Trivia - Lilith

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 3
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Here you can find more information about Mrs. Kafka- I mean V2- I mean Mrs. Poetry- I mean- o, forget it oof.

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3 - Nature

Flower - Lilith's favorite roses are black roses, which stand for hatred, despair and death - Topics, that Lilith fears in real life, but also adores in literature. She also loves Anemones, who stand for fading hope or the feeling of being forsaken, but also anticipation

Trees - When being in a forest, Lilith loves to rest underneath huge, old trees. She actually feels so comfortable underneath them, that she even falls asleep fastly when sitting on them. Worm has to wake her up then.

Lakes - For some unknown reason, Lilith is afraid of water. Whenever she is on a huge lake, she starts to shiver and her pupils dissappear (this always happens when she's feeling like crying, since she can't cry). But thanks to V, she's slowly losing that fear. They often sit beside the lake and he comforts her a lot. Nowadays, she can easily rest beside it and even plays a bit with the small fish in the lake.

Wild Ravens - It's no secret that Lilith adores ravens. She is fascinated by their dark apperance and the mythology revolving around them. But for some reason, ravens seem to like her as well. They often land near her, watching her, and some even let her pet them. Nobody knows why, but they are really tame and sweet around her. Same goes for wild cats, bats and nightingales btw.

Flower Crowns - She only did it once, but Lilith managed to make a flower crown out of the glowing flowers of the Qlipoth. Those flowers don't seem to affect anybody, but they're looking like demonic black flowers who glow crimson/pink. She sneaked up to V to lay down the flower crown on his head, and to this very day she's really flustered when thinking about it. She thinks he looks even more beautiful with flower crowns.

Mushrooms - She tried collecting mushrooms once with a book in her hand. It went all well, since she has an eye for details, but Worm seems to have brought some toxic mushrooms accidently. It ended in a night at the toilet for the whole DMC Crew, and ever since Lilith isn't allowed to collect Mushrooms anymore, even though she would love to.