Gustclan Post 59

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Chapter 9

”Lobeliafur? Do you want to be medicine cat?”

The white molly laughed.

”Bugleclaw said you’d ask me! See I’m nice and talkative and chatty, and I could relax anyone right, I could chill anyone down, even if they was trying to scratch my ears off whenever I got close, right, and that’d be good, because everyone’d be calm and so on, and that means less complications, right, there’s fewer complications if everyone’s calm and chill and focus, and I’d be great for that, I can talk to anyone, and everyone loves talki-.”

”But do you want to?”

”Oh, no, silly, that’s what I was saying, see I’d be great at the bedside manner, and everyone’d be really calm because everyone loves me and how talkative I am an….”