too far and she'd make both her and Cami fall, so she gave up after a moment. She couldn't get it...

Pip wasn't interested in the flowers. She walked away from Oryn, zipping up her hoodie. She patted her bag, and disappeared into the crowd.

Nash looked up just as the canon went off. She lifted her tray and managed to catch one of the flowers. She giggled a little bit picking the flower up giving it a sniff.

Rokurou jumped out of his skin in surprise at the sound of the canon, the silliness of it made him laugh as he turned away from Len for a moment to look up at the stage. Seeing flowers before fired from canons, he sighed as he raised his hand in a rather calm manner, happy to have closed his hand around a flower before it slipped away. He thought of giving it to Rui when he went back to Lucie and Rui's table. He lowered his arm and looked back at Len, "A word of advice before we scurry back to the table," he said with a smile, "You are your own candy, Len. Don't let what anyone else think bring you down. You're beautiful in your own right, no candy should define that for you~" he bent down a little to give Len a little kiss on the cheek before patting him like a mother would and he looked towards where Rui and Lucie were and he ran to them, "Rui~! Lucie-san~!" he called as he came back to them. 

Rui listened carefully to Lucie's words, giving her a hug as she let out her emotion. Carefully, letting his hand rub circles around her back. He let her finish, pulling the young candy close, startling slightly when she screamed. "Sssshhh darling, it's only the event," he spoke gently, before lifting her face to his. "Let me say that you're such a wonderful, little girl. You're heart is so big for caring for your friends like this, but if I have to say something, its that I'm glad you're here. I know it seems awful that you failed the audition, but you tried and did your best. Let the experience be your happy thing. I'm so proud of what you did." Rui gave Lucie a quick kiss on the forehead. 

"Sometimes with friends, you have to let them stand for themselves. It hurts to watch them being in pain and refusing your help, but if they don't want to listen then there's not much you can do. Let them fall and stand on their own, but be there for them when they need the support. As for your boyfriend coming here without you, well, it's too bad for him that he's missing out a night with a beautiful girl like yourself. If he didn't want to spend time with you, then best make him jealous about what you've done. You did the best you could and that's all that matters." Rui hugged Lucie, making sure she knew he was there for him. 

Cheri was smiling at Piper before the loud canon went off.

"Ah..." She looked up and saw flowers flying everywhere, but didnt care. Quickly she looked back to Piper and took a breath.

"Shhh...." She gently put a hand on Piper's cheek. "Its okay..." Her voice was quiet and gentle.

As she was calming Piper down, a flower slowly landed on her head, making her flinch lightly.

Kisami laughed at Max's reaction to missing.

"Looks like someones turning into a lightweight~" she teased before trying for a flower herself. Aaand SHE CAUGHT ONE

"Haha yes! Whoa-" but immeditaly fell too, right by Max. Kisami couldnt hold back the laughter. "Okay I'm tipsy but I still caught one!!"

Camile was too busy holding up Ami to get a flower, and felt a bit bad that Ami couldnt catch one of her own. Thinking quickly, Cami bounced Amile a bit.

"Hey, cheer up. We can go to the fields tomorrow and pick flowers. We'll even make flower crowns if you want?"

While on his way to the bar to pick up his BF, Ali looked up at the flowers falling everywhere and quickly grabbed one. He planned to give it to Len... Afterall, when he's this drunk its because he's sad and there's nothing like a little gift to cheer him up.

Ali continued to make his way to Len

Roku's pep talk, unfortunately, fell on horribly drunk and deaf ears. However, the tactile comfort registered more quickly in his brain than his attempt at emotional repair. Face squished, hands held, even a kiss that felt like it should have come from his own was all a comfort to the Battenberg who was clearly deprived due to his own foolishness. 'Be your own candy', Roku lectured, and even though the cake was drunk beyond his wits, his words would eventually stick.

In the distance he noticed a tall figure, ever-elegant and gentlemanly as his hand came up around a falling flower and closed. Len deviated from Roku in that moment and stumbled to the man with a sniffle. "..Ali..? Why ..why are you here? You said.. you didn't want to come..." He tried to hide just how plastered he was, but failed. 

Lucie listened attentively to Rui's words, and the more he talked the less Lucie could control the tears, frustration and gratitude alike pouring out of her eyes as she hugged her factory father-figure tightly and sobbed. That definitely wasn't the night she wanted, but hell if she didn't need to hear it all. ",, T-thanks, dude. I appreciate it. A lot."

Rui let the young candy cry in his arms, rubbing circles on her back. "you're welcome honey, and always know that crying isn't a weakness. It's quite alright to cry every now and again, it just means you're alive and you have emotions." He placed a small kiss atop her head, just being there for Lucie as she let out her emotions. Carefully, he broke away from her, wiping her tears with a napkin he got from the counter. "Just make sure that after the tears you give a little smile. You're doing great love, and I'll keep saying it again and again, I'm very proud of you. Let's get you some water alright?" With that, he called over for some water to give his daughter, well one of his factory daughters. Noticing a small flower on the ground, he picked it up, wanting to give it to his wife later.

