Trivia - Lilith

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 6
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Here you can find more information about Mrs. Kafka- I mean V2- I mean Mrs. Poetry- I mean- o, forget it oof.

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Random Trivia (OC x Canon)

I need some comfort rn, so have some OC x Canon trivia stuff *insert sparkles emoji*

Necklace: Lilith has a habit of playing around with V's necklace whenever she sits in his lab. It comforts her and calms her down. She thinks it's an odd pet peeve of hers, while V thinks it's pretty wholesome and sweet. And so, he let's her play on his necklace whenever she needs to calm down.

Music and Dancing: When they are alone, they often turn on either gothic or classical music and dance slowly to it. They love dancing close to each other, just enjoying the moment they are in.

Painting Nails: Sometimes, in private, they paint each others nails black. Dante sometimes makes his jokes about their black nails (nothing hurtful), but sometimes, you can see V admiring his nails that Lilith painted.

Nightmares: Since both suffer from horrible nightmares, they often sleep and cuddle together. For some reason, when they sleep beside each other, they become a lot more calm and have less nightmares. Sometimes, they can even sleep through without having any.

Poetry: Both get super weak, when the other person quotes poetry to them. Especially when it's their favorite poet. Then, it's likely they get really romantic and flustered.

Languages: Both speak fluent english, however, since Lilith's native language is german, V tries to learn it and he is pretty good at it. He also tries to read german poetry and Lilith tries her best to help him with that.

Shadow Hug: When it's cold, Lilith drags V to herself by hugging him with her shadowy tail. Thanks to this he gets shooked and blushes, but lately he got used to it and enjoys it.

Enemies: Lilith and V treat each others enemies pretty different. While V acts aloof and kind of sadistic around Lilith's enemies, hiding insults behind carefully chosen words, Lilith can get pretty aggressive towards V's enemies, even getting so far to fighting them if necessary.

Anger Issues: Lilith has hidden anger issues, which she mostly shows in battle. Those anger issues also put her under a lot of stress. V often calms her down by whispering into her ear, hugging her closely to himself. It often works, and she ends up blushing heavily.