Sunny's Bio

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
18 6916

Chapter 5
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Abilities & Skills

Logical: Surprisingly so.

Mathematical: Can recite pi...blueberry, apple, raspberry, etc.  Jokes aside, he's pretty good with it wherever it applies.

Artistic: Does meme-making count?   He’s also pretty good at photoshop, too…he can go a little overboard, but it’s worth it.

Musical: Can carry a tune and harmonize. Exceptional skill on stringed instruments especially bass guitar. Exceptional dancing technique, especially in Latin ballroom (salsa, rumba, reggaeton, etc.); Cat is his partner.

Communication: Great listener, articulate

Fighting: Practices tai-chi mostly for relaxation, but knows some techniques good for combat.

Investigative: Sunny has his suspicions whenever an event was an accident or deliberate and these suspicions are mostly accurate.

Supernatural: Hydrokinetic - manipulation of water; powers inherited through enchanted talisman

Magical: His inherited abilities from his talisman include Aquatic Adaptation, Hydrokinetic Surfing, Water Shield Construction, Omnidirectional Water Waves, Water Cutting, Water Beam Emission, Enhanced Spearmanship, Aquatic Empathy, Hydrokinetic Constructs, and Lunar Empowerment

Management: Doesn't like to control people, but likes the perks of being a leader.

Organization: Workspace is organized. At home is a different story.

Planning: Brainstorming is one of his strong suits

Physical: Practices tai-chi and aquatic sports (swimming, surfing, etc.)

Problem Solving: Excellent in coming up with creative solutions, even if they're a little convuluded.

Teamwork: Excellent cooperation with his friends

Cooperation: Team player

Author's Notes

Sunny's Powers

More details about Sunny's powers can be found here:

Hydrokinesis -