Trivia - Lilith

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Here you can find more information about Mrs. Kafka- I mean V2- I mean Mrs. Poetry- I mean- o, forget it oof.

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1 - Media

Books - Lilith is somebody who collects books with a passion. She mostly reads collections of poetry or collected works from Kafka, who is also her favorite poet. The more dark and mysterious the literature is, the more she will love it. That's also a reason why she sometimes "borrows" some of V's books. He doesn't mind at all. As long as Lilith is the one taking the books. He would get pretty angry with anyone else though.

Shows and Movies - Different then most of the DMC Crew, Lilith doesn't like shows and movies that much. They're sometimes too fast and "too much effects" for her and she prefers enjoying her stories in a calm way, where she can also imagine all the stuff happening in the story. (Besides, she can't deal with technology at all)

Manga - Mrs. Kafka might not watch anime, but she loves manga, especially dark horror stuff. Her favorite manga is Uzumaki and she loves showing V all the dark manga she reads. Touch her favorite manga just with the tip of your finger and you're deadmeat.

Music - This woman not only enjoys choir singing and epic songs, but also classical pieces. She could listen to "Dies Irae" for hours! But she also loves to listen to violins, especially Paganinis OP. 24

Social Media - Since Lilith barely knows anything about technology, she also doesn't use social media. She tried it once, but ended up accidently posting a blurred selfie of herself and Worm, who wanted to type something as well. The heading of the post was, and I quote: "Had another inspirational daykankjsjhnwdkunhajdwa516d5f41536415453443255454$§"%"§""