Sunny's Bio

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
18 6916

Chapter 11
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Allies: Nieus

- Affinity between them: Nieus was the king of Torrine, with Miara as his queen. Tragedy struck when he sacrificed his life for his queen and people when an evil force threatened the land and almost wiped Torrine from existence.

Enemies: Master Xyro, Entity X, Kian Prescott and his posse

- Affinity between them: Master Xyro and his organization have hostility towards Sunny and his friends, fueled by his disdain for humanity. The generals of Entity X are devoted to Master Xyro's cause. There are nine total.
Kian and Sunny used to be best friends since high school...that is until Kian started harassing a poor girl he had a lustful eye on, which turned out to be Cat. When Kian took things too far, Sunny stepped in and protected Cat from any further harm. After being replaced, Kian formed his own crew and is ever vigilant of winning Cat over again but has to go through Sunny in order to get to her...which is highly unlikely Kian will succeed.

Family: Tarik (Father), Lydia (Mother), Zani (Sister), Cleo and Seth (Cousins), Pierce and Gia (Cousins-in-law), Salma (maternal grandmother), Karim (maternal grandfather), Ahmad (paternal grandfather), Edrice (paternal grandmother); Maye and Ashira (aunts, mother’s sisters), Abraham (uncle, mother’s brother); Ammon, Julius, and Rameses (uncles, father’s brothers), additional cousins
- Affinity between them: Close with father, respects his mother; her devotion to her son is justified as she had two miscarriages before she had Sunny, making him a miracle child. His comedic relationship with his sister is mostly based on what they know about each other. Average relationships with cousins. Sunny’s maternal grandparents are Muslim and reside in the States, often traveling to visit their children and grandchildren.

Best friends: 
Marco Alberti, Blaze Taylor, Atti Wyndham, Kalle Wyndham, Keani Mahelona, Kyra Alberti, Rochelle Reynolds, Genevieve Kingston, Antonio Giuliani, Gwen Fujioka, Casey Henderson, Sutton Elliott, Nadir Jhaveri, Shea Miller

- Affinity between them: Sunny has known Keani since grade school; they met over summer vacation and are like brothers. He met Marco and Blaze in high school and met Atti in college after breaking ties with Kian. The four of them play in a band together and cause a bunch of mischief whenever they can. He and Sutton play on the local men's baseball team and show an interesting chemistry on the field. Sunny respects the ladies in his close circle and has something of a friendly rivalry with Shea, another violinist; they sometimes compete for Cat's attention.

Co-Workers/Colleagues: Joseph Grant, Teri James

- Affinity between them: Joseph and Teri are Sunny's boss and co-worker respectively. Sunny sees his boss, Joseph, like extended family as he had a memorable internship before working full-time at the aquarium. Teri is a bit of a worrier and something of a control freak, which leaves Sunny responsible for keeping her calm and focused on her work; usually done through finding creative solutions through the problems Teri might see firsthand. Teri can't help but be impressed by Sunny's impressive work ethic.

Crushes: Monica Lowell
- Affinity between them: Monica was the smartest girl in his class in grade school, but was turned down as she wasn't interested. She is currently married and works as an accountant for a small company.

Love Interest: Cat Reichart
- Affinity between them:  Cat wasn’t easy to get close to due to her toxic relationship with Kian at first, and had difficulty recovering from all the damage that had been done. It’s true that Sunny was once Kian’s friend, which is where Cat holds back her trust. Sunny had to win Cat’s trust after breaking ties with Kian, proving her that he is more than just a lackey. Cat is perhaps the only person Sunny can be completely honest with. They compliment each other with their desire for understanding and authenticity. Whenever Sunny comes up with good ideas, Cat is there to expand the possibilities further as they are both highly creative individuals. Sunny learns something new about Cat almost every day and is simply enthralled by her, yet she is unaware of this. Cat is a great moral support for Sunny and enjoys his company - she can be truly spontaneous around him, which he admires in any context. However, even the best relationships have their setbacks. Cat is extremely private, takes things too personally, something of a perfectionist, and seems to lack a competitive mindset which makes it difficult for Sunny to challenge and motivate her sometimes. Cat will sometimes shut herself away to places where Sunny can't reach. Because of their desire for harmony they might bottle negative emotions and avoid disagreements for prolonged periods of time. Unfortunately, this backfires when these prolonged issues are addressed much too late. Regardless, Sunny is willing to commit to understanding her needs and figure out how to accommodate them despite Cat's autism which makes it difficult for her to grasp social protocols. While she may not be aware of this, Cat completes Sunny. He is moved by her strength and determination; she’s a cool person to be around.

Friends/Acquaintances: Shirin Opulencia, Nate Foster, Chelsea Davis, Tawny Rayner, Aimee Campbell, Jared Coleman, Kiyoshi Akiyama, Monica Lowell, Felix Hartford, Dalton Gardner, Amanda Nelson, Byron Oscar

- Affinity between them: Sunny, Felix, and Byron play on the local men's baseball team which is the only time they get to see each other. Everyone else has a fair rapport with him even with their busy schedules.

Rivals: Garrett Thorne, Jin Liao

- Affinity between them: Garrett has been Sunny's rival since their summer music camp days as children. People seemed to favor Sunny's musical talent, much to Garrett's chagrin. The difference between him and Garrett is that Sunny has a calming stage presence and pours a ton of emotion in his performances, connecting him to his audience while Garrett’s performances - although great in their own merit - lacks a certain je ne sais quoi only Sunny can give. How is he not first chair violin? Sadly, nepotism runs in the arts as Garrett's uncle is the conductor of the Saffron Hills Symphony orchestra. With Garrett's aunt as leading soprano, she insists having her nephew play alongside her (although she can't distinguish between her nephew's and Sunny's playing since it's nearly identical). Sunny sometimes covers Garrett's parts in his absence. A challenge between the two is to be expected.

Jin is Garrett's two-faced confidant. He is more rational than his hotheaded counterpart. Sunny doesn’t really see Jin as much of a nuisance, but he has challenged him for 1st violin 2nd chair and won. Jin just rolls with the punches, but he harbors ill-will towards Sunny nonetheless, at least during orchestra rehearsals. 

Animal companions: Niki the Capuchin monkey, Jazz the Labrador Retriever
- Affinity between them: Sunny rescued the monkey from a shipwreck when it was just a baby and was the only survivor of the wreck (his mother and siblings all perished). He is similar to Abu from Aladdin and Dexter from Night at the Museum. Sunny took the baby capuchin to an animal hospital for recovery and left it under the care of a local monkey sanctuary, but Niki grew very attached to his rescuer. As a result, Sunny got to keep the monkey. He trained Niki all sorts of tricks that are both fun and stimulating. Sunny ensures Niki is happy and healthy, and in return Niki showers Sunny with much needed love and affection.

Jazz is a black Lab who belongs to Sunny's cousin, Seth. Whenever he comes to visit, Sunny and Niki are the best of pals. Niki and Jazz are a comedic mischievous duo when their owners' backs are turned, having a secret life of their own.

Person they are Closest to: Tarik Abdel-Aziz (Father)