Gustclan Post 59

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
18 5843

Chapter 12
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

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Chapter 12

Magicfoot had met Coralheart while travelling. Magicfoot had been travelling a long time. She’d had humans once, she was sure, but not for long. She didn’t remember much of them, and remembered far more of being an alley cat. A wily, nifty, sneaky alley cat. A way with her feet, a way with her words. She’d earned her name without a clan’s work, no matter how well her name might have fit in a clan.

Coralheart had been a nervous wreck, frankly, and didn’t that earn a helpful guiding paw?

Finding out about clans had been strange (even stranger to hear of clats wanting obligations, not the lucky-go-happy life), but she understood once it was explained there were kits. Gosh, she loved kits. She’d had some of her own once, when she was younger, but they’d all left her before long. She’d loved being a mum. She was up for joining a clan again if it meant she could be an aunt to a jillion kits at once. So long as she could still do her own thing, anyway.

Coralheart had liked hearing that.

And now, here they were. Accepted into a clan. Apparently a big one, too. Coralheart said it was a lot bigger than her clan, and Magicfoot assumed that meant there were probably at least twice as many cats here as there. It probably also meant there were more choices over what responsibilities to shirk do.

But now there were dreams that chased her, much as her damn ex, Genghis, had. Strange dreams. A nettle’s shade destroying a fungus, a dead tree rising anew from its roots, a butterfly keeping pace with two huge seabirds, or four huge lumbering beasts heading relentlessly towards her…

And it made Magicfoot at least a little uneasy about what was to come.