Trivia - Lilith

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 4
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Here you can find more information about Mrs. Kafka- I mean V2- I mean Mrs. Poetry- I mean- o, forget it oof.

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4 - Traveling

Walking - She loves wandering a lot. If possible, Lilith would do a late night walk every night! The only problem is her weak body. That's why she doesn't walk around for fun that often, except her lover or one of her friends is with her. She hates to show her weakness though.

Trains and Cars - This being actually hates trains and cars and stuff like that. She already took some time to get along with sitting calmly in the van "Minotaur" and getting along with Nico's crazy driving style, and that's already enough for her. Trains would be the death for her, she would try to read her book in peace but deep inside she would be nervous as hell. also, Lilith doesn't have a driver license and doesn't want one for now.

Bicycle - Lilith can't ride bicycles. She never learned it, and she doesn't want to learn it. At least for the moment.

Swimming - She can actually swim, but is scared of water/lakes. Luckily, V tries to take that fear away from her, they already swam once together. Lilith still gets flustered when thinking of this one night.