Opal clapped her hands and giggled at the falling flowers - oh, that was so cute! She picked one out of the air and turned it over in her hands. Appropriate for Flower Day, wasn't it??

Liesie had already been nerve wrecked and excited during the whole event. Everything was happening in some what of a blur, but she went through the motions gracefully. She seemed to be able to refocus during the breaks, but for some reason she was not all there. Maybe it was the heat?? Or her nerves?? Still, she was thankful for the breaks. The sound of the canon jolted her out of her daze and she was quick to jump into action to try and catch a flower. She had to. She simply had to! She didn't have anyone in mind, but... when that day came she wanted to have it. Although her first attempt was rather unsuccessful, she leaped out and caught a different one. She smiled and brushed it, holding it close to her heart very gently.

While Speckles occasionally floated near Nash's area, the bot had been flying all over the arena taking footage of those on stage and some of the shenanigans off stage. It seemed to especially float near any faces that looked familiar. Once the canon went off, the bot became rather curious. Unaware of the significance of the flowers, it didn't have any particular reason to catch one, but.. when a flower fell on top of it's head it didn't brush it away either. It simply looked at it curiously, carefully storing it away in it's storage space... for safe keeping. 

As everyone scooped up the flowers from the sky, a few lucky people managed to get a Spatial Bloom! They are: Kisami, Mikky, and Tiger!!

Bea just kinda crawled away from everyone and into the bathrooms backstage so she could be sick in privacy...and not on Lady Gumdrops stage. Between a good sob and one of the worse pains she's ever felt, she's calling one of her friends so they can take her somewhere other than here.... why won't anyone answer

Mikky noticed it was one of the prettiest flowers he's ever seen, gently holding it in his hands. He smiled and tucked it into his pocket for safe keeping now, then making his way back to the main concert area so he could see what was going on better!

The booming repeated in his head, even though the cannons had already stopped. He has his eyes shut, trying to focus on Cheri's voice. It was fine, he's fine. He kept repeating that thought, trying to overrun the booming... "...S-sorry.. I'm okay, really... Heh, you... got a flower on your head." he grinned a little, though strained. 

Max laughed with her and then looked at the flower. "Wait... dude, you got a Spatial bloom! Like, those things that make your eyes all freaky if you drink tea from 'em?" 

Ami nodded with a pout. "Okiiiii... least everyone else got one!" she looked around, clapping.

Lilith nodded to Violet after having caught her share of flowers. "They are." She agreed with a small smile. Looking down at them, though, made her think of a certain someone. She closed her eyes for a moment, before taking a breath and opening them again. "I think I'll put them in a vase once i get home."

Rokurou managed to return to the table just in time to see Lucie sobbing as she hugged Rui. 'I appreciate it. A lot.' he heard Lucie mutter to Rui, reading the mood between the two, he let out a soft afufufu as he watched Lucie find what seemed like comfort in Rui's presence, he was only glad that whatever exchange they had in words seemed to have pierced through dear Lucie. He hoped she was indeed feeling better. 

After a moment more he spoke, "Oh dear sweets, Anata! What did you do?" he gasped playfully. It was a rhetorical question and he tucked the flower he caught earlier behind Rui's ear as he spoke before resting a hand atop Lucie's head and looking down at her tenderly. "Are you feeling a little better, dear? Just let us know if you need anything, alright?"

"If you need help, I know a bit about taking care of flowers," Violet noted quietly to Lilith. "We can make sure they last for as long as possible." Her own she was thinking of pressing, to be honest, because it seemed like a shame to let such a pretty flower fade, but vases were nice too.

Mako was with the girls (qube just fucking forgot oh my god)

Jeremy exited the stage. Looking around for his friends. He spotted Lucie and started heading in her direction. "Lucie!" He used the last of his energy to jog up to her. Bending over to catch his breath when he got there. 

Nash had done a decent amount on sales, but still hadn't seen any of her friends.

Liesie wanted to remember this day forever! She just wishes... she had someone special to remember it with. She giggled walking near her fellow dancers with an arm full of lovely flowers continuing the act on stage happily.

Cheri looked up a bit more towards her head to see if she could catch a glimpse of the flower before smiling softly.

"Its not as many flowers as I had on my head last year..." She joked as she moved the flower from her head and put it onto her ear. "Remember? I believe I had 2 flowers crowns and a Bloom... The one you gave me." Her voice stayed soft and her expression gentle.

Kisami looked at the flower and gasped slowly, her eyes sparkling.

