Gustclan Post 59

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Chapter 4

Teasel-leaf hurried out of the gates of camp, quickly catching up to where Adoniscloud and the apprentices had been just a second before.

”Adoniscloud?!” the tom called.

Adoniscloud turned his head half-around in a somewhat lazy manner. ”Yeah?”

Teasel-leaf slowed, and didn’t bother even slightly trying to recompose himself. He wasn’t that sort of medicine cat. ”Wherever you’re going, I have a request when you come back.” Teasel-leaf’s eyes flicked across towards Gannetpaw. Gannetpaw gave a slightly guilty look. He was leaving Teasel-leaf to care for a huge number of cats alone! Admittedly just for a few days, but… would he really be able to do it?

”Sure. What is it?”

Teasel-leaf tried to keep his tone steady, for the sakes of his apprentice being able to work out what he was meaning and being able to tell his family in whatever way he wanted.

”When you’re nearly back, I want you to head to Forestclan’s territory.” There was a little flicker of something across Adoniscloud’s face, but Teasel-leaf knew not to comment. He could guess what it meant. ”And I want you to go visit that cave we went to several moons ago. Do you know the one, Gannetpaw?” Gannetpaw’s eyes were wide, but he kept his posture calm, and managed to nod happily. ”Good. I hope you all have good news for Softdawn. If you two can keep your dad safe – and he needs it, he could be fought off by a starling – there’ll be something for each of you when you return. Now’s your time to prove yourselves.”