Trivia - Lilith

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Here you can find more information about Mrs. Kafka- I mean V2- I mean Mrs. Poetry- I mean- o, forget it oof.

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2 - Outfits

Revealing clothing - Lilith's usual clothes are pretty revealing, showing her stomach and her bra. She doesn't mind at all, she doesn't even care when Nico tells her she's almost naked in her clothes. Lilith only has three main reasons for wearing clothes:
1. She would freeze even more without her beloved coat.
2. She saw that other humans wear clothes as well and she doesn't want to stand out of the crowd
3. Whenever she walks next to V without a bra, he seems to be a bit nervous. So she started wearing one, so he can concentrate in fights and when reading a book

Style of clothing - This being loves to wear comfy long coats as well as dark clothing. She loves everything with dark colors or black as well as silver and blue tones. But she can't stand yellow or orange clothes. Or ugly christmas sweaters. She has a burning hatred for those. But otherwise, she wore a way too big hoodie once, which she liked a lot. She stopped wearing it though, because V turned all red when he saw her in it and she thinks he gets sick when he sees that hoodie.

Socks - One special note about socks: Lilith would never wear them. Never ever. Not a single time. She loves walking barefoot or with half-closed shoes and hates wearing boots or socks. She just doesn't like the feeling of fully closed, warm socks or boots.