"Oh my SWEET YOURE RIGHT!! AHHHH!!" She was overwhelmed with excitement, even moving to hug Max though they were still sitting on the floor. "I can have pretty eyes for a day!!" She grinned and giggled happily. She'd definitely try to make enough tea for herself, her family, and even Max if she could!

"Yeah, isnt that great?" Camile said with a softer smile than normal. "Maybe when we go to the fields tomorrow you can make Tiger a flower crown... You can take pictures of him wearing iiiit~"

Camile is slowly getting very entertained by the idea of big man Tiger being the girliest things

Ali held the flower gently in one hand while grabbing onto the near falling Len with the other. He sighed lightly before smiling.

"I didn't. I'm not the biggest Lady Gumdrop fan, but... A little birdie told me that you didnt have a smile on your face," Ali put the freshly caught flower into Len's hair. "So I came to bring that smile back."

exhibit A of Ali using romance and charm to slowly lead Len away from otherwise messy situations

Lilith nodded thankfully. "That would be appreciated, thank you." She responded with a hum. "I know a friend of mine would make pretty decorations out of the flowers she grew, but i don't know how to make them myself." She admitted, a little sheepishly as she walked a little closer to Violet and Mako.

"Haha yeah...oh..wait" he blinked, his mind clearing at a realization that made him feel shitty and he stood up to look at her properly. "Its- Its our anniversary!" he stated, feeling PRETTY CRAPPY HE FORGOT.

Hell yA! Well, I dunno honestly, you kind of already have pretty af eyes buuuuut" he smirked and stood up, helping her up. 

Ami gasped again "You're riight! I need to get his head size!! He'll look SO CUTE!!!" and now she's going through all the ideas in her head.

Violet nodded, brushing at the flower in her hands. "I know how to do that a little bit, I can teach you some later if you want? I'm not - great at it yet or anything, but I can at least show you what I know." Making flower decorations seemed like very important knowledge to pass on, to her, because man were they pretty. Mako just seemed to be chilling out, which was good, she deserved it. 

Oof, there goes her makeup again. She really needed to get some waterproof eyeliner, goddammit. Nevertheless, she really did appreciate Rui and Roku cheering her up, and just let Rui clean her face to the best of his ability. Half-hearted as it was yet, the smile was indeed back on her face, looking up at Roku and nodding to indicate that she was feeling better, when a familiar voice came close. "Oh, heya Jer. Weren't ya dancin'? Did'ja give up?"

While observing the flowers he caught, Tiger couldn't help but pick out one particular special one from the rest. He had never seen a flower this beautiful before, so he knew he was going to keep it and do his best to preserve it. Perhaps it was to preserve the memories behind catching it, but who knows. At least something inside told him it would be nice to save this one for the future... And perhaps ask around what kind of flower he had actually caught once he was free from the dancing. NPC Mode activated

Jeremy huffed a little bit, standing up straight so him and Lucie were at the same eye level. "I-I can't do it anymore. I-I'll pass out on stage." He was still catching his breath. he hadn't move this much in a very long time. He waved to Rui and Roku between puffs 

Mako looked at her companions, not entirely sure she could call them friends as of yet. "Flower decorations huh?" she hummed, "I'd love to see how that goes. I'm not too good at making them I'm afraid so a little demonstration would be much appreciated." 

Rui gave a small smile when Roku came back, chuckling softly as Roku tucked a flower behind his ear. "A sight for these tired eyes of mine you are my love," he murmured, pulling Roku down to kiss his cheek. "And a gift for you as well." Rui took his own flower, tucking behind Roku's ear and giving his wife a smile. At his wife's question Rui just smiled, "well I spent the time with our beautiful daughter here. She needed a little cheering up you see." Looking over at Lucie and the small smile she gave, he patted her on the head, "that's our strong girl, and Roku's right love, we're here if you need us." Rui also noticed that Jeremy had come by. "Oh," he exclaimed, "hello dear. Did you enjoy the stage?"

Rokurou looked at Jeremy who seemed to have ran all the way from stage. The Rakugan smiled at the jaw breaker and gave him a pat on the back, "You should sit down for a bit and cool down Jeremy. You were utter fire on stage by the way, dear!" he said with a light laugh before tilting Lucie's face up to him for a moment, "Excuse me, Lucie-san, don't mind me, let me just fix you up a little, if you don't mind." he said before reaching into his back shorts pocket for his liquid eye liner, and fixing up Lucie's face over the runny make-up. "Personally, running make-up makes you look like a war-goddess, I'll just liven it up a little. You'll look so lit, you're gonna leave hearts in despair. Just because the night is ending does not mean you can't look like a diva when you go home!" he said, finishing quickly so she can go back to converse with Jeremy without having to just look up at him.

Lilith smiled a little again and nodded. "I'd appreciate it greatly, thank you." She responded while admiring the flowers. Oh, would Mako be joining them too? "I'm sure it'll go well."

The concert was coming to an end! Gumdrop thanked everyone for coming out and when it ended, she personally thanked all the dancers backstage, giving them exclusive merch as a reward for their efforts! They were free to enjoy the rest of the festival now.

As people dispersed though, everyone found in their possession a strange poster? 

It had a strange image on it, of a mask with a grinning shadowed face behind it. The rest was black. It looked like a movie poster with the info at the bottom, but the weird numbers and writing didn’t correspond to any dates or anything relevant? What could this be…

Things went so, so well! The cobbler was bouncing with joy and excitement. She felt so honored to be with Gumdrop and asked for a quick selfie before leaving the stage, waving over anyone else on the dancefloor who was interested in taking the picture. Happily, Annelise bounced off home with her merch in hand and.... something else? What could this possibly be? Eh, must be a mistake. She paid it no mind!

Cheri gave a quiet and soft giggle, rubbing her thumb on Piper's cheek.

"That it is." She said with a love filled gaze. "Happy Anniversary My Love."

See Piper she isnt mad shh its ok

As the concert finally came to a close, Cheri grabbed onto Piper's hand.

"Come on, lets go say hello to Opal before we leave for the night."

"Oh-" Kisami honestly wasnt expecting the compliment, it making her have an almost shy smile. Almost. It was quickly replaced by her usual giggle as she somewhat struggled to stand up.

"Aren't you just extra sweet tonight~" she teased, poking Max's cheek playfully.

Camile laughed lightly, knowing damn well she was going to start up Ami's imagination. She didnt mind though, it was fun to watch.

"Now lets keep watching the show! We can say Hi again to Tiger after."

And sure enough the show ended, Camile kneeling down for Ami to step off. 

Not too long after Ali came for Len, they went off to go home, Len likely having broken down in tears halfway there. Its okay Ali will handle it

Piper smiled, though he felt awful. Gonna have to plan a special weekend, jeez,,,, He followed Cheri to meet the dancers.

"I'm always charming, babe" he grinned, posing a little then heard his pocket crinkle. He found a poster in it? "The fuck is this? Looks creepy??" 

Ami hopped down and smiled at Cami, before hugging her SUUUUPER tight. "Thank you Cami-chiiiiii!!!!" she let go and smiled, then saw on the ground a poster. "Ooooh! What's this!" she picked it up. 

Pip held a poster in her hand, before making her way to leave.

Wes thanked Gumdrop for the amazing opportunity. He waved bye to the other dances walking back out onto the stage. He stared out to the crowd as it began to disperse. He took in a deep breath. It had truely been a magically night. He needed to find more chances to be on stages like this. 

Jer sat on the bench for a minute. He had a lot of fun tonight, but he wanted to how his friends night had been. "Hey Lucie....want to walk to the bus stop with me?"

Lilith enjoyed the rest of the festival with her two new acquaintances and is looking forward to making those flower decoartions, not realizing the existence of the poster folded and tucked into her pocket until later.

Norman done absolutely nothing, went home with his sister. It was actually quite nice to be out of his normal comfort zone. The poster though, made him a bit confused. Examining it further, he is going to investigate later.

Lucie couldn't contain the smile from growing bigger in her face, letting Roku take care of her messed up makeup. "Heh, thanks..." The smile had grown back into a grin, they really knew how to lift someone's morale. "Oh yeah, Jer! I got the first part on video, I'll send you when I get home!" She patted his shoulder, letting him catch his breath. "Huh, sure? I can give you a ride home if ya want... I'll be careful, promise."

She'd been so busy with her own emotions that she didn't even see who left a weird creepy poster there. She barely even glanced at it, paying it no mind.

Lola was!! So happy!! And kinda tired, oh boy she was lucky for how much stamina she had! All those years running up and down flights of stairs in the factory definitely paid off. She took the merch cheerfully and joined in on the group selfie, completely ignoring the posters nearby! After it was all said and done she dragged Myr over to the food booths... Going home could wait until energy had been refilled. Besides, carnival street food were her favorite...

After seeing Opal and getting theae strange posters that Cheri likely just left behind after looking at it a bit, Cheri went home with Piper to celebrate their anniversary at home with a nice home cooked meal.

"True. Modern day Prince Charming." Kisami joked. She too found a poster but didnt care about it. She just wanted to see Opal and end the night good! Tugging Max along by his arm, Kisami met up with Opal continued on with their night till it was time to go home.

Cami smiled and hugged back. After which she too grabbed a poster that was on the ground. She looked at it a bit, thinking it was strange.. And so cool!! She's definitely hanging this up on her wall!!

"Alright lets go home-" she said to her sisters before going.

While on his way home with Len, Ali came across an odd poster... Upon further observation he noticed that there was a code that needed to be cracked on it, but Ali didnt bother cracking it. He had other personal issues to deal